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7 hrs
Test Coverage
// Note: when changing a formatter, please consider also changing the corresponding MiqReport::Formatting#format_* method

(function(window, moment, _) {
  'use strict';

  function apply_format_precision(val, precision) {
    if (val == null || !_.isNumber(val)) {
      return val;
    return sprintf('%.' + (~~precision) + 'f', val);

  function apply_prefix_and_suffix(val, options) {
    options = options || {};
    return sprintf('%s%s%s', options.prefix || '', val, options.suffix || '');

  function get_time_zone(default_tz) {
    // FIXME - like MiqReportGenerator#get_time_zone - or .tz or the default
    return default_tz;

  function number_with_delimiter(val, options) {
    options = _.extend({ delimiter: ',', separator: '.' }, options || {});
    var intpart;
    var floatpart;
    var minus;
    if (_.isNumber(val)) {
      intpart = ~~val;
      floatpart = Math.abs(val - intpart);
      minus = val < 0;
      intpart = Math.abs(intpart);
    } else {
      minus = val[0] === '-';
      intpart = Math.abs(~~val);
      floatpart = (val.indexOf('.') < 0) ? '' : val.replace(/^.*\./, '');

    var s = '';
    while (intpart >= 1000) {
      s = options.delimiter + sprintf('%03d', intpart % 1000) + s;
      intpart = ~~( intpart / 1000 );
    s = sprintf(minus ? '-%d' : '%d', intpart) + s;

    if (_.isNumber(floatpart) && floatpart > 1e-12) {
      s += options.separator;
      s += sprintf('%f', floatpart).replace(/^.*\./, '');
    } else if (_.isString(floatpart) && floatpart) {
      s += options.separator + floatpart;

    return s;

  function number_to_currency(val, options) {
    options = _.extend({
      precision: 2,
      unit: '$',
      delimiter: ',',
      separator: '.',
      format: '%u%n',
    }, options || {});

    if (!('negative_format' in options)) {
      options.negative_format = '-' + options.format;

    var numstr = val;
    if (_.isNumber(val)) {
      numstr = apply_format_precision(val, options.precision);
    numstr = number_with_delimiter(numstr, options);

    var fmt = (numstr[0] === '-') ? options.negative_format : options.format;
    return fmt.replace('%u', options.unit).replace('%n', numstr);

  function number_to_human_size(val, options) {
    var fmt = '0.0';
    if (options.precision < 1) {
      fmt = '0';
    } else {
      var p = options.precision - 1;
      while (p-- > 0) {
        fmt += '0';
    return numeral(val).format(fmt + ' ib');

  function mhz_to_human_size(val, precision) {
    precision = _.isNumber(precision) ? precision : 1;
    precision = '%.' + precision + 'f';

    var s = val < 0 ? '-' : '';
    val = Math.abs(val);

    val *= 1000000; // mhz to hz
    if (val < 1000000000) {
      s += sprintf(precision + ' MHz', val / 1000000);
    } else if (val < 1000000000000) {
      s += sprintf(precision + ' GHz', val / 1000000000);
    } else {
      s += sprintf(precision + ' THz', val / 1000000000000);

    return s;

  function ordinalize(val) {
    return numeral(val).format('0o');

  function remove_right_side_zeros(str_val, separator) {
    var v = str_val.split(separator);
    if (v[0].includes('.')) {
      v[0] = v[0].replace(/0+$/, '').replace(/\.$/, '')
    return v.join(separator);

  var format = {
    number_with_delimiter: function(val, options) {
      options = options || {};
      var av_options = _.pick(options, [ 'delimiter', 'separator' ]);
      val = apply_format_precision(val, options.precision);
      val = number_with_delimiter(val, av_options);
      return apply_prefix_and_suffix(val, options);

    currency_with_delimiter: function(val, options) {
      options = options || {};
      var av_options = _.pick(options, [ 'delimiter', 'separator' ]);
      val = apply_format_precision(val, options.precision);
      val = number_to_currency(val, av_options);
      return apply_prefix_and_suffix(val, options);

    bytes_to_human_size: function(val, options) {
      options = options || {};
      var av_options = { precision: options.precision || 0 };  // Precision of 0 returns the significant digits
      val = number_to_human_size(val, av_options);
      return remove_right_side_zeros(apply_prefix_and_suffix(val, options), ' ');

