$defflip = (!cfip()) ? exit(header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized')) : 1;
// Check if the API is activated
// Check user token
$user_id = $api->checkAccess($user->checkApiKey($_REQUEST['api_key']), @$_REQUEST['id']);
// Fetch last block information
$aLastBlock = $block->getLast();
// Efficiency
$aShares = $statistics->getRoundShares();
$aShares['invalid'] > 0 ? $dEfficiency = round((1 - ($aShares['invalid'] / ($aShares['valid'] + $aShares['invalid']))) * 100, 2) : $dEfficiency = 100;
// Fetch RPC data
if ($bitcoin->can_connect() === true){
$dDifficulty = $bitcoin->getdifficulty();
$iBlock = $bitcoin->getblockcount();
$dNetworkHashrate = $bitcoin->getnetworkhashps();
} else {
$dDifficulty = 1;
$iBlock = 0;
$dNetworkHashrate = 0;
// Estimated time to find the next block
$iCurrentPoolHashrate = $statistics->getCurrentHashrate();
// Avoid confusion, ensure our nethash isn't higher than poolhash
if ($iCurrentPoolHashrate > $dNetworkHashrate) $dNetworkHashrate = $iCurrentPoolHashrate;
// Time in seconds, not hours, using modifier in smarty to translate
$iCurrentPoolHashrate > 0 ? $iEstTime = $dDifficulty * pow(2,32) / ($iCurrentPoolHashrate * 1000) : $iEstTime = 0;
$iEstShares = $statistics->getEstimatedShares($dDifficulty);
// For mpos-bot PoolLuck
$iEstShares > 0 && $aShares['valid'] > 0 ? $dEstPercent = round(100 / $iEstShares * $aShares['valid'], 2) : $dEstPercent = 0;
// Time since last
$now = new DateTime( "now" );
if (!empty($aLastBlock)) {
$dTimeSinceLast = ($now->getTimestamp() - $aLastBlock['time']);
} else {
$dTimeSinceLast = 0;
// Output JSON format
$data = array(
'pool_name' => $setting->getValue('website_name'),
'hashrate' => $iCurrentPoolHashrate,
'efficiency' => $dEfficiency,
'progress' => $dEstPercent,
'workers' => $worker->getCountAllActiveWorkers(),
'currentnetworkblock' => $iBlock,
'nextnetworkblock' => $iBlock + 1,
'lastblock' => $aLastBlock['height'],
'networkdiff' => $dDifficulty,
'esttime' => $iEstTime,
'estshares' => $iEstShares,
'timesincelast' => $dTimeSinceLast,
'nethashrate' => $dNetworkHashrate
echo $api->get_json($data);
// Supress master template
$supress_master = 1;