module ManageIQ::Providers::Azure::CloudManager::EventParser
extend ManageIQ::Providers::Azure::EventCatcherMixin
INSTANCE_TYPE = "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines".freeze
# Convert the event to a hash that will ultimately be consumed by the
# EmsEvent.add method.
# Note that we do not set the chain_id (i.e. group ID) because of a type
# mismatch between Azure, which returns a GUID, and our schema, which is
# set to bigint. For now it is not strictly necessary, and can be obtained
# from the full_data column if necessary via the correlationId value.
def self.event_to_hash(event, ems_id)
log_header = "ems_id: [#{ems_id}] " unless ems_id.nil?
event_type = parse_event_type(event)
_log.debug("#{log_header}event: [#{event_type}]")
# The timestamp must be truncated to 6 digit precision or an existence check
# that happens within the EmsEvent.create_event method will fail, and
# duplicate events could appear in the table.
event_hash = {
:source => "AZURE",
:timestamp => Time.parse(event["eventTimestamp"]).iso8601(6),
:message => event["description"].presence || event.dig("operationName", "localizedValue").presence,
:ems_id => ems_id,
:event_type => event_type,
:full_data => event,
:ems_ref => event["eventDataId"]
resource_type = event["resourceType"]["value"].to_s.downcase
event_hash[:vm_uid_ems] = event_hash[:vm_ems_ref] = parse_vm_ref(event) if resource_type == INSTANCE_TYPE