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    getMALUserList: function(xmlContent) {

        // The user must be logged in for this function
        if (!Meteor.user())
            throw new Meteor.Error('user-required', 'User must be logged in to import MAL list');

        var xml2js = Npm.require('xml2js');
        var parseString = xml2js.parseString;
        var moment = Npm.require('moment');
        // var result ="GET", "" + username + "&status=all&type=anime");

        // var list = result.content;

        // We'll grab all the errors in here that we'll return to the user after.
        var failedImports = [];
        var notFoundAnime = [];
        var importStats = {
            successfullyImported: 0,
            failedImports: 0,
            notFound: 0,
            total: 0,
            alreadyInYourLibrary: 0

        parseString(xmlContent, function(error, result) {

            if (result === undefined)
                throw new Meteor.Error('mal-import-failed', 'Unable to get user\'s MAL list');

            if (result.myanimelist === undefined || result.myanimelist.anime === undefined) 
                throw new Meteor.Error('mal-import-failed', 'File format doesn\'t look right');
            // This is an array of anime in the user's list
            var anime = result.myanimelist.anime;

            var statusMap = {
                "On-Hold":'On hold',
                "Plan to Watch":'Plan to watch',

            // Loops through all the anime it finds and adds 
            // them to your current library entries if they 
            // exist, it will not update your current library
            // entries!
            anime.forEach(function(anime, index, array) {

                // if a weird file was given or the file format doesn't match
                // we'll throw an error
                if (!anime.series_title || !anime.series_animedb_id || !anime.my_watched_episodes || !anime.my_start_date || !anime.my_finish_date || !anime.my_score || !anime.my_status || !anime.my_rewatching || !anime.my_comments)
                    throw new Meteor.Error('mal-import-failed', 'XML file format is different than expected');

                // increment import total stats 

                var seriesTitle = anime.series_title[0];
                var seriesId = anime.series_animedb_id[0];

                var episodesSeen = anime.my_watched_episodes[0];
                var startDate = anime.my_start_date[0];
                var finishDate = anime.my_finish_date[0];
                var score = anime.my_score[0];
                // status is slightly different, we need to map this 
                // to a specific status
                var status = anime.my_status[0];
                var rewatching = anime.my_rewatching[0];
                var comments = anime.my_comments[0];

                // Initialize the object with the required fields
                var libraryEntry = {
                    userId: Meteor.userId(),
                    type: 'anime',
                    status: statusMap[status],

                // add any additional fields
                if (parseInt(score) > 0)
                    libraryEntry.rating = parseInt(score);

                if (parseInt(episodesSeen) > 0)
                    libraryEntry.episodesSeen = parseInt(episodesSeen);

                // we'll take a truncated version of the comments
                // if they exist
                if (comments.length > 0)
                    libraryEntry.comments = comments.substr(0, 140);

                if (rewatching == 1) {
                    libraryEntry.rewatching = true;
                } else {
                    libraryEntry.rewatching = false;

                // Make a call here to phanime's database to check if the anime exists
                // if it does exist, then create the libraryEntry immediately
                var localAnimeObject = Anime.findOne({$or: [{canonicalTitle: seriesTitle}, {englishTitle: seriesTitle}, {romajiTitle: seriesTitle}, {myAnimeListId: seriesId}]});

                if (localAnimeObject) {
                    console.log(seriesTitle + "was found in the database");
                    // if we found an anime in our database
                    // then we'll create the library entry for the user right away
                    // We'll add animeId to the libraryEntry object

                    libraryEntry.animeId = localAnimeObject._id;
                    libraryEntry.canonicalTitle = localAnimeObject.canonicalTitle;

                    if (LibraryEntries.generalHelpers.uniqueEntry(libraryEntry) === true) {
                        // libraryEntry is unique
                        // verification will be done on insert
                        // we'll also do verification before to track
                        // all the failed imports

                        // console.log(LibraryEntries.simpleSchema().namedContext().invalidKeys());

                        // we need to make sure we clean the object before we validate it
                        // Let's do the validation before as well 
                        if (LibraryEntries.simpleSchema().namedContext().validate(libraryEntry) === false) {
                            // if validation failed, we should continue on with adding the entries, but we should push the invalid keys object into an array.

