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namespace Lullabot\Mpx\DataService\Feeds;

use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri;
use Lullabot\Mpx\DataService\Annotation\DataService;
use Lullabot\Mpx\DataService\DateTime\NullDateTime;
use Lullabot\Mpx\DataService\ObjectBase;
use Lullabot\Mpx\DataService\PublicIdWithGuidInterface;

 * FeedConfig represents the configuration of a feed.
 * @see
 * @DataService(
 *     service="Feeds Data Service",
 *     objectType="FeedConfig",
 *     schemaVersion="2.2",
 * )
class FeedConfig extends ObjectBase implements PublicIdWithGuidInterface
     * The parameters that are passed to a custom feed adapter for processing at runtime.
     * @var string
    protected $adapterParameters;

     * The date and time that this object was created.
     * @var \Lullabot\Mpx\DataService\DateTime\DateTimeFormatInterface
    protected $added;

     * The id of the user that created this object.
     * @var \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
    protected $addedByUserId;

     * The list of administrative workflow tags for the feed configuration.
     * @var string[]
    protected $adminTags = [];

     * The id of the AdPolicythat is applied to the feed.
     * @var \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
    protected $adPolicyId;

     * The author of the feed content.
     * @var string
    protected $author;

     * The list of object fields that can be retrieved in a feed request. Feed clients can only request fields that are listed in this field.
     * @var string[]
    protected $availableFields = [];

     * A filter applied to any items specified in the pinnedIds field and any items selected by the segmentQueriesfield.
     * @var string
    protected $baseQuery;

     * The minimum time that items in the cache are valid.
     * @var float
    protected $cacheLifetime;

     * The response behavior during a cache refresh.
     * @var string
    protected $cacheRefreshStrategy;

     * The identifier for the default thumbnail for each item in the feed.
     * @var string
    protected $defaultThumbnailAssetType;

     * The description of the feed.
     * @var string
    protected $description;

     * Whether the feed is disabled.
     * @var bool
    protected $disabled;

     * The maximum number of items in the feed.
     * @var int
    protected $endIndex;

     * The feed items' object type.
     * @var string
    protected $feedType;

     * The default format of the feed.
     * @var string
    protected $form;

     * An alternate identifier for this object that is unique within the owning account.
     * @var string
    protected $guid;

     * The globally unique URI of this object.
     * @var \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
    protected $id;

     * The URL template that is used to create the value of each feed item's link field.
     * @var string
    protected $itemLinkUrl;

     * Whether to only include items that are currently available.
     * @var bool
    protected $limitByAvailableDate;

     * Whether to only include items that are approved.
     * @var bool
    protected $limitToApproved;

     * The URL value of the feed's link field.
     * @var string
    protected $linkUrl;

     * Whether this object currently allows updates.
     * @var bool
    protected $locked;

     * The id of the account that owns this object.
     * @var \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
    protected $ownerId;

     * The globally-unique public identifier that is used to request this feed.
     * @var \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
    protected $pid;

     * The IDs of specific items to include in the feed. These items are in addition to any selected by the segmentQueries field, and may be filtered by the baseQuery field.
     * @var int[]
    protected $pinnedIds = [];

     * The URL template that is used to create the value of each feed item's content.player.urlfield.
     * @var string
    protected $playerUrl;

     * Whether to use the sortKeys to sort items in the feed when a Q query is included in the FeedConfig or the feed request.
     * @var bool
    protected $preferSortKeysOnSearch;

     * The type of query engine used to retrieve the feed items.
     * @var string
    protected $queryEngine;

     * The list of key-value URL parameters that are appended to the feed item's content.urlfield.
     * @var string
    protected $releaseUrlParameters;

     * The id of the Restriction that is applied to the feed.
     * @var \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
    protected $restrictionId;

     * The object schema version of the feed items.
     * @var string
    protected $schema;

     * A query used to select items for the feed. These items are in addition to any specified in the pinnedIds field, and may be filtered by the baseQuery field.
     * @var string[]
    protected $segmentQueries = [];

     * The list of fields and directions used to sort items in the feed.
     * @var SortKey[]
    protected $sortKeys = [];

     * The sub feeds of the feed. Sub feeds contain all items of the specified SubFeed.feedType in the feed owner's account. Currently, only a Category sub feed of a Media feed is supported.
     * @var SubFeed[]
    protected $subFeeds = [];

     * The query or key names used to select the thumbnail files for each item in the feed.
     * @var string
    protected $thumbnailFilter;

     * The title of the feed.
     * @var string
    protected $title;

