import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { Button } from 'carbon-components-react';
import miqRedirectBack from '../../helpers/miq-redirect-back';
import MiqDataTable from '../miq-data-table';
import { createRows, setupForm, prepareData } from './helper';
const TenantQuotaForm = ({ recordId }) => {
const [{ initialValues, isLoading }, setState] = useState({ isLoading: !!recordId });
const [enforced, setEnforced] = useState({});
const [values, setValues] = useState({});
const [disabled, setDisabled] = useState(true);
const [changed, setChanged] = useState(true);
const [invalid, setInvalid] = useState({});
const submitLabel = !!recordId ? __('Save') : __('Add');
useEffect(() => {
if (recordId) {
API.get(`/api/tenants/${recordId}`).then(({ name }) => {
API.options(`/api/tenants/${recordId}/quotas`).then((initialValues) => {
API.get(`/api/tenants/${recordId}/quotas?expand=resources`).then(({ resources }) => {
const modifiedInitialValues = setupForm(initialValues, resources, name);
setEnforced(() => ({ ...modifiedInitialValues.enforced }));
setValues(() => ({ ...modifiedInitialValues.values }));
setInvalid(() => ({ ...modifiedInitialValues.invalid }));
setState({ initialValues: modifiedInitialValues, isLoading: false });
}, [recordId]);
const onSubmit = () => {
const { quotasToCreate, quotasToEdit, quotasToDelete } = prepareData(initialValues, values);
const promises = [];
if (quotasToCreate.resources.length !== 0) { promises.push(`/api/tenants/${recordId}/quotas`, quotasToCreate)); }
if (quotasToEdit.resources.length !== 0) { promises.push(`/api/tenants/${recordId}/quotas`, quotasToEdit)); }
if (quotasToDelete.resources.length !== 0) { promises.push(`/api/tenants/${recordId}/quotas`, quotasToDelete)); }
Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
const message = sprintf(__('Quotas for Tenant "%s" were saved'),;
miqRedirectBack(message, undefined, '/ops/explorer');
const onReset = () => {
setEnforced(() => ({ ...initialValues.enforced }));
setValues(() => ({ ...initialValues.values }));
setInvalid(() => ({ ...initialValues.invalid }));
// eslint-disable-next-line no-return-assign
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.quota-table-input')).forEach((input, index) => input.value = initialValues.values[index]);
add_flash(__('All changes have been reset'), 'warn');
const onCancel = () => {
const message = sprintf(__('Manage quotas for Tenant "%s" was cancelled by the user'),;
miqRedirectBack(message, 'warning', '/ops/explorer');
return !isLoading && (
<div className="tenant-quota-data-table">
{ key: 'Enforced', header: __('Enforced') },
{ key: 'Description', header: __('Description') },
{ key: 'Value', header: __('Value') },
{ key: 'Units', header: __('Units') },
rows={createRows(initialValues, enforced, setEnforced, values, setValues, setDisabled, setChanged, invalid, setInvalid)}
onCellClick={() => {}}
<div className="bx--btn-set">
<Button kind="primary" tabIndex={0} disabled={disabled} type="submit" onClick={onSubmit}>
<Button kind="secondary" style={{ marginLeft: '10px' }} tabIndex={0} disabled={changed} type="reset" onClick={onReset}>
<Button kind="secondary" style={{ marginLeft: '10px' }} tabIndex={0} type="button" onClick={onCancel}>
TenantQuotaForm.propTypes = {
recordId: PropTypes.string,
TenantQuotaForm.defaultProps = {
recordId: undefined,
export default TenantQuotaForm;