require 'faraday'require 'tempfile'require 'zip'require 'base64' module Terraform class Runner class << self def available? return @available if defined?(@available) response = terraform_runner_client.get('live') @available = response.status == 200 && JSON.parse(response.body)['status'] == 'UP' rescue @available = false end # Provision or Create (terraform apply) stack in terraform-runner from a terraform template. # # @param template_path [String] (required) path to the terraform template directory. # @param input_vars [Hash] (optional) key/value pairs as input variables for the terraform-runner run job. # @param input_vars_type_constraints # [Hash] (optional) key/value(type constraints object, from Terraform Runner) pair. # @param tags [Hash] (optional) key/value pairs tags for terraform-runner Provisioned resources. # @param credentials [Array] (optional) List of Authentication objects for the terraform run job. # @param env_vars [Hash] (optional) key/value pairs used as environment variables, for terraform-runner run job. # # @return [Terraform::Runner::ResponseAsync] Response object of terraform-runner api callAvoid parameter lists longer than 5 parameters. [6/5] def create_stack(template_path, input_vars: {}, input_vars_type_constraints: [], tags: nil, credentials: [], env_vars: {}) _log.debug("Run_aysnc/create_stack for template: #{template_path}") if template_path.present? input_params = ApiParams.to_normalized_cam_parameters(input_vars, input_vars_type_constraints) response = create_stack_job( template_path, :input_params => input_params, :tags => tags, :credentials => credentials, :env_vars => env_vars ) else raise "'template_path' is required for #{ResourceAction::Provision} action" end end # Retire or Delete(terraform destroy) the terraform-runner created stack resources. # # @param stack_id [String] (optional) required, if running ResourceAction::RETIREMENT action, used by Terraform-Runner stack_delete job. # @param template_path [String] (required) path to the terraform template directory. # @param input_vars [Hash] (optional) key/value pairs as input variables for the terraform-runner run job. # @param input_vars_type_constraints # [Hash] (optional) key/value(type constraints object, from Terraform Runner) pair. # @param credentials [Array] (optional) List of Authentication objects for the terraform run job. # @param env_vars [Hash] (optional) key/value pairs used as environment variables, for terraform-runner run job. # # @return [Terraform::Runner::ResponseAsync] Response object of terraform-runner api callAvoid parameter lists longer than 5 parameters. [6/5] def delete_stack(stack_id, template_path, input_vars: {}, input_vars_type_constraints: [], credentials: [], env_vars: {}) if stack_id.present? && template_path.present? _log.debug("Run_aysnc/delete_stack('#{stack_id}') for template: #{template_path}") input_params = ApiParams.to_normalized_cam_parameters(input_vars, input_vars_type_constraints) response = delete_stack_job( stack_id, template_path, :input_params => input_params, :credentials => credentials, :env_vars => env_vars ) else _log.error("'stack_id' && 'template_path' are required for #{ResourceAction::RETIREMENT} action") raise "'stack_id' && 'template_path' are required for #{ResourceAction::RETIREMENT} action" end end # Stop running terraform-runner job, by stack_id # # @param stack_id [String] stack_id from the terraforn-runner job # # @return [Terraform::Runner::Response] Response object with result of terraform run def stop_async(stack_id) cancel_stack_job(stack_id) end # To simplify clients who want to stop a running stack job, we alias it to call stop_async alias stop_stack stop_async # Fetch stack object(with result/status), by stack_id from terraform-runner # # @param stack_id [String] stack_id for the terraforn-runner stack job # # @return [Terraform::Runner::Response] Response object with result of terraform run def fetch_result_by_stack_id(stack_id) retrieve_stack_job(stack_id) end # To simplify clients who want to fetch stack object from terraform-runner alias stack fetch_result_by_stack_id # Parse Terraform Template input/output variables # @param template_path [String] Path to the template we will want to parse for input/output variables # @return Response(body) object of terraform-runner api/template/variables, # - the response object had template_input_params, template_output_params and terraform_version def parse_template_variables(template_path) template_variables(template_path) end # ================================================= # TerraformRunner Stack-API interaction methods # ================================================= private def server_url ENV.fetch('TERRAFORM_RUNNER_URL', 'https://opentofu-runner:6000') end def server_token @server_token ||= ENV.fetch('TERRAFORM_RUNNER_TOKEN', jwt_token) end def stack_job_interval_in_secs ENV.fetch('TERRAFORM_RUNNER_STACK_JOB_CHECK_INTERVAL', 10).to_i end def stack_job_max_time_in_secs ENV.fetch('TERRAFORM_RUNNER_STACK_JOB_MAX_TIME', 120).to_i end # create http client for terraform-runner rest-api def terraform_runner_client @terraform_runner_client ||= begin # TODO: verify ssl verify_ssl = false :url => server_url, :ssl => {:verify => verify_ssl} ) do |builder| builder.request(:authorization, 'Bearer', -> { server_token }) end end end def stack_tenant_id '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'.freeze end def json_post_arguments(payload) return JSON.generate(payload), "Content-Type" => "application/json".freeze end def provider_connection_parameters(credentials) credentials.collect do |cred| { 'connection_parameters' => } end end # Create TerraformRunner Stack JobAvoid parameter lists longer than 5 parameters. [6/5] def create_stack_job( template_path, input_params: [],Unused method argument - `tags`. tags: nil, credentials: [],Unused method argument - `env_vars`. env_vars: {}, name: "stack-#{rand(36**8).to_s(36)}" )"start stack_job for template: #{template_path}") tenant_id = stack_tenant_id encoded_zip_file = encoded_zip_from_directory(template_path) # TODO: use tags,env_vars payload = { :cloud_providers => provider_connection_parameters(credentials), :name => name, :tenantId => tenant_id, :templateZipFile => encoded_zip_file, :parameters => input_params, } http_response = "api/stack/create", *json_post_arguments(payload) ) _log.debug("==== http_response.body: \n #{http_response.body}")"stack_job for template: #{template_path} running ...") Terraform::Runner::Response.parsed_response(http_response) end # Delete(destroy) stack created by TerraformRunner Stack Job def delete_stack_job( stack_id, template_path, input_params: [], credentials: [],Unused method argument - `env_vars`. env_vars: {} )"start stack_job for template: #{template_path}") tenant_id = stack_tenant_id encoded_zip_file = encoded_zip_from_directory(template_path) # TODO: use tags,env_vars payload = { :stack_id => stack_id, :cloud_providers => provider_connection_parameters(credentials), :name => name, :tenantId => tenant_id, :templateZipFile => encoded_zip_file, :parameters => input_params, } http_response = "api/stack/delete", *json_post_arguments(payload) ) _log.debug("==== http_response.body: \n #{http_response.body}")"stack_job for template: #{template_path} running ...") Terraform::Runner::Response.parsed_response(http_response) end # Retrieve TerraformRunner Stack Job details def retrieve_stack_job(stack_id) http_response = "api/stack/retrieve", *json_post_arguments({:stack_id => stack_id}) )"==== Retrieve Stack Response: \n #{http_response.body}") Terraform::Runner::Response.parsed_response(http_response) end # Cancel/Stop running TerraformRunner Stack Job def cancel_stack_job(stack_id) http_response = "api/stack/cancel", *json_post_arguments({:stack_id => stack_id}) )"==== Cancel Stack Response: \n #{http_response.body}") Terraform::Runner::Response.parsed_response(http_response) end # encode zip of a template directory def encoded_zip_from_directory(template_path) dir_path = template_path # directory to be zipped dir_path = dir_path[0...-1] if dir_path.end_with?('/') Tempfile.create(%w[opentofu-runner-payload .zip]) do |zip_file_path| _log.debug("Create #{zip_file_path}"), Zip::File::CREATE) do |zipfile| Dir.glob(File.join(dir_path, "/**/*")).select { |fn| File.file?(fn) }.each do |file| _log.debug("Adding #{file}") zipfile.add(file.sub("#{dir_path}/", ''), file) end end Base64.encode64(File.binread(zip_file_path)) end end # Parse Variables in Terraform Template def template_variables( template_path ) _log.debug("prase template: #{template_path}") encoded_zip_file = encoded_zip_from_directory(template_path) payload = { :templateZipFile => encoded_zip_file, } http_response = "api/template/variables", *json_post_arguments(payload) ) _log.debug("==== http_response.body: \n #{http_response.body}") JSON.parse(http_response.body) end def jwt_token require "jwt" payload = {'Username' => 'opentofu-runner'} JWT.encode(payload, v2_key.key, 'HS256') end def v2_key ManageIQ::Password.key end end endend