namespace Lukasss93\Larex\Console;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
use Lukasss93\Larex\Support\CsvReader;
use Lukasss93\Larex\Support\CsvWriter;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\Table;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\TableCell;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\TableSeparator;
class LarexInsertCommand extends Command
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'larex:insert {--e|export=notset : Convert the CSV file to Laravel lang files}';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Insert a new record in the CSV';
* Execute the console command.
* @return int
public function handle(): int
if (!File::exists(csv_path())) {
$this->error(sprintf("The '%s' does not exists.", csv_path(true)));
$this->line('Please create it with: php artisan larex:init');
return 1;
//csv reader
$reader = CsvReader::create(csv_path());
//get csv header
$header = $reader->getHeader();
//get csv rows
$rows = $reader->getRows()->collect();
//get existing groups
$availableGroups = $rows
//get existing keys
$availableKeys = $rows
->map(fn ($item) => "$item.")
//get available languages
$languages = $header->skip(2)->values();
//initialize data
/** @var Collection<int, string> $data */
$data = collect([]);
//iterate until user confirm the inserted data
do {
do {
$continue = true;
//get group
do {
$group = trim($this->anticipate('Enter the group', $availableGroups, $data->get('group')));
if ($group === '') {
$this->error('Please enter a group!');
} while ($group === '');
$data->put('group', $group);
//get key
do {
$key = trim($this->anticipate('Enter the key', $availableKeys, $data->get('key')));
if ($key === '') {
$this->error('Please enter a key!');
} while ($key === '');
$data->put('key', $key);
if ($rows->contains('group', $group) && $rows->contains('key', $key)) {
$continue = $this->askWithCompletion('<fg=red>The group/key pair already exists. Do you want to continue?</>', ['yes', 'no'], 'no') === 'yes';
} while (!$continue);
foreach ($languages as $i => $language) {
$count = $i + 1;
$value = $this->ask(
"[$count/{$languages->count()}] Enter the value for [$language] language",
$data->put($language, $value);
$table = new Table($this->output);
/** @var Collection<int,mixed> $tableRows */
$tableRows = collect([]);
$tableRows->push([new TableCell('<fg=yellow>Summary</>', ['colspan' => 2])]);
$tableRows->push(new TableSeparator());
$count = 0;
foreach ($data as $i => $item) {
$tableRows->push(["<info>$i</info>", $item]);
if ($count < $data->count()) {
$tableRows->push(new TableSeparator());
} while ($this->askWithCompletion('Are you sure?', ['yes', 'no'], 'yes') !== 'yes');
//append to csv
$this->info('Item added successfully.');
$export = $this->option('export');
if ($export !== 'notset') {
$export = $export === true ? null : $export;
$this->call(LarexExportCommand::class, ['exporter' => $export]);
return 0;