namespace Lukasss93\Larex\Console;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
use Lukasss93\Larex\Contracts\Exporter;
use Lukasss93\Larex\Support\CsvReader;
use Lukasss93\Larex\Support\Utils;
class LarexExportCommand extends Command
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'larex:export
{exporter? : Exporter}
{--watch : Watch the CSV file from changes}
{--include= : Languages allowed to export in the application}
{--exclude= : Languages not allowed to export in the application}';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Export entries from CSV file';
* Execute the console command.
* @return int
public function handle(): int
if ($this->option('watch')) {
return $this->watch();
return $this->translate();
protected function watch(): int
$this->warn(sprintf("Watching the '%s' file...", csv_path(true)));
$lastEditDate = null;
Utils::forever(function () use (&$lastEditDate) {
$currentEditDate = filemtime(csv_path());
if ($lastEditDate !== $currentEditDate) {
$lastEditDate = $currentEditDate;
$this->line('Waiting for changes...');
usleep(500 * 1000);
return 0;
protected function translate(): int
$this->warn(sprintf("Processing the '%s' file...", csv_path(true)));
//check if csv file exists
if (!File::exists(csv_path())) {
$this->error(sprintf("The '%s' does not exists.", csv_path(true)));
$this->line('Please create it with: php artisan larex:init or php artisan larex:import');
return 1;
//check concurrent options
if ($this->option('include') !== null && $this->option('exclude') !== null) {
$this->error('The --include and --exclude options can be used only one at a time.');
return 1;
//csv reader
$reader = CsvReader::create(csv_path());
//get the exporter name
$exporterKey = $this->argument('exporter') ?? config('larex.exporters.default');
$exporters = config('larex.exporters.list');
//check if exporter exists
if (!array_key_exists($exporterKey, $exporters)) {
$this->error("Exporter '$exporterKey' not found.");
$this->info('Available exporters:');
foreach ($exporters as $key => $exporter) {
$description = $exporter::description();
$this->line("<fg=yellow>$key</> - $description");
return 1;
//initialize exporter
$exporter = new $exporters[$exporterKey]();
//check if exporter is valid
if (!($exporter instanceof Exporter)) {
$this->error(sprintf("Exporter '%s' must implements %s interface.", $exporterKey, Exporter::class));
return 1;
//call the exporter
return $exporter->handle($this, $reader);