     * The date and time this object was last modified.
     * @var \Lullabot\Mpx\DataService\DateTime\DateTimeFormatInterface
    protected $updated;

     * The id of the user that last modified this object.
     * @var \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
    protected $updatedByUserId;

     * The type of URL that is returned in each feed item's content.urlfield.
     * @var string
    protected $urlType;

     * Whether to include the feed-level elements and any feed-level custom fields in the feed header.
     * @var bool
    protected $validFeed;

     * This object's modification version, used for optimistic locking.
     * @var int
    protected $version;

     * Returns the parameters that are passed to a custom feed adapter for processing at runtime.
    public function getAdapterParameters(): ?string
        return $this->adapterParameters;

     * Set the parameters that are passed to a custom feed adapter for processing at runtime.
    public function setAdapterParameters(?string $adapterParameters)
        $this->adapterParameters = $adapterParameters;

     * Returns the date and time that this object was created.
    public function getAdded(): \Lullabot\Mpx\DataService\DateTime\DateTimeFormatInterface
        if (!$this->added) {
            return new NullDateTime();

        return $this->added;

     * Set the date and time that this object was created.
    public function setAdded(\Lullabot\Mpx\DataService\DateTime\DateTimeFormatInterface $added)
        $this->added = $added;

     * Returns the id of the user that created this object.
    public function getAddedByUserId(): \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
        if (!$this->addedByUserId) {
            return new Uri();

        return $this->addedByUserId;

     * Set the id of the user that created this object.
    public function setAddedByUserId(\Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface $addedByUserId)
        $this->addedByUserId = $addedByUserId;

     * Returns the list of administrative workflow tags for the feed configuration.
     * @return string[]
    public function getAdminTags(): array
        return $this->adminTags;

     * Set the list of administrative workflow tags for the feed configuration.
     * @param string[] $adminTags
    public function setAdminTags(array $adminTags)
        $this->adminTags = $adminTags;

     * Returns the id of the AdPolicy that is applied to the feed.
    public function getAdPolicyId(): \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
        if (!$this->adPolicyId) {
            return new Uri();

        return $this->adPolicyId;

     * Set the id of the AdPolicy that is applied to the feed.
    public function setAdPolicyId(\Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface $adPolicyId)
        $this->adPolicyId = $adPolicyId;

     * Returns the author of the feed content.
    public function getAuthor(): ?string
        return $this->author;

     * Set the author of the feed content.
    public function setAuthor(?string $author)
        $this->author = $author;

     * Returns the list of object fields that can be retrieved in a feed request. Feed clients can only request fields that are listed in this field.
     * @return string[]
    public function getAvailableFields(): array
        return $this->availableFields;

     * Set the list of object fields that can be retrieved in a feed request. Feed clients can only request fields that are listed in this field.
     * @param string[] $availableFields
    public function setAvailableFields(array $availableFields)
        $this->availableFields = $availableFields;

     * Returns a filter applied to any items specified in the pinnedIds field and any items selected by the segmentQueriesfield.
    public function getBaseQuery(): ?string
        return $this->baseQuery;

     * Set a filter applied to any items specified in the pinnedIds field and any items selected by the segmentQueriesfield.
    public function setBaseQuery(?string $baseQuery)
        $this->baseQuery = $baseQuery;

     * Returns the minimum time that items in the cache are valid.
    public function getCacheLifetime(): ?float
        return $this->cacheLifetime;

     * Set the minimum time that items in the cache are valid.
    public function setCacheLifetime(?float $cacheLifetime)
        $this->cacheLifetime = $cacheLifetime;

     * Returns the response behavior during a cache refresh.
    public function getCacheRefreshStrategy(): ?string
        return $this->cacheRefreshStrategy;

     * Set the response behavior during a cache refresh.
    public function setCacheRefreshStrategy(?string $cacheRefreshStrategy)
        $this->cacheRefreshStrategy = $cacheRefreshStrategy;

     * Returns the identifier for the default thumbnail for each item in the feed.
    public function getDefaultThumbnailAssetType(): ?string
        return $this->defaultThumbnailAssetType;

     * Set the identifier for the default thumbnail for each item in the feed.
    public function setDefaultThumbnailAssetType(?string $defaultThumbnailAssetType)
        $this->defaultThumbnailAssetType = $defaultThumbnailAssetType;

     * Returns the description of the feed.
    public function getDescription(): ?string
        return $this->description;

     * Set the description of the feed.
    public function setDescription(?string $description)
        $this->description = $description;

     * Returns whether the feed is disabled.
    public function getDisabled(): ?bool
        return $this->disabled;

     * Set whether the feed is disabled.
    public function setDisabled(?bool $disabled)
        $this->disabled = $disabled;

