# This class hides the fact that when connecting to KubeVirt we need to use different API servers:
# one for the standard Kubernetes API and another one for the KubeVirt API.
class ManageIQ::Providers::Kubevirt::InfraManager::Connection
# Creates a new connection with the given options. Note that the actual connection to the
# Kubernetes API is created lazily, when needed, so the fact that this method succeeds does *not*
# indicate that the connection parameters are correct.
# @param opts [Hash] The options used to create the connection.
# @option opts [String] :host The name of the host of the Kubernetes API server.
# @option opts [Integer] :port The port number of the Kubernetes API server.
# @option opts [String] :token The authentication token.
def initialize(opts = {})
require 'fog/kubevirt'
# create fog based connection
@conn =
:kubevirt_hostname => opts[:host],
:kubevirt_port => opts[:port],
:kubevirt_token => opts[:token],
:kubevirt_namespace => opts[:namespace] || 'default',
:kubevirt_log => $log
# Nothing else is done here, as this method should never throw an exception, even if the
# credentials are wrong.
def virt_supported?
# Checks if the connection is valid.
# @return [Boolean] `true` if the connection is valid, `false` otherwise.
def valid?
# Returns an array containing the nodes available in the Kubernetes cluster.
# @return [Array] The array of nodes.
def nodes
# Returns a watcher for nodes.
# @param opts [Hash] A hash with options for the watcher.
# @return [Kubeclient::Common::WatchStream] The watcher.
def watch_nodes(opts = {})
# Returns an array containing the templates available in the KubeVirt environment.
# @return [Array] The array of templates.
def templates
# Retrieves the template with the given name.
# @param name [String] The name of the template.
# @return [Object] The template object.
def template(name)
# Returns a watcher for templates.
# @param opts [Hash] A hash with options for the watcher.
# @return [Kubeclient::Common::WatchStream] The watcher.
def watch_templates(opts = {})
# Returns an array containing the virtual machines available in the KubeVirt environment.
# @return [Array] The array of virtual machines.
def vms
# Retrieves the virtual machine with the given name.
# @param name [String] The name of the virtual machine.
# @return [Object] The virtual machine object.
def vm(name)
# Returns a watcher for virtual machines.
# @param opts [Hash] A hash with options for the watcher.
# @return [Kubeclient::Common::WatchStream] The watcher.
def watch_vms(opts = {})
# Returns an array containing the virtual machine instances available in the KubeVirt environment.
# @return [Array] The array of virtual machine instances.
def vm_instances
# Retrieves the virtual machine instance with the given name.
# @param name [String] The name of the virtual machine.
# @return [Object] The virtual machine object.
def vm_instance(name)
# Returns a watcher for virtual machine instances.
# @param opts [Hash] A hash with options for the watcher.
# @return [Kubeclient::Common::WatchStream] The watcher.
def watch_vm_instances(opts = {})
# Deletes a virtual machine instance.
# @param name [String] The name of the virtual machine to delete.
def delete_vm_instance(name, namespace)
@conn.vminstances.destroy(name, namespace)
# Calculates the URL of the SPICE proxy server.
# @return [String] The URL of the spice proxy server.
def spice_proxy_url