function transformResource(resource) {
return ({ id: resource });
export function getGridChecks() {
if (ManageIQ.gridChecks.length === 0) {
return [ManageIQ.record.recordId].map(transformResource);
// If the given string has multiple values for one key, the values will overwrite each other.
// Rails has the ability to handle multi-value params if those keys are suffixed with []
// This method will divide the incoming string into key-value pairs, group all key-value
// pairs that have the same key, then finally convert the resulting object into a new
// param string that highlights (using []) which keys have multiple values.
export function convertMultParamsToRailsMultParams(fullParamString) {
const keyValuePairsArr = [];
if (fullParamString) {
fullParamString.split('&').forEach((element) => {
if (element) {
const cleanedObject = {};
for (const pair of keyValuePairsArr) {
if (cleanedObject[pair[0]]) {
} else {
cleanedObject[pair.shift()] = [pair.join('%3D')];
let finalString = '';
for (const key in cleanedObject) {
if (cleanedObject[key].length > 1) {
for (const value of cleanedObject[key]) {
finalString += `${key}[]=${value}&`;
} else {
finalString += `${key}=${cleanedObject[key][0]}&`;
return finalString.slice(0, finalString.length - 1);