     * Returns the maximum number of items in the feed.
    public function getEndIndex(): ?int
        return $this->endIndex;

     * Set the maximum number of items in the feed.
    public function setEndIndex(?int $endIndex)
        $this->endIndex = $endIndex;

     * Returns the feed items' object type.
    public function getFeedType(): ?string
        return $this->feedType;

     * Set the feed items' object type.
    public function setFeedType(?string $feedType)
        $this->feedType = $feedType;

     * Returns the default format of the feed.
    public function getForm(): ?string
        return $this->form;

     * Set the default format of the feed.
    public function setForm(?string $form)
        $this->form = $form;

     * Returns an alternate identifier for this object that is unique within the owning account.
    public function getGuid(): ?string
        return $this->guid;

     * Set an alternate identifier for this object that is unique within the owning account.
    public function setGuid(?string $guid)
        $this->guid = $guid;

     * Returns the globally unique URI of this object.
    public function getId(): \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
        if (!$this->id) {
            return new Uri();

        return $this->id;

     * Set the globally unique URI of this object.
    public function setId(\Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface $id)
        $this->id = $id;

     * Returns the URL template that is used to create the value of each feed item's link field.
    public function getItemLinkUrl(): ?string
        return $this->itemLinkUrl;

     * Set the URL template that is used to create the value of each feed item's link field.
    public function setItemLinkUrl(?string $itemLinkUrl)
        $this->itemLinkUrl = $itemLinkUrl;

     * Returns whether to only include items that are currently available.
    public function getLimitByAvailableDate(): ?bool
        return $this->limitByAvailableDate;

     * Set whether to only include items that are currently available.
    public function setLimitByAvailableDate(?bool $limitByAvailableDate)
        $this->limitByAvailableDate = $limitByAvailableDate;

     * Returns whether to only include items that are approved.
    public function getLimitToApproved(): ?bool
        return $this->limitToApproved;

     * Set whether to only include items that are approved.
    public function setLimitToApproved(?bool $limitToApproved)
        $this->limitToApproved = $limitToApproved;

     * Returns the URL value of the feed's link field.
    public function getLinkUrl(): ?string
        return $this->linkUrl;

     * Set the URL value of the feed's link field.
    public function setLinkUrl(?string $linkUrl)
        $this->linkUrl = $linkUrl;

     * Returns whether this object currently allows updates.
    public function getLocked(): ?bool
        return $this->locked;

     * Set whether this object currently allows updates.
    public function setLocked(?bool $locked)
        $this->locked = $locked;

     * Returns the id of the account that owns this object.
    public function getOwnerId(): \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
        if (!$this->ownerId) {
            return new Uri();

        return $this->ownerId;

     * Set the id of the account that owns this object.
    public function setOwnerId(\Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface $ownerId)
        $this->ownerId = $ownerId;

     * Returns the globally-unique public identifier that is used to request this feed.
    public function getPid(): ?string
        return $this->pid;

     * Set the globally-unique public identifier that is used to request this feed.
    public function setPid(?string $pid)
        $this->pid = $pid;

     * Returns the IDs of specific items to include in the feed. These items are in addition to any selected by the segmentQueries field, and may be filtered by the baseQuery field.
     * @return int[]
    public function getPinnedIds(): array
        return $this->pinnedIds;

     * Set the IDs of specific items to include in the feed. These items are in addition to any selected by the segmentQueries field, and may be filtered by the baseQuery field.
     * @param int[] $pinnedIds
    public function setPinnedIds(array $pinnedIds)
        $this->pinnedIds = $pinnedIds;

     * Returns the URL template that is used to create the value of each feed item's content.player.urlfield.
    public function getPlayerUrl(): ?string
        return $this->playerUrl;

     * Set the URL template that is used to create the value of each feed item's content.player.urlfield.
    public function setPlayerUrl(?string $playerUrl)
        $this->playerUrl = $playerUrl;

     * Returns whether to use the sortKeys to sort items in the feed when a Q query is included in the FeedConfig or the feed request.
    public function getPreferSortKeysOnSearch(): ?bool
        return $this->preferSortKeysOnSearch;

     * Set whether to use the sortKeys to sort items in the feed when a Q query is included in the FeedConfig or the feed request.
    public function setPreferSortKeysOnSearch(?bool $preferSortKeysOnSearch)
        $this->preferSortKeysOnSearch = $preferSortKeysOnSearch;

     * Returns the type of query engine used to retrieve the feed items.
    public function getQueryEngine(): ?string
        return $this->queryEngine;

