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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import json
import urllib
import os
import subprocess
import warnings
from future.utils import iteritems
from symbtrdataextractor.dataextractor import DataExtractor
from symbtrdataextractor.reader.mu2 import Mu2Reader

class ScoreExtras:
    def _read_symbtr_mbid():
            url = "" \
            response = urllib.urlopen(url)
            return json.loads(
        except IOError:  # if it is called from the submodule location or it
            # was installed with "pip install -e ." we can refer to the json
            # in the local repo
                warnings.warn("Cannot access the symbtr_mbid.json in the "
                              "github SymbTr repository. Falling back to the "
                              "json file in the local SymbTr repository.")
                return json.load(open(  # load symbTr mbids
                                 '..', '..', 'symbTr_mbid.json'), 'r'))
            except IOError:
                warnings.warn("symbtr_mbid.json is not found in the local "
                              "search path. Using the back-up "
                              "symbtr_mbid.json included in this repository.")
                return ScoreExtras.load_local_json('symbTr_mbid.json')

    def get_usul_dict():
        return ScoreExtras.load_local_json('usul_extended.json')

    def load_local_json(json_name):
        return json.load(open(  # load symbTr mbids
                         'data', json_name), 'r'))

    _iconv_map = {'utf-16le': 'UTF-16',
                  'Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode': 'UTF-16',
                  'iso-8859-1': 'ISO_8859-9', 'ISO-8859': 'ISO_8859-9'}

    def get_symbtr_data(txt_file, mu2_file):
        extractor = DataExtractor()
        txt_data = extractor.extract(txt_file)[0]

        mu2_header = Mu2Reader.read_header(mu2_file)[0]

        return extractor.merge(txt_data, mu2_header, verbose=False)

    def get_mbids(cls, symbtr_name):
        mbids = []  # extremely rare but there can be more than one mbid
        for e in cls._read_symbtr_mbid():
            if e['name'] == symbtr_name:
        return mbids

    def parse_usul_dict(cls):
        mu2_usul_dict = {}
        inv_mu2_usul_dict = {}
        usul_dict = cls.get_usul_dict()
        for key, val in iteritems(usul_dict):
            for vrt in val['variants']:
                if vrt['mu2_name']:  # if it doesn't have a mu2 name, the usul
                    # is not in symbtr collection
                    zaman = int(vrt['num_pulses']) if vrt['num_pulses'] else []
                    mertebe = int(vrt['mertebe']) if vrt['mertebe'] else []
                    if vrt['mu2_name'] in ['(Serbest)', '[Serbest]',
                        zaman = 0
                        mertebe = 0
                    mu2_usul_dict[vrt['mu2_name']] = {
                        'id': int(vrt['symbtr_internal_id']), 'zaman': zaman,
                        'mertebe': mertebe}

                    inv_mu2_usul_dict[int(vrt['symbtr_internal_id'])] = {
                        'mu2_name': vrt['mu2_name'], 'zaman': zaman,
                        'mertebe': mertebe}
        return mu2_usul_dict, inv_mu2_usul_dict

    def change_to_unix_linebreak(score_file):
        # change the line break from \r\n to \n
        try:  # linux
            subprocess.check_call("fromdos " + score_file, shell=True)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:  # mac
            subprocess.check_call("sed -e 's/\r$//' " + score_file +
                                  " > tmp.txt " + "&& mv -f tmp.txt " +
                                  score_file, shell=True)

    def change_encoding_to_utf8(cls, score_file):
        try:  # unix
            out = subprocess.check_output("file -i " + score_file, shell=True)
            curr_charset = out.split('charset=')[1]

            if curr_charset.endswith('\n'):
                curr_charset = curr_charset[:-1]

            if not any(curr_charset in charset for charset in ['utf-8',
                print(curr_charset + '\t' + score_file)
                commandstr = ("iconv -f " + cls._iconv_map[curr_charset] +
                              " -t UTF-8 " + score_file + " > tmp.txt "
                              "&& mv -f tmp.txt " + score_file)
                subprocess.check_output(commandstr, shell=True)
        except IndexError:  # mac
            raise OSError('Call this method in Linux for reliable results.')