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1 wk
Test Coverage
Template.libraryEntryRowEdit.rendered = function() {
        max: 10,
        step: 1


Template.libraryEntryRowEdit.watchStatuses = [
    "Plan to watch",
    "On hold",

    // Change the status
    'click .status-item' : function(event, template) {

        var status = $(;

        // Set the current library entry
        var libraryEntry =;
        var anime = libraryEntry.anime();
        if (libraryEntry) {
            // libraryEntry exists for the current user

            // If the user has selected remove as status
            // then we should delete their library entry
            if (status === 'Remove') {
                LibraryEntries.remove({_id: libraryEntry._id});
            } else if (status !== libraryEntry.status) {

                LibraryEntries.update({_id: libraryEntry._id}, {$set: {
                    status: status, 
                    episodesSeen: (anime.totalEpisodes && status === 'Completed' ? anime.totalEpisodes : null),
                    updatedAt: new Date(),

                var libraryEntryActivity = Activity.libraryEntryFields('anime', anime._id, 'status', status);

                // Generate an activity for this action
      'createActivity', 'libraryEntry', Meteor.user()._id, libraryEntryActivity, function(error, result) {
                    // console.log(error);
                    // console.log(result);

                //Notifications.success('Library Entry Updated', 'Your library entry status was successfully updated');

            } else {
                console.log('Statuses same, don\'t update');

    // Change the rating

    'rated .entry-rating' : function(event, template) {

        var libraryEntry =;
        var rating = $('value');
        // Update library entry
        // console.log(rating);
        // console.log(libraryEntry.rating);
        // Lets make sure the rating is different
        if (rating !== libraryEntry.rating) {

            // This means we should remove the rating (you can't give an anime a rating of 0)
            if (rating === 0) {
                LibraryEntries.update({_id: libraryEntry._id}, {$unset: {rating: ""}, $set: {updatedAt: new Date()}});
            } else {
                LibraryEntries.update({_id: libraryEntry._id}, {$set: {rating: rating, updatedAt: new Date()}});
        } else {
            console.log('Ratings are the same, didn\'t update');

    'reset .entry-rating' : function(event, template) {

        var libraryEntry =;
        var rating = $('value');
        // Update library entry
        // console.log(rating);
        // console.log(libraryEntry.rating);
        // Lets make sure the rating is different
        if (rating !== libraryEntry.rating) {

            // This means we should remove the rating (you can't give an anime a rating of 0)
            if (rating === 0) {
                LibraryEntries.update({_id: libraryEntry._id}, {$unset: {rating: ''}, $set: {updatedAt: new Date()}});
        } else {
            console.log('Ratings are the same, didn\'t update');

    'over .entry-rating' : function(event, template, value) {
        var rating = $('value');

        $('title', value);
    // Change the episodes seen

    'change .entry-episodesSeen' : function(event, template) {
        var episodesSeen = $(;
        var libraryEntry =;
        var anime = libraryEntry.anime();

        // Let's make it an int (if things went wrong)
        episodesSeen = parseInt(episodesSeen);

        // Ensure episodesSeen was actually changed
        if (episodesSeen !== libraryEntry.episodesSeen) {
            LibraryEntries.update({_id: libraryEntry._id}, {$set: {episodesSeen: episodesSeen, updatedAt: new Date()}});

            var libraryEntryActivity = Activity.libraryEntryFields('anime', anime._id, 'episodesSeen', episodesSeen);

            // Generate an activity for this action
  'createActivity', 'libraryEntry', Meteor.user()._id, libraryEntryActivity, function(error, result) {
                // console.log(error);
                // console.log(result);

        } else {
            console.log('Episodes seen was not changed');


    // Update privacy, rewatching, and priority

    'click .libraryEntryIcons' : function(event, template) {

        var icon = $(;
        var libraryEntry =;
        var anime = libraryEntry.anime();
        var privacy;
        var rewatching;
        var highPriority;
        var toolTitle;

        // The privacy icon was clicked
        if (icon.hasClass('entry-privacy')) {
            if (libraryEntry.privacy === true) {
                privacy = false;
                toolTitle = "Public";
            } else {
                privacy = true;
                toolTitle = "Private";

            LibraryEntries.update({_id: libraryEntry._id}, {$set: {privacy: privacy, updatedAt: new Date()}});

            // Fix the tooltip text update it to the newest 
            $('.libraryEntryIcons.entry-privacy').attr('title', toolTitle).tooltip('fixTitle');

        } else if (icon.hasClass('entry-rewatching')) {

            if (libraryEntry.rewatching === true) {
                rewatching = false;
                toolTitle = "First time";
            } else {
                rewatching = true;
                toolTitle = "Rewatching";

            LibraryEntries.update({_id: libraryEntry._id}, {$set: {rewatching: rewatching, updatedAt: new Date()}});

            // Fix the tooltip text update it to the newest 
            $('.libraryEntryIcons.entry-rewatching').attr('title', toolTitle).tooltip('fixTitle');

            var libraryEntryActivity = Activity.libraryEntryFields('anime', anime._id, 'rewatching', rewatching);

            // Generate an activity for this action
  'createActivity', 'libraryEntry', Meteor.user()._id, libraryEntryActivity, function(error, result) {
                // console.log(error);
                // console.log(result);

        } else if (icon.hasClass('entry-highPriority')) {

            if (libraryEntry.highPriority === true) {
                highPriority = false;
                toolTitle = "No Priority";
            } else {
                highPriority = true;
                toolTitle = "High Priority";

            LibraryEntries.update({_id: libraryEntry._id}, {$set: {highPriority: highPriority, updatedAt: new Date()}});

            // Fix the tooltip text update it to the newest 
            $('.libraryEntryIcons.entry-highPriority').attr('title', toolTitle).tooltip('fixTitle');

            var libraryEntryActivity = Activity.libraryEntryFields('anime', anime._id, 'highPriority', highPriority);

            // Generate an activity for this action
  'createActivity', 'libraryEntry', Meteor.user()._id, libraryEntryActivity, function(error, result) {
                // console.log(error);
                // console.log(result);



    // Change the comments

    'blur .entry-comments' : function(event, template) {
        var comments = $(;
        var libraryEntry =;

        // Some simple cleaning 
        comments = comments.trim();

        if (comments === '') {
            LibraryEntries.update({_id: libraryEntry._id}, {$unset: {comments: ''}, $set: {updatedAt: new Date()}});

        // Ensure comments are different from before
        if (comments !== libraryEntry.comments) {
            LibraryEntries.update({_id: libraryEntry._id}, {$set: {comments: comments, updatedAt: new Date()}});
        } else {
            console.log('Comments were not changed');


    watchStatuses: [
        "Plan to watch",
        "On hold",
    entryPrivacyClass: function(privacy) {

        if (privacy === true) {
            return "fa-eye-slash";
        } else {
            return "fa-eye";


    entryRewatchingClass: function(rewatching) {
        if (rewatching === true) {
            return "fa-history";
        } else {
            return "fa-clock-o";

    entryHighPriorityClass: function(highPriority) {
        if (highPriority === true) {
            return "fa-exclamation-circle";
        } else {
            return "fa-circle-o";

    privacyToolText: function(privacy) {

        if (privacy === true) {
            return "Private";
        } else {
            return "Public";


    rewatchingToolText: function(rewatching) {

        if (rewatching === true) {
            return "Rewatching";
        } else {
            return "First time";


    highPriorityToolText: function(highPriority) {
        if (highPriority === true) {
            return "High Priority";
        } else {
            return "No priority";