- mode ||= "search"
- force ||= false
- if force || (show_adv_search? && @edit && @edit[@expkey].present?)
- report_expressions = MiqReport.get_expressions_by_model(@edit[@expkey][:exp_model])
- if mode == "search"
- if @edit[@expkey].available_adv_searches.blank? && report_expressions.blank?
= button_tag(_("Load"),
:class => "btn btn-primary disabled pull-left",
:alt => t = _("No saved filters or report filters are available to load"),
:title => t)
- else
= button_tag(_('Load'),
:class => "btn btn-primary pull-left",
:alt => t = _("Load a filter"),
:title => t,
:onclick => "miqAjax('#{url_for_only_path(:action => 'adv_search_button', :button => "load")}');")
- if @edit[@expkey][:exp_table].flatten.first == "???"
= button_tag(_("Apply"),
:class => "btn btn-primary disabled",
:alt => t = _("No filter available"),
:title => t)
- else
= button_tag(_('Apply'),
:class => "btn btn-primary",
:alt => t = _("Apply the current filter"),
:title => t,
:onclick => "miqAjaxButton('#{url_for_only_path(:action => 'adv_search_button', :button => "apply")}');$('#advsearchModal').modal('hide');")
- if @edit[@expkey][:selected] && @edit[@expkey][:selected][:typ] != "default" && @edit[@expkey][:selected][:id] != 0
- if role_allows?(:feature => 'add_global_filter') || @edit[@expkey][:selected][:typ] == "user"
- actual_filter = @edit[@expkey][:selected][:description]
- confirm_msg = _("Delete the %{model} filter named %{filter}?") % {:model => ui_lookup(:model => @edit[@expkey][:exp_model]),
:filter => actual_filter}
- t = _("Delete the filter named %{filter_name}") % {:filter_name => actual_filter}
= link_to('Delete',
url_for_only_path(:action => 'adv_search_button',
:button => "delete"),
:alt => t,
:class => "btn btn-danger",
'data-confirm' => confirm_msg,
"data-method" => :post,
:remote => true,
:title => t)
- if @edit[@expkey][:exp_table].flatten.first == "???"
= button_tag(_("Save"),
:class => "btn btn-primary disabled",
:alt => t = _("No filter available"),
:title => t)
- else
= button_tag(_('Save'),
:class => "btn btn-primary",
:alt => t = _("Save the current filter"),
:title => t,
:onclick => "miqAjax('#{url_for_only_path(:action => 'adv_search_button', :button => "save")}');")
- if @edit[@expkey][:exp_table].flatten.first == "???"
= button_tag(_("Reset"),
:class => "btn btn-default disabled",
:alt => t = _("No filter available"),
:title => t)
- else
= button_tag(_('Reset'),
:class => "btn btn-default",
:alt => t = _("Reset the filter"),
:title => t,
:onclick => "miqAjax('#{url_for_only_path(:action => 'adv_search_button', :button => "reset")}');")
- elsif mode == "load"
- if @edit[@expkey][:exp_chosen_report].nil? && @edit[@expkey][:exp_chosen_search].nil?
= button_tag(_("Load"),
:class => "btn btn-primary disabled pull-left",
:alt => t = _("Choose a saved filter or report filter to load"),
:title => t)
- else
= button_tag(_('Load'),
:class => "btn btn-primary pull-left",
:alt => t = _("Load the filter shown above"),
:title => t,
:onclick => "miqAjax('#{url_for_only_path(:action => 'adv_search_button', :button => "loadit")}');")
= button_tag(_('Cancel'),
:class => "btn btn-primary",
:alt => t = _("Cancel the load"),
:title => t,
:onclick => "miqAjax('#{url_for_only_path(:action => 'adv_search_button', :button => "cancel")}');")
- elsif mode == "save"
= button_tag(_('Save'),
:class => "btn btn-primary",
:alt => t = _("Save the current search"),
:title => t,
:onclick => "miqAjax('#{url_for_only_path(:action => 'adv_search_button', :button => "saveit")}');")
= button_tag(_('Cancel'),
:class => "btn btn-default",
:alt => t = _("Cancel the save"),
:title => t,
:onclick => "miqAjax('#{url_for_only_path(:action => 'adv_search_button', :button => "cancel")}');")