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Test Coverage
module.exports = function (karma) {
     * From where to look for files, starting with the location of this file.
    basePath: './',

     * This is the list of file patterns to load into the browser during testing.
    files: [
        { pattern: 'demo/*.swf', included: false, served: true },
        { pattern: 'bin/*.swf', included: false, served: true }
    colors: true,
    exclude: [],
    frameworks: ['mocha', 'chai-sinon', 'browserify', 'source-map-support'],
    preprocessors: {
        'js/**/*.js': ['browserify'],
        'test/**/*.js': ['browserify']
    browserify: {
        debug: true,
        paths: ['bower_components'],
        transform: [
            ["babelify", {"presets": ["es2015"]}]

    logLevel: 'ERROR',
     * How to report, by default.
    reporters: ['spec'],

     * On which port should the browser connect, on which port is the test runner
     * operating, and what is the URL path for the browser to use.
    port: 9018,
    runnerPort: 9019,
    urlRoot: '/',
    singleRun: true,
    autoWatch: false,

     * The list of browsers to launch to test on. This includes only "Firefox" by
     * default, but other browser names include:
     * Chrome, ChromeCanary, Firefox, Opera, Safari, PhantomJS
     * Note that you can also use the executable name of the browser, like "chromium"
     * or "firefox", but that these vary based on your operating system.
     * You may also leave this blank and manually navigate your browser to
     * http://localhost:9018/ when you're running tests. The window/tab can be left
     * open and the tests will automatically occur there during the build. This has
     * the aesthetic advantage of not launching a browser every time you save.
    browsers: [
    proxies: {
        '/VPAIDFlash.swf': '/base/bin/VPAIDFlash.swf',
        '/TestAd.swf': '/base/demo/TestAd.swf'