function run_101() {
// Ugly but haven't found a better way
global $setting, $config, $coin_address, $user, $mysqli;
// Version information
$db_version_old = '1.0.0'; // What version do we expect
$db_version_new = '1.0.1'; // What is the new version we wish to upgrade to
$db_version_now = $setting->getValue('DB_VERSION'); // Our actual version installed
// Upgrade specific variables
$aSql[] = "ALTER TABLE " . $coin_address->getTableName() . " ADD ap_threshold float DEFAULT '0'";
$aSql[] = "UPDATE " . $coin_address->getTableName() . " AS ca LEFT JOIN " . $user->getTableName() . " AS a ON a.id = ca.account_id SET ca.ap_threshold = a.ap_threshold";
$aSql[] = "ALTER TABLE " . $user->getTableName() . " DROP `ap_threshold`";
$aSql[] = "UPDATE " . $setting->getTableName() . " SET value = '1.0.1' WHERE name = 'DB_VERSION'";
if ($db_version_now == $db_version_old && version_compare($db_version_now, DB_VERSION, '<')) {
// Run the upgrade
echo '- Starting database migration to version ' . $db_version_new . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($aSql as $sql) {
echo '- Preparing: ' . $sql . PHP_EOL;
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql);
if ($stmt && $stmt->execute()) {
echo '- success' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo '- failed: ' . $mysqli->error . PHP_EOL;