namespace Lullabot\Mpx\Command;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri;
use Lullabot\Mpx\DataService\DateTime\DateTimeFormatInterface;
use Lullabot\Mpx\DataService\DateTime\NullDateTime;
use Nette\PhpGenerator\PhpNamespace;
use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
class CreateDataServiceClassCommand extends ClassGeneratorBase
protected function configure()
->setDescription('This command helps to create a data service class from a CSV via stdin.')
->setHelp("This command generates a PHP class from a CSV copied from MPX's documentation. Create the CSV by copying the fields table from an object and converting it to a CSV using a spreadsheet. The CSV is read through STDIN. \n\n is a good example of the table this command expects.")
->addUsage('Lullabot\Mpx\DataService\Media\Media < command/csv/media-object.csv')
->addArgument('fully-qualified-class-name', \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The fully-qualified class name to generate. Do not include the leading slash, and wrap the class name in single-quotes to handle shell escaping.');
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
$handle = fopen('php://stdin', 'rb');
$index = 0;
// Extract the containing class namespace and the class name.
$parts = explode('\\', $input->getArgument('fully-qualified-class-name'));
$namespace = new PhpNamespace(implode('\\', \array_slice($parts, 0, -1)));
$class = $namespace->addClass(end($parts));
// Loop over each row, which corresponds to each property.
while (!feof($handle)) {
$row = fgetcsv($handle);
if (0 == $index) {
[$field_name, $attributes, $data_type, $description] = $row;
if (empty($description)) {
if (strrpos((string) $description, '.') !== (\strlen((string) $description) - 1)) {
$description .= '.';
// Map MPX documentation datatypes to PHP datatypes.
foreach (static::TYPE_MAP as $search => $replace) {
$data_type = str_replace($search, $replace, (string) $data_type);
// Add the protected property.
$property = $class->addProperty($field_name);
$property->addComment('@var '.$data_type);
if ($this->isCollectionType($data_type)) {
// Add a get method for the property.
$get = $class->addMethod('get'.ucfirst($property->getName()));
$get->addComment('Returns '.lcfirst((string) $description));
$get->addComment('@return '.$data_type);
// If the property is a typed array, PHP will only let us use
// array in the return typehint.
$this->setReturnType($get, $data_type);
if ($data_type == '\\'.DateTimeFormatInterface::class) {
$get->addBody('if (!$this->'.$field_name.') {');
$get->addBody(' return new NullDateTime();');
if ($data_type == '\\'.UriInterface::class) {
$get->addBody('if (!$this->'.$field_name.') {');
$get->addBody(' return new Uri();');
$get->addBody('return $this->'.$field_name.';');
// Add a set method for the property.
$set = $class->addMethod('set'.ucfirst($property->getName()));
$set->addComment('Set '.lcfirst((string) $description));
$set->addComment('@param '.$data_type.' $'.$field_name);
$parameter = $set->addParameter($field_name);
$this->setTypeHint($parameter, $data_type);
$set->addBody('$this->'.$field_name.' = '.'$'.$field_name.';');
$output->write((string) $namespace);