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# Brain Games
## Hexlet PHP project - level 1
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This repository contains Brain Games. This is a set of mini games launched from the console.

### Install:
`$ composer global require malcom/braingames`

### Games:

#### 1. "Parity Check"
Answer **yes** if the number is even, otherwise answer **no**
##### Launch
 `$ brain-even`



#### 2. "Calculator"
Find is the result of the expression
##### Launch
`$ brain-calc`



#### 3. "Greatest common divisor"
Find the greatest common divisor of given numbers
##### Launch
`$ brain-gcd`



#### 4. "Progression"
Find missing number in the progression
##### Launch
`$ brain-progression`



#### 5. "Is a prime"
Answer **yes** if given number is prime. Otherwise answer **no**

`$ brain-prime`
