import moment from 'moment';
const dailyTimeTooltip = (units = undefined) => (data) => {
const theMoment = moment(data[0].date);
let htmlString = `<div class="tooltip-inner">${theMoment.format('L')} ${data[0].value} ${data[0].group} </div>`;
if (units) {
htmlString = `<div class="tooltip-inner">${theMoment.format('L')} ${data[0].value} ${__(units)} </div>`;
return htmlString;
const dailyPodTimeTooltip = () => (data) => {
const theMoment = moment(data[0].date);
if (data[1]) {
return `<div class="tooltip-inner">
${theMoment.format('L')} ${data[0].value} ${__(data[0].group)}, ${data[1].value} ${__(data[1].group)} </div>`;
return `<div class="tooltip-inner">${theMoment.format('L')} ${data[0].value} ${__(data[0].group)} </div>`;
const hourlyPodTimeTooltip = () => (data) => {
const theMoment = moment(data[0].date);
if (data[1]) {
return `<div class="tooltip-inner">
${theMoment.format('LT')} ${data[0].value} ${__(data[0].group)}, ${data[1].value} ${__(data[1].group)} </div>`;
return `<div class="tooltip-inner">
${theMoment.format('LT')} ${data[0].value} ${__(data[0].group)} </div>`;
const hourlyTimeTooltip = (units = undefined) => (data) => {
const theMoment = moment(data[0].date);
let htmlString = `<div class="tooltip-inner">${theMoment.format('LT')} ${data[0].value} </div>`;
if (units) {
htmlString = `<div class="tooltip-inner">${theMoment.format('LT')} ${data[0].value} ${__(units)} </div>`;
return htmlString;
export const chartConfig = {
cpuUsageConfig: {
chartId: 'cpuUsageChart',
title: __('CPU'),
units: __('Cores'),
usageDataName: __('Used'),
availableDataName: __('Available'),
legendLeftText: __('Last 30 Days'),
legendRightText: '',
numDays: 30,
availableof: __('Available of'),
sparklineTooltip: () => dailyTimeTooltip(),
cpuUsageDonutConfig: {
chartId: 'cpuDonutChart',
thresholds: { warning: '60', error: '90' },
memoryUsageConfig: {
chartId: 'memUsageChart',
title: __('Memory'),
units: __('GB'),
usageDataName: __('Used'),
availableDataName: __('Available'),
legendLeftText: __('Last 30 Days'),
legendRightText: '',
numDays: 30,
availableof: __('Available of'),
sparklineTooltip: () => dailyTimeTooltip(),
memoryUsageDonutConfig: {
chartId: 'memoryDonutChart',
thresholds: { warning: '60', error: '90' },
recentResourcesConfig: {
chartId: 'recentResourcesChart',
tooltipFn: () => dailyTimeTooltip(),
point: { r: 1 },
size: { height: '145px' },
grid: { y: { show: false } },
setAreaChart: true,
units: __('Hosts'),
legendLeftText: __('Last 30 Days'),
recentVmsConfig: {
chartId: 'recentVmsChart',
headTitle: __('Recent VMs'),
label: __('VMs'),
tooltipFn: () => dailyTimeTooltip(),
point: { r: 1 },
size: { height: '145px' },
grid: { y: { show: false } },
setAreaChart: true,
units: __('Vms'),
legendLeftText: __('Last 30 Days'),
dailyNetworkUsageConfig: {
chartId: 'networkUsageDailyChart',
headTitle: __('Network Utilization Trend'),
timeFrame: __('Last 30 Days'),
units: __('KBps'),
dataName: __('KBps'),
tooltipFn: () => dailyTimeTooltip('KBps'),
size: { height: '150px' },
createdLabel: __('Network'),
valueType: 'actual',
hourlyNetworkUsageConfig: {
chartId: 'networkUsageHourlyChart',
headTitle: __('Network Utilization Trend'),
timeFrame: __('Last 24 Hours'),
units: __('KBps'),
dataName: __('KBps'),
tooltipFn: () => hourlyTimeTooltip('KBps'),
size: { height: '150px' },
createdLabel: __('Network'),
valueType: 'actual',
dailyPodUsageConfig: {
chartId: 'podUsageDailyChart',
headTitle: __('Pod Creation and Deletion Trends'),
timeFrame: __('Last 30 days'),
createdLabel: __('Created'),
deletedLabel: __('Deleted'),
tooltipFn: dailyPodTimeTooltip,
point: { r: 1 },
size: { height: '150px' },
grid: { y: { show: false } },
setAreaChart: true,
hourlyPodUsageConfig: {
chartId: 'podUsageHourlyChart',
headTitle: __('Pod Creation and Deletion Trends'),
timeFrame: __('Last 24 hours'),
createdLabel: __('Created'),
deletedLabel: __('Deleted'),
tooltipFn: hourlyPodTimeTooltip,
point: { r: 1 },
size: { height: '145px' },
grid: { y: { show: false } },
setAreaChart: true,
dailyImageUsageConfig: {
chartId: 'imageUsageDailyChart',
headTitle: __('New Image Usage Trend'),
timeFrame: __('Last 30 days'),
createdLabel: __('Images'),
tooltipFn: () => dailyTimeTooltip('KBps'),
units: __('KBps'),
point: { r: 1 },
size: { height: '150px' },
grid: { y: { show: false } },
setAreaChart: true,
hourlyImageUsageConfig: {
chartId: 'imageUsageHourlyChart',
headTitle: __('New Image Usage Trend'),
timeFrame: __('Last 24 hours'),
createdLabel: __('Images'),
tooltipFn: () => hourlyTimeTooltip('KBps'),
units: __('KBps'),
point: { r: 1 },
size: { height: '150px' },
grid: { y: { show: false } },
setAreaChart: true,
availableServersUsageConfig: {
chartId: 'serverAvailabilityChart',
title: __('Servers Available'),
units: __('Server'),
usageDataName: __('Used'),
legendLeftText: __('Last 30 Days'),
legendRightText: '',
numDays: 30,
availableDataName: __('Available'),
availableServersUsagePieConfig: {
chartId: 'serverAvailablePieChart_',
serversHealthUsageConfig: {
chartId: 'serverHealthChart',
title: __('Servers Health'),
units: __('Server'),
usageDataName: __('Used'),
legendLeftText: __('Last 30 Days'),
legendRightText: '',
numDays: 30,
recentServersConfig: {
chartId: 'recentServersChart',
tooltipFn: () => dailyTimeTooltip(),
units: __('Servers'),
point: { r: 1 },
size: { height: '145px' },
grid: { y: { show: false } },
setAreaChart: true,
legendLeftText: __('Last 30 Days'),
recentInstancesConfig: {
chartId: 'recentInstancesChart',
tooltipFn: () => dailyTimeTooltip(),
units: __('Instances'),
point: { r: 1 },
size: { height: '145px' },
grid: { y: { show: false } },
setAreaChart: true,
legendLeftText: __('Last 30 Days'),
recentImagesConfig: {
chartId: 'recentInstancesChart',
tooltipFn: () => dailyTimeTooltip(),
units: __('Images'),
point: { r: 1 },
size: { height: '145px' },
grid: { y: { show: false } },
setAreaChart: true,
legendLeftText: __('Last 30 Days'),