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# Insights::API::Common

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Header, Encryption, RBAC, Serialization, Pagination and other common behavior for Insights microservices built with Rails

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'insights-api-common'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install insights-api-common

## Usage

#### Insights::Api::Common::Filter

| Supported Comparators     | Comparator    |
| ---------------------     | ----------    |
| Integer                   | eq            |
|                           | not_eq        |
|                           | gt            |
|                           | gte           |
|                           | lt            |
|                           | lte           |
|                           | nil           |
|                           | not_nil       |
| String                    | eq            |
|                           | not_eq        |
|                           | contains      |
|                           | starts_with   |
|                           | ends_with     |
|                           | nil           |
|                           | not_nil       |
| String (case insensitive) | eq_i          |
|                           | not_eq_i      |
|                           | contains_i    |
|                           | starts_with_i |
|                           | ends_with_i   |

After implementing filtering in your application, this is the way to filter via parameters on index functions:

| Query Parameter | Ruby Client Parameter | GraphQL Parameter |
| --------------- | --------------------- | ----------------- |
| "?filter[name]=reviews" | { :filter => { :name => "reviews" } } | filter: { name: "reviews" } |
| "?filter[name][eq]=reviews" | { :filter => { :name => { :eq => "reviews" } } } | filter: { name: { eq: "reviews" } } |
| "?filter[name][not_eq]=reviews" | { :filter => { :name => { :not_eq => "reviews" } } } | filter: { name: { not_eq: "reviews" } } |
| "?filter[name][starts_with]=a" | { :filter => { :name => { :starts_with => "a" } } } | filter: { name: { starts_with: "a" } } |
| "?filter[name][ends_with]=manager" | { :filter => { :name => { :ends_with => "manager" } } } | filter: { name: { ends_with: "manager" } } |
| "?filter[name][contains]=openshift" | { :filter => { :name => { :contains => "openshift" } } } | filter: { name: { contains: "openshift" } } |
| "?filter[id]=5" | { :filter => { :id => "5" } } | filter: { id: "5" } |
| "?filter[id][eq]=5" | { :filter => { :id => { :eq => "5" } } } | filter: { id: { eq: "5" } } |
| "?filter[id][gt]=180" | { :filter => { :id => { :gt => "180" } } } | filter: { id: { gt: "180" } } |
| "?filter[id][gte]=190" | { :filter => { :id => { :gte => "190" } } } | filter: { id: { gte: "190" } } |
| "?filter[id][lt]=5" | { :filter => { :id => { :lt => "5" } } } | filter: { id: { lt: "5" } } |
| "?filter[id][lte]=5" | { :filter => { :id => { :lte => "5" } } } | filter: { id: { lte: "5" } } |
| "?filter[id][]=5&filter[id][]=10&filter[id][]=15&filter[id][]=20" | { :filter => { :id => ["5", "10", "15", "20"] } } | filter: { id: ["5", "10", "15", "20"] } |
| "?filter[id][eq][]=5&filter[id][eq][]=10&filter[id][eq][]=15&filter[id][eq][]=20" | { :filter => { :id => { :eq => ["5", "10", "15", "20"] } } } | filter: { id: { eq: ["5", "10", "15", "20"] } |

#### Sorting Results

Sorting query results is controlled via the _sort_by_ query parameter. The _sort_by_ parameter is available for both REST API and GraphQL requests.

The _sort_by_ parameter specifies which attribute name to sort the results by, and may include a sort order of ascending _asc_ or descending _desc_. The default behavior when no sorting order is specified is to sort by ascending order.

The syntax for the _sort_by_ parameter is as follows:

- One or more object keys representing the attribute name(s) to sort by which may be assigned the **asc** or **desc** value for the sort order.

  - [**attribute**]   (_default order is ascending_)
  - [**attribute**]=**asc** (_ascending order_)
  - [**attribute**]=**desc** (_descending order_)

##### Sort_by Examples:

- GET /api/v2.0/sources?sort_by[name]
- GET /api/v2.0/vms?sort_by[power_state]&sort_by[memory]=desc

| Query Parameter | Ruby Client Parameter | GraphQL Parameter |
| --------------- | --------------------- | ----------------- |
| "?sort_by[name]" | { :sort_by => { :name => nil } } | sort_by: { name: null } |
| "?sort_by[name]=asc" | { :sort_by => { :name => "asc" } } | sort_by: { name: "asc" } |
| "?sort_by[power_state]&sort_by[memory]=desc" | { :sort_by => { :power_state => nil, :memory => "desc" } } | sort_by: { power_state: null, memory: "desc" } |

#### Filtering and Sorting by Association attribute

Requests can also be filtered by assocation attribute and sorted by association attribute and count in addition to the direct attribute specified as in the above examples.

Single level association can be specified as follows:

##### Filter by association attribute:

| Query Parameter | Ruby Client Parameter | GraphQL Parameter |
| --------------- | --------------------- | ----------------- |
| "?filter[association][name]=reviews" | { :filter => { :association => { :name => "reviews" } } } | filter: { association: { name: "reviews" } } |
| "?filter[association][name][eq]=reviews" | { :filter => { :association => { :name => { :eq => "reviews" } } } } | filter: { association: { name: { eq: "reviews" } } } |

##### Sort by association attributes and count:

The _sort_by_ parameter can also be used to choose to sort by attributes of association objects as well as sorting by
the count of association records by specifying the **__count** special attribute as follows:

| Query Parameter | Ruby Client Parameter | GraphQL Parameter |
| --------------- | --------------------- | ----------------- |
| "?sort_by[association][name]" | { :sort_by => { :association => { :name => nil } } } | sort_by: { association: { name: null } } |
| "?sort_by[association][name]=desc" | { :sort_by => { :association => { :name => "desc" } } } | sort_by: { association: { name: "desc" } } |
| "?sort_by[association][__count]=asc" | { :sort_by => { :association => { :__count => "asc" } } } | sort_by: { association: { __count: "asc" } } |

##### Combined Filtering and Sorting example:

| Query Parameter | Ruby Client Parameter | GraphQL Parameter |
| --------------- | --------------------- | ----------------- |
| "?filter[name][starts_with]=sample_&sort_by[application_types][__count]=desc&sort_by[name]=asc" | { :filter => { :name => { :starts_with => "sample_" } }, :sort_by => { :application_types => { :__count => "desc" }, :name => "asc" } } | filter: { name: { starts_with: "sample_" } }, sort_by: { application_types: { __count: "desc" }, name: "asc" } |

## Development

After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [](

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant]( code of conduct.

## License

This project is available as open source under the terms of the [Apache License 2.0](