    kbytes_to_human_size: function(val, options) {
      return remove_right_side_zeros(format.bytes_to_human_size(val * 1024, options), ' ');

    mbytes_to_human_size: function(val, options) {
      return remove_right_side_zeros(format.kbytes_to_human_size(val * 1024, options), ' ');

    gbytes_to_human_size: function(val, options) {
      return remove_right_side_zeros(format.mbytes_to_human_size(val * 1024, options), ' ');

    mhz_to_human_size: function(val, options) {
      options = options || {};
      val = mhz_to_human_size(val, options.precision);
      return apply_prefix_and_suffix(val, options);

    boolean: function(val, options) {
      options = options || {};

      if (val !== true && val !== false) {
        return _.capitalize( String(val) );

      switch (options.format) {
        case 'yes_no':
          return val ? 'Yes' : 'No';

        case 'y_n':
          return val ? 'Y' : 'N';

        case 't_f':
          return val ? 'T' : 'F';

        case 'pass_fail':
          return val ? 'Pass' : 'Fail';

          return val ? 'True' : 'False';

    // note that we require moment-timezone so that %Z (which maps to moments z which uses zoneAbbr, which returns "UTC" or "" without moment-timezone) works
    datetime: function(val, options) {
      options = options || {};
      if (!moment.isDate(val) && !moment.isMoment(val)) {
        return val;

      val = moment(val);
      if ( {
        val =;

      if (!options.format) {
        return val;

      return val.strftime(options.format);

    datetime_range: function(val, options) {
      options = options || {};
      if (!options.format) {
        return val;
      if (!moment.isDate(val) && !moment.isMoment(val)) {
        return val;

      val = moment(val);

      var col = options.column;
      var a = String(col).split('__');
      col = a[0];
      var sfx = a[1]; // The suffix (month, quarter, year) defines the range

      val ='UTC'));
      var stime;
      var etime;
      if (_.includes(['day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter', 'year'], sfx)) {
        stime = val.clone().startOf(sfx);
        etime = val.clone().endOf(sfx);
      } else {
        stime = val;
        etime = val;

      // FIXME: added for compatibility with the ruby implementation, needs fixing on both sides
      if (_.includes(options.description || '', 'Start')) {
        return stime.strftime(options.format);
      return '(' + stime.strftime(options.format) + ' - ' + etime.strftime(options.format) + ')';

    set: function(val, options) {
      options = options || {};
      if (!_.isArray(val)) {
        return val;
      return val.join(options.delimiter || ', ');

    datetime_ordinal: function(val, options) {
      options = options || {};
      val = format.datetime(val, options);
      return format.number_ordinal(val, options);

    // used by datetime_ordinal
    number_ordinal: function(val, _options) {
      return ordinalize(~~val);

    elapsed_time_human: function(val, _options) {
      val = ~~val;

      var names = [__('Day'), __('Hour'), __('Minute'), __('Second')];

      var days    = ~~(val / 86400);
      var hours   = ~~((val / 3600) - (days * 24));
      var minutes = ~~((val / 60) - (hours * 60) - (days * 1440));
      var seconds = ~~(val % 60);

      var arr = [days, hours, minutes, seconds];
      if (_.every(arr, 0)) {
        return '';

      var sidx = _.findIndex(arr, function(a) {
        return a > 0;
      var values = _.slice(arr, sidx, sidx + 2);
      var result = '';
      var sep    = '';
      values.forEach(function(val, i) {
        var sfx = names[sidx + i];
        if (val > 1 || val === 0) {
          sfx += 's';

        result += sep;
        result += values[i];
        result += ' ';
        result += sfx;

        sep = ', ';

      return result;

    string_truncate: function(val, options) {
      options = options || {};
      var result = String(val);
      return (result.length > options.length) ? result.substr(0, options.length) + '...' : val;

    large_number_to_exponential_form: function(val, _options) {
      if (Number(val) < 1.0e+15) {
        return val;
      return Number(val).toPrecision(2);

  // .foo(val, opt) or .foo.c3(opt)(val)
  window.ManageIQ.charts.formatters = _.mapValues(format, function(fn) {
    fn.c3 = _.curryRight(fn);
    return fn;
})(window, moment, _);