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25 mins
Test Coverage
CommunitySSOController = RouteController.extend({
    template: 'communitySSO',
    onBeforeAction: function () {
        // If the user is logged in
        // then we do the authentication for discourse
        // else we send them to the sign in page with the proper query parameters
        var params = this.params;
        var user;
        if (Meteor.user() || Meteor.loggingIn()) {
            if (params.query.sso && params.query.sig && Meteor.user()) {
                user = Meteor.user();

                // Temporary addition here since for some reason the server
                // isn't able to recognize the collection helpers
                user.avatarImageUrl = user.avatarImageUrl();

                // Temporary way to send the user to the right place after verification
      'discourseSSO', params.query.sso, params.query.sig, user, function (error, result) {
                    if (result) {
                        // Since the user is logging in from main application and has no
                        // idea that they are also being authenticated for discourse we
                        // will bring them back to the index route (this is done in the signIn event)

                        // Window location seems to be very inconsistent and
                        // most of the times ends up throwing a timeout on discourse's end
                        // so this will be a temp fix for now.
                        $('#communitySSO').attr('href', result);

                        // window.location.replace(result);
                        // window.location = result;
        } else {
            // If the user isn't logged in then we should copy the params and send them to the signIn route
            Router.go('signIn', {}, {query: {sso: params.query.sso, sig: params.query.sig}});