     * Set the type of query engine used to retrieve the feed items.
    public function setQueryEngine(?string $queryEngine)
        $this->queryEngine = $queryEngine;

     * Returns the list of key-value URL parameters that are appended to the feed item's content.urlfield.
    public function getReleaseUrlParameters(): ?string
        return $this->releaseUrlParameters;

     * Set the list of key-value URL parameters that are appended to the feed item's content.urlfield.
    public function setReleaseUrlParameters(?string $releaseUrlParameters)
        $this->releaseUrlParameters = $releaseUrlParameters;

     * Returns the id of the Restriction that is applied to the feed.
    public function getRestrictionId(): \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
        if (!$this->restrictionId) {
            return new Uri();

        return $this->restrictionId;

     * Set the id of the Restriction that is applied to the feed.
    public function setRestrictionId(\Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface $restrictionId)
        $this->restrictionId = $restrictionId;

     * Returns the object schema version of the feed items.
    public function getSchema(): ?string
        return $this->schema;

     * Set the object schema version of the feed items.
    public function setSchema(?string $schema)
        $this->schema = $schema;

     * Returns a query used to select items for the feed. These items are in addition to any specified in the pinnedIds field, and may be filtered by the baseQuery field.
     * @return string[]
    public function getSegmentQueries(): array
        return $this->segmentQueries;

     * Set a query used to select items for the feed. These items are in addition to any specified in the pinnedIds field, and may be filtered by the baseQuery field.
     * @param string[] $segmentQueries
    public function setSegmentQueries(array $segmentQueries)
        $this->segmentQueries = $segmentQueries;

     * Returns the list of fields and directions used to sort items in the feed.
     * @return SortKey[]
    public function getSortKeys(): array
        return $this->sortKeys;

     * Set the list of fields and directions used to sort items in the feed.
     * @param SortKey[] $sortKeys
    public function setSortKeys(array $sortKeys)
        $this->sortKeys = $sortKeys;

     * Returns the sub feeds of the feed. Sub feeds contain all items of the specified SubFeed.feedType in the feed owner's account. Currently, only a Category sub feed of a Media feed is supported.
     * @return SubFeed[]
    public function getSubFeeds(): array
        return $this->subFeeds;

     * Set the sub feeds of the feed. Sub feeds contain all items of the specified SubFeed.feedType in the feed owner's account. Currently, only a Category sub feed of a Media feed is supported.
     * @param SubFeed[] $subFeeds
    public function setSubFeeds(array $subFeeds)
        $this->subFeeds = $subFeeds;

     * Returns the query or key names used to select the thumbnail files for each item in the feed.
    public function getThumbnailFilter(): ?string
        return $this->thumbnailFilter;

     * Set the query or key names used to select the thumbnail files for each item in the feed.
    public function setThumbnailFilter(?string $thumbnailFilter)
        $this->thumbnailFilter = $thumbnailFilter;

     * Returns the title of the feed.
    public function getTitle(): ?string
        return $this->title;

     * Set the title of the feed.
    public function setTitle(?string $title)
        $this->title = $title;

     * Returns the date and time this object was last modified.
    public function getUpdated(): \Lullabot\Mpx\DataService\DateTime\DateTimeFormatInterface
        if (!$this->updated) {
            return new NullDateTime();

        return $this->updated;

     * Set the date and time this object was last modified.
    public function setUpdated(\Lullabot\Mpx\DataService\DateTime\DateTimeFormatInterface $updated)
        $this->updated = $updated;

     * Returns the id of the user that last modified this object.
    public function getUpdatedByUserId(): \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
        if (!$this->updatedByUserId) {
            return new Uri();

        return $this->updatedByUserId;

     * Set the id of the user that last modified this object.
    public function setUpdatedByUserId(\Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface $updatedByUserId)
        $this->updatedByUserId = $updatedByUserId;

     * Returns the type of URL that is returned in each feed item's content.urlfield.
    public function getUrlType(): ?string
        return $this->urlType;

     * Set the type of URL that is returned in each feed item's content.urlfield.
    public function setUrlType(?string $urlType)
        $this->urlType = $urlType;

     * Returns whether to include the feed-level elements and any feed-level custom fields in the feed header.
    public function getValidFeed(): ?bool
        return $this->validFeed;

     * Set whether to include the feed-level elements and any feed-level custom fields in the feed header.
    public function setValidFeed(?bool $validFeed)
        $this->validFeed = $validFeed;

     * Returns this object's modification version, used for optimistic locking.
    public function getVersion(): ?int
        return $this->version;

     * Set this object's modification version, used for optimistic locking.
    public function setVersion(?int $version)
        $this->version = $version;