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Test Coverage
- if big_iframe
  .container-fluid.container-pf-nav-pf-vertical.container-pf-nav-pf-vertical-with-sub-menus.max-height{:style => "overflow: hidden !important"}
      = yield
- elsif inner_layout_present?
  .container-fluid.container-pf-nav-pf-vertical.container-pf-nav-pf-vertical-with-sub-menus.max-height{:style => "overflow: hidden !important"}
        = render :partial => "layouts/breadcrumbs"
          = miq_toolbar toolbar_from_hash
      - if simulate?
            = yield :left
      - else
            - if @accords && @trees
              = render :partial => "layouts/listnav"
            = yield :left
      .full-content.max-height{:class => simulate? ? 'col-sm-7 col-md-8 col-sm-push-5 col-md-push-4' : 'col-sm-8 col-md-9 col-sm-push-4 col-md-push-3'}
                    = safe_right_cell_text
                  -# Link to clear the current applied filter, will be moved via JS to the right cell header
                  %span#clear_search{:style => "display:none"}
                    - if route_exists?(:action => 'adv_search_clear')
                      = link_to(_("clear"),
                                {:action              => "adv_search_clear"},
                                "data-miq_sparkle_on" => true,
                                :remote               => true,
                                "data-method"         => :post,
                                :title                => _("Remove the current filter"),
                                :style                => "text-decoration: underline;")
                = yield :search
                = yield
          = render :partial => 'layouts/x_form_buttons'
          .row#paging_div{:style => saved_report_paging? ? "" : "display: none"}
            - if saved_report_paging?
              = render(:partial => 'layouts/saved_report_paging_bar', :locals => {:pages => @sb[:pages]})
- elsif layout_full_center
  = render :partial => layout_full_center
- else
  #center_div{:style => "height: 100%;"}
    = render :partial => center_div_partial

- if show_advanced_search?

  // a hack to prevent toolbars disappearing behind top menus, see BZ#1291465 for details

- if @record
    ManageIQ.record.recordId = '#{}';
- else
    ManageIQ.record.recordId = null;