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Meteor.publishComposite('indexCurrentUser', function() {
    return {
        find: function() {
            return Meteor.users.find({_id: this.userId});
        children: [

            // // For some reason this causes some errors, need to figure out what's wrong exactly
            // // Possibly an issue with the user.following not being an array / or user.following not existing
            // {
            //     find: function(user) {
            //         if (!user.following) {
            //             user.following = [];
            //         }

            //         return ProfilePosts.find({$or: [{userId: user._id}, {statusUpdate: true, userId: {$in: user.following}}]});
            //     },
            //     children: [
            //         {
            //             // Publish the poster if it's not the current user
            //             find: function(profilePost, user) {
            //                 if (profilePost.posterId !== this.userId) {
            //                     return Meteor.users.find({_id: profilePost.posterId}, {fields: {username: 1, profile: 1}});
            //                 }
            //             }
            //         },
            //         {

            //             // Publish the profile post's comments
            //             find: function(profilePost, user) {

            //                 return Comments.find({contentId: profilePost._id, type: 'profilePost'});

            //             },
            //             children : [
            //                 {
            //                     find: function(comment, profilePost, user) {
            //                         // Publish users if it isn't published 
            //                         if (comment.userId !== user._id && comment.userId !== profilePost.posterId) {
            //                             return Meteor.users.find({_id: comment.userId}, {fields: {username: 1, profile: 1}});
            //                         }
            //                     }
            //                 }

            //             ]

            //         }
            //     ]
            // },
                find: function(user) {
                    var animeIds = _.pluck(user.recommendedAnime, 'animeId');
                    // Limit to 12 recommendations for now
                    return Anime.find({_id: {$in: animeIds}}, {fields: requireCollectionFields.anime.requiredLibraryEntry, limit: 12});
                children: [
                        find: function(anime, user) {
                            return LibraryEntries.find({userId: user._id, animeId: anime._id});
                find: function(user) {
                    return LibraryEntries.find({userId: user._id, $or : [{status: 'Watching'}, {status: 'Plan to watch'}]}, {sort: {updatedAt: -1}, limit: 6});
                children: [
                        find: function(libraryEntry, user) {
                            return Anime.find({_id: libraryEntry.animeId}, {fields: requireCollectionFields.anime.requiredLibraryEntry});