/* global miqAjaxButton miqBuildCalendar miqButtons miqJqueryRequest miqRESTAjaxButton miqSparkleOff miqSparkleOn
add_flash miqFlashLater miqFlashSaved */'dashboardService', ['$http', '$interval', '$window', 'miqService', function($http, $interval, $window, miqService) {
this.autoUpdateDashboard = function($scope, baseURL, callback) {
$scope.refresh = function() {
// get the pathname and remove trailing / if exist
var pathname = $window.location.pathname.replace(/\/$/, '');
if (pathname.match(/show$/)) {
$ = '';
} else if (pathname.match(/^\/[^\/]+\/show\/(\d+)/)) {
// search for pattern ^/<controler>/show/<id>$ in the pathname
$ = '/' + (/^\/[^\/]+\/show\/(\d+)/.exec(pathname)[1]);
} else {
// search for pattern ^/<controler>/<id>$ in the pathname
$ = '/' + (/^\/[^\/]+\/(\d+)$/.exec(pathname)[1]);
var url = baseURL + $;
var promise = $interval($scope.refresh, 1000 * 60 * 3);
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {