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Test Coverage
 * Copyright 2017 MaddHacker
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

'use strict';

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const url = require('url');

const promise = require('promise');

const stringz = require('string-utilz');
const datez = require('date-utilz');

const con = require('./sl-content');

 * Set of utilities that should be useful for whomever consumes this npm.
class slUtils {
     * New object takes an implementation of {output-manager} that can be used to write to.
     * @param {output-manager}
     * @see output-manager
     * @see 
    constructor(output) {
        this._out = output || (new (require('output-manager')).Out());

     * Dump the `err` to `out.e` and build simple message
     * @return a simple string of name/message
    errStr(err) {
        this._out.e((err instanceof Object) ? JSON.stringify(err) : err);
        return stringz.fmt('%{0} - %{1}',, err.message);

     * Using a `filePath`, get the extension and look up the MIMEType (as well as use the data to build a {sl-content} object)
     * @param {string} filePath => path with extension to parse
     * @param {object} data => any object
     * @return {object} => map of key data
     * @see {Content} 
     * @see {sl-content}
    buildFromFilePath(filePath, data) {
        let ext = stringz.chop(path.extname(filePath), -1); // remove leading '.'
        this._out.t(stringz.fmt('Loading content by extension "%{0}"', ext));
        return con.byExtension(ext, data);

     * Given a `filepath` will load the data
     * Based on the promise API
     * @param {string} filePath
     * @promise fulfill({buffer} data) => file exists, is readable and was read
     * @promise reject({string} err) => file does not exist or is not readable
    loadDataFromFile(filePath) {
        return new promise((fulfill, reject) => {
            fs.access(filePath, fs.constants.R_OK, (accessErr) => {
                if (accessErr) { reject(this.errStr(accessErr)); }
                else {
                    fs.readFile(filePath, (readErr, data) => {
                        (readErr) ? reject(this.errStr(readErr)) : fulfill(data);

     * Given filePath will call `loadDataFromFile(filePath)` and render the response depending on the promise that was returned
     * @param {string} filePath 
     * @param {http.ServerResponse} response =>
     * @see loadDataFromFile(filePath)
     * @see writeResponse(response,statusCode,content)
    respondWithFileFromPath(filePath, response) {
        this.loadDataFromFile(filePath).then((data) => {
            this._out.d(stringz.fmt('Loaded file data from "%{0}"', filePath));
            this.writeResponse(response, 200, this.buildFromFilePath(filePath, data));
        }, (err) => {
            let msg = stringz.fmt('File at "%{0}" does not exist or could not be read.', filePath);
            this._out.w(stringz.fmt('%{0} MSG: "%{1}"', msg, err));
            this.writeResponse(response, 404, con.text(msg));

     * Given the information, will write the headers and response. All responses are
     * written as 'utf-8' at the moment.
     * @param {http.ServerResponse} response 
     * @param {number} statusCode => typically 200, 404 or 500
     *          defaults to `500`
     * @param {string|buffer} content
     *          defaults to 'No content returned'
    writeResponse(response, statusCode, content) {
        content = content || con.text('No content returned');
        this._out.t(stringz.fmt('Attempting to write response with code "%{0}" and contentType: "%{1}" with encoding "%{2}"', statusCode, content.type, content.encoding));
        response.writeHead(statusCode || 500, {
            // |||jbariel TODO
            // -> look at 
            //'Cache-Control': 'max-age=3600',
            //'Content-Encoding': 'gzip',
            'Content-Language': 'en',
            'Content-Length': content.length,
            'Content-Type': content.type,
            'Date': datez.httpDate(),
            'Server': 'server-lite'
        this._out.t('Wrote head, ending response...');
        let val = (content.encoding === 'binary') ? new Buffer(content.value) : content.value;
        response.end(val, content.encoding, () => {
            this._out.d('Response finished.');

module.exports = slUtils;