                            var invalidKeys = LibraryEntries.simpleSchema().namedContext().invalidKeys();
                            var invalidKeysObject = {
                                invalidKeys: invalidKeys,
                                canonicalTitle: localAnimeObject.canonicalTitle

                            // console.log(invalidKeys);

                            // throw new Meteor.Error('insert-library-entry-failed', "We were unable to add " + localAnimeObject.canonicalTitle + " to your library. Phanime's database likely has conflicting information. Please update this anime in our database if the information is incorrect. Thanks!");
                        } else {
                            LibraryEntries.insert(libraryEntry, function(error, result) {
                                if (error) {
                                    // throw new Meteor.Error('insert-library-entry-failed', error);
                                } else {
                                    // increment the counter here

                    } else {
                        // already in your library (increment that counter)
                } else {
                    console.log(seriesTitle + "was not found, so we are going to call MAL api");
                    // If the anime doesn't exist then we should make a call to MyAnimeList's API to grab the anime 
                    // and add it to the database.

                    var resultSearch ="GET", "" + seriesTitle, {auth: Meteor.settings.malAPIAuth.username + ":" + Meteor.settings.malAPIAuth.password});

                    var animes = resultSearch.content;

                    var animeStatusMap = {
                        "Finished Airing": "Complete",
                        "Currently Airing": "On-going",
                        "Not yet aired": "Not Yet Aired"

                    parseString(animes, function(error, result) {
                        if (result) {
                            var animeReturned = result.anime.entry;
                            for(var i = 0; i < animeReturned.length; i++) {
                                var anime = animeReturned[i];
                                var malAnimeId =[0];

                                if (malAnimeId === seriesId) {
                                    // Series matched, let's get more information

                                    var animeObj = {
                                        canonicalTitle: anime.title[0], 
                                        romajiTitle: anime.title[0], // MAL seems to always put the romaji version as their main title
                                        englishTitle: anime.english[0],
                                        type: anime.type[0],
                                        status: animeStatusMap[anime.status[0]],
                                        // Dates we'll likely cause an issue, but we'll see what happens
                                        startDate: moment(anime.start_date[0]).toDate(),
                                        endDate: moment(anime.end_date[0]).toDate(),
                                        totalEpisodes: anime.episodes[0],
                                        languageVersion: ['Subbed'], // Assume that it's subbed
                                        ageRating: "NR - Not Rated",
                                        titleSynonyms: anime.synonyms[0],
                                        description: sanitizeDescription(anime.synopsis[0]),
                                        newImageURLFormat: true,
                                        myAnimeListScore: parseFloat(anime.score[0]),
                                        importFromMyAnimeList: true,
                                        myAnimeListId: malAnimeId

                                    var animeId = Anime.insert(animeObj);

                                    var coverImageUrl = anime.image[0]; // We'll need to upload this to our server and then update

                                    if (animeId && coverImageUrl) {
                                        console.log('We\'re about to upload the image');
                              "uploadImageFromUrl", coverImageUrl, 'anime', 'cover', animeId, function(error, result) {
                                            if (error) {
                                                throw new Meteor.Error(403, error.reason);
                                            } else {
                                                console.log('Upload was successful');

                                    // We'll add animeId to the libraryEntry object
                                    libraryEntry.animeId = animeId;
                                    libraryEntry.canonicalTitle = animeObj.canonicalTitle;

                                    // We should now create a library entry for this person 
                                    // Let's do the validation before as well 
                                    if (LibraryEntries.simpleSchema().namedContext().validate(libraryEntry) === false) {
                                        // if validation failed, we should continue on with adding the entries, but we should push the invalid keys object into an array.

                                        var invalidKeys = LibraryEntries.simpleSchema().namedContext().invalidKeys();
                                        var invalidKeysObject = {
                                            invalidKeys: invalidKeys,
                                            canonicalTitle: localAnimeObject.canonicalTitle

                                        // console.log(invalidKeys);

                                        // throw new Meteor.Error('insert-library-entry-failed', "We were unable to add " + localAnimeObject.canonicalTitle + " to your library. Phanime's database likely has conflicting information. Please update this anime in our database if the information is incorrect. Thanks!");
                                    } else {
                                        LibraryEntries.insert(libraryEntry, function(error, result) {
                                            if (error) {
                                                // throw new Meteor.Error('insert-library-entry-failed', error);
                                            } else {
                                                // increment the counter here
                                    // We don't care about the rest if we've found a match
                                    // so we'll end this loop    

        return {
            failedImports: failedImports,
            notFoundAnime: notFoundAnime,
            importStats: importStats
