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JS + Flash wrapper for [VPAID](

[VPAID]( or *Video Player Ad-Serving Interface Definition*, establishes a common interface between video players and ad units, enabling a rich interactive in-stream ad experience.

Because some of the ad's are in flash, this projects will allow to expose the api to be used by js.

**JS** is responsible of:
  - create a **uniqueid** for the vpaid and request swfobject to load the swf
  - to do the bridge between vpaid api between flash and js using [ExternalInterface](
  - for security reasons the swf will not be allowed to communicate with flash if not excuting in the server

**Flash** is responsible of:
  - load the ad Unit
  - expose ad Unit interface to outside
  - using the **uniqueid** to identify the swf

The goals of **VPAIDFLASHClient** are:
  - common interface for VPAID in different technologies [HTML5]( and [FLASH](
  - handle how to load the VPAID adUnit
  - be a simple and "stupid" implementation of VPAID

check [videosjs-vast-vpaid]( if you need VPAID in [videojs](

  - try to implement flex unit tests
  - create test coverage (not done yet because of [karma coverage - issue #123](


The project uses:
  - [gulpjs]( to compile.
  - [babeljs]( to convert es6 to es5 js code.
  - [swfobject googlecode]( or [swfobject github](


Flash is compiled using [Flex SDK](

  - when creating a VPAIDFLASHClient instance the last parameter is debug, if this flag is set to true, will create a visual textfield that allows to show errors
  - as well if the js+flash is working all errors catch by the VPAIDFlash.swf will be sent to js
  - other error's can be caugth with Flash debugger

Flash debugger
Allows to flash to throw errors in a popup like window. To install go to [adobe support page]( and install the flash player with **content debugger** in the name for the correct OS.
  - in Google Chrome the Flash debugger is not working (the last time I tried), I found an [*issue* in chromium](, so install in Firefox or other if not working for you in Google Chrome.

Running the project

  - install nodejs, bower and gulp
  - `npm install` will to install all dependencies
  - `bower install` will install swfobject, if you run `npm install` will execute as well `bower install` using `postinstall`
  - `./` will install in `vendor` folder flex sdk that will allow to compile flash without needing flash, flash builder or flashDevelop
  - `gulp serve` or `npm start` to start build script and a demo page should be open in default browser
  - `gulp` to watch, bundle and run tests
  - `npm test` or `gulp test:ci` task used by the server

Example of the usage

var flashVPaid = new VPAIDFLASHClient(element, flashVPAIDWrapperLoaded);
function flashVPAIDWrapperLoaded(err, result) {
    if (err) {
        //handle error here

    flashVPaid.loadAdUnit('TestAd.swf', function (error, adUnit) {

        if (err) {
            //handle error here

        adUnit.on('AdLoaded', function (err, result) {
            console.log('event:AdLoaded', err, result);

        adUnit.on('AdStarted', function (err, result) {
            console.log('event:AdStarted', err, result);

        adUnit.handshakeVersion('2.0', function (err, result) {

        function initAd() {
            adUnit.initAd(0, 0, 'normal', -1, '', '', function (err) {
                console.log('initAd', err);

        function startAd() {
            adUnit.startAd(function (err, result) {
                console.log('startAd call', err, result);

        function checkAdProperties() {
            adUnit.getAdIcons(function (err, result) {
                console.log('getAdIcons', result);
            adUnit.setAdVolume(10, function (err, result) {
                console.log('setAdVolume', result);
            adUnit.getAdVolume(function (err, result) {
                console.log('getAdVolume', result);


for the api of VPAIDFLASHClient check [VPAIDFLASHClient.js](js/VPAIDFLASHClient.js), for adUnit api check [IVPAIDAdUnit.js](js/IVPAIDAdUnit.js).

licensed under the MIT License, Version 2.0. [View the license file](

Copyright © 2015 MailOnline