#left_cell_bottom{:align => "right"}
#throw_on{:style => @resolve[:throw_ready] ? "" : "display: none;"}
- t = _("Submit Automation Simulation with the specified options")
= link_to(_("Submit"),
{:action => "resolve", :button => "throw"},
:class => "btn btn-primary",
:alt => t,
"data-miq_sparkle_on" => true,
:remote => true,
"data-method" => :post,
:title => t)
- if @resolve[:ae_result] == 'retry'
- t = _("Retry state machine simulation, with preserved attributes")
= link_to(_("Retry"),
{:action => "resolve", :button => "retry"},
:class => "btn btn-primary",
:alt => t,
"data-miq_sparkle_on" => true,
:remote => true,
:title => t)
= link_to(_("Reset"),
{:action => "resolve", :button => "reset"},
:class => "btn btn-default",
:alt => (t = _("Reset all options")),
"data-miq_sparkle_on" => true,
"data-miq_sparkle_off" => true,
:remote => true,
"