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Test Coverage
- save_text ||= _("Save Changes")
- save_confirm_text ||= nil
- action_url           ||= "update"
- record_id            ||= nil
- noreset              ||= nil
- align                ||= "right"
- ajax_buttons         ||= false
- serialize            ||= false
- continue_button      ||= nil
- restful              ||= false
- no_cancel_button     ||= false

%table{:width => "100%"}
    %td{:align => align}
      #buttons_on{:style => "display:#{@changed ? "display" : "none"};"}
        - if %w(miq_ae_class pxe miq_ae_tools).include?(@layout) || ajax_buttons
          - if serialize
            = button_tag(_("Save"),
                         :class   => 'btn btn-primary',
                         :alt     => save_text,
                         :title   => save_text,
                         :onclick => "miqAjaxButton('#{url_for_only_path(:action => action_url,
                                                               :id     => record_id,
                                                               :button => "save")}', true);")
          - else
            - if !save_confirm_text
              - if continue_button
                = button_tag(_("Continue"),
                             :class   => 'btn btn-primary',
                             :alt     => t = _("Continue"),
                             :title   => t,
                             :onclick => "miqAjaxButton('#{url_for_only_path(:action => action_url,
                                                                   :id     => record_id,
                                                                   :button => "continue")}');")
              - else
                - function = restful ? "miqRESTAjaxButton" : "miqAjaxButton"
                - extra = restful ? ", this" : ""
                = button_tag(_("Save"),
                             :class   => 'btn btn-primary',
                             :alt     => save_text,
                             :title   => save_text,
                             :onclick => "#{function}('#{url_for_only_path(:action => action_url,
                                                                   :id     => record_id,
                                                                   :button => "save")}'#{extra});")
            - else
              = button_tag(_("Save"),
                           :class   => 'btn btn-primary',
                           :alt     => save_text,
                           :title   => save_text,
                           :onclick => "if (confirm('#{save_confirm_text}')) miqAjaxButton('#{url_for_only_path(:action => action_url,
                                                                                                      :id     => record_id,
                                                                                                      :button => "save")}');")
        - else
          - if continue_button
            = link_to(t = _("Continue"),
                      {:action => action_url,
                       :button => "continue",
                       :id     => record_id},
                      :class  => "btn btn-primary",
                      :alt    => t,
                      :title  => t,
                      :method => :post)
          - else
            = link_to(_("Save"),
                      {:action => action_url,
                       :button => "save",
                       :id     => record_id},
                      :class  => "btn btn-primary",
                      :alt    => save_text,
                      :title  => save_text,
                      :method => :post)
        - unless noreset
          - if @layout == "report" && @sb[:menu_buttons]
            = button_tag(_("Reset"),
                           :class   => 'btn btn-default',
                           :alt     => t = _("Reset Changes"),
                           :title   => t,
                           :onclick => "miqAjaxButton('#{url_for_only_path(:action => "menu_update",
                                                                 :button => "reset")}');")
            = button_tag(_("Default"),
                         :class   => 'btn btn-primary',
                         :alt     => t = _("Reset All menus to defaults"),
                         :title   => t,
                         :onclick => "miqAjaxButton('#{url_for_only_path(:action => "menu_update",
                                                               :button => "default")}');")
          - else
            - if @layout == "miq_ae_class" || (ajax_buttons && params[:action] != "tagging_edit")
              = button_tag(_("Reset"),
                           :class   => 'btn btn-default',
                           :alt     => t = _("Reset Changes"),
                           :title   => t,
                           :onclick => "miqAjaxButton('#{url_for_only_path(:action  => action_url,
                                                                 :id      => record_id,
                                                                 :button  => "reset")}');")
            - else
              = link_to(_("Reset"),
                        {:action => action_url,
                         :button => "reset",
                         :id     => record_id},
                        :class  => "btn btn-default",
                        :alt    => t = _("Reset Changes"),
                        :title  => t,
                        :method => :post)
        - unless no_cancel_button
          - if @layout == "miq_ae_class" || ajax_buttons
            = button_tag(_("Cancel"),
                           :class   => 'btn btn-default',
                           :alt     => t = _("Cancel Changes"),
                           :title   => t,
                           :onclick => "miqAjaxButton('#{url_for_only_path(:action => action_url,
                                                                 :id     => record_id,
                                                                 :button => "cancel")}');")
          - else
            = link_to(_("Cancel"),
                      {:action => action_url,
                       :button => "cancel",
                       :id     => record_id},
                      :class  => "btn btn-default",
                      :alt    => t = _("Cancel Changes"),
                      :title  => t,
                      :method => :post)
      #buttons_off{:style => "display:#{@changed ? "none" : "display"};"}
        - if continue_button
          = button_tag(_("Continue"), :class => "btn btn-primary disabled")
        - else
          = button_tag(_("Save"), :class => "btn btn-primary disabled")
        - unless noreset
          = button_tag(_("Reset"), :class => "btn btn-default disabled")
          - if @layout == "report" && @sb[:menu_buttons]
            = button_tag(_("Default"),
                         :class   => 'btn btn-primary',
                         :alt     => t = _("Reset All menus to defaults"),
                         :title   => t,
                         :onclick => "miqAjaxButton('#{url_for_only_path(:action => "menu_update",
                                                               :button => "default")}');")
        - unless no_cancel_button
          - if @layout == "miq_ae_class" || ajax_buttons
            = button_tag(t = _("Cancel"),
                         :class   => 'btn btn-default',
                         :alt     => t,
                         :title   => t,
                         :onclick => "miqAjaxButton('#{url_for_only_path(:action => action_url,
                                                               :id     => record_id,
                                                               :button => "cancel")}');")
          - else
            = link_to(t = _("Cancel"),
                      {:action => action_url,
                       :button => "cancel",
                       :id     => record_id},
                      :class => "btn btn-default",
                      :alt   => t,
                      :title   => t,
                      :method  => :post)