- if @exp_atom_errors
-# Errors in this atom, display them instead of the atom
%ul#message{:style => "padding-left: 30px;"}
- @exp_atom_errors.each do |ae|
= ae
- else
- url = url_for_only_path(:action => 'exp_changed')
-# Grab the model for this expression
- exp_model = @edit[@expkey][:exp_model]
=_('Edit Selected Element')
- if @edit[@expkey][:exp_key] == "NOT"
%font{:color => "black"}
= _('Not')
- else
- opts = ["<#{_('Choose')}>"]
- if exp_model == "_display_filter_"
- opts += ExpAtomHelper.expression_types_for_secondary_filter(@edit[:new][:field_order], @edit[:new][:fields])
- else
- opts += ExpAtomHelper.expression_types_for_primary_filter(exp_model, only_tag = @expkey == :filter_expression )
- if only_tag && exp_model == "MiqGroup"
- @edit[@expkey][:exp_typ] = 'tags'
= _('Tag')
- else
= select_tag('chosen_typ', options_for_select(opts, @edit[@expkey][:exp_typ]),
:multiple => false,
:class => 'selectpicker',
'data-miq_sparkle_on' => true,
'data-miq_sparkle_off' => true)
- if @edit[@expkey][:exp_typ]
= render :partial => "layouts/exp_atom/edit_#{@edit[@expkey][:exp_typ]}", :locals => {:exp_model => exp_model}
- if qs_show_user_input_checkbox?
= check_box_tag("user_input", "1", @edit[@expkey][:exp_value] == :user_input,
:style => "width: 20px",
"data-miq_sparkle_on" => true,
"data-miq_sparkle_off" => true,
"data-miq_observe_checkbox" => {:url => url}.to_json)
= _('User will input the value')
%button.btn.btn-primary{:onclick => "miqAjax('#{url_for_only_path(:action => 'exp_button', :pressed => 'commit')}');",
:title => _('Commit expression element changes')}
= _("Commit")
%button.btn.btn-default{:onclick => "miqAjax('#{url_for_only_path(:action => 'exp_button', :pressed => 'discard')}');",
:title => _("Discard expression element changes")}
= _("Discard")
// Set the expression value prefill images and description
miqExpressionPrefill(ManageIQ.expEditor, true);
// Clear the date from and to selection limiters
ManageIQ.calendar.calDateFrom = null;
ManageIQ.calendar.calDateTo = null;
miqSelectPickerEvent('chosen_typ', '#{url}');