module ApplicationController::WaitForTask
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
# Use ajax to retry until the passed in task is complete, then rerun the original action
# This action can be called directly or via URL
# If called directly, options will have the task_id
# Otherwise, task_id will be in the params
def wait_for_task
@edit = session[:edit] # If in edit, need to preserve @edit object
raise Forbidden, _('Invalid input for "wait_for_task".') unless params[:task_id]
@edit = session[:edit] # If in edit, need to preserve @edit object
session[:async] ||= {}
session[:async][:interval] ||= 1000 # Default interval to 1 second
session[:async][:params] ||= {}
if MiqTask.find(params[:task_id].to_i).state != "Finished" # Task not done --> retry
else # Task done
session[:async][:params].each { |k, v| @_params[k] = v } # Merge in the original params and
send(session.fetch_path(:async, :params, :action)) # call the orig. method
def browser_refresh_task(task_id, should_flash = false)
session[:async][:interval] += 250 if session[:async][:interval] < 5000 # Slowly move up to 5 second retries
render :update do |page|
page << javascript_prologue
ajax_call = remote_function(:url => {:action => 'wait_for_task', :task_id => task_id})
page << "setTimeout(\"#{ajax_call}\", #{session[:async][:interval]});"
page.replace("flash_msg_div", :partial => "layouts/flash_msg") if should_flash
page << "miqScrollTop();" if @flash_array.present?
private :browser_refresh_task
# :task_id => id of task to wait for
# :action => 'action_to_call' -- action to be called when the task finishes
# :rx_action => 'method_to_call' -- a method to create a RxJs message
# :flash => true|false -- output queued flash messages *while waiting*
def initiate_wait_for_task(options = {})
task_id = options[:task_id]
session[:async] ||= {}
session[:async][:interval] ||= 1000 # Default interval to 1 second
session[:async][:params] ||= {}
# save the incoming parms + extra_params
session[:async][:params] = params.to_unsafe_h.merge(options[:extra_params] || {})
session[:async][:params][:task_id] = task_id
# override method to be called, when the task is done
session[:async][:params][:action] = options[:action] if options.key?(:action)
if options.key?(:rx_action)
raise "Unsupported combination" if options.key?(:action)
session[:async][:params][:action] = 'wait_for_task_rx'
session[:async][:params][:rx_action] = options[:rx_action]
browser_refresh_task(task_id, !!options[:flash])
private :initiate_wait_for_task
# used for any task with rx_action
def wait_for_task_rx
task_id = params[:task_id]
rx_action = session[:async][:params][:rx_action]
task = MiqTask.find(task_id)
result = send(rx_action, task)
raise "Non-hash rx_action return" unless result.kind_of?(Hash)
presenter = ExplorerPresenter.rx(:rx => result)
render :json => presenter.for_render
private :wait_for_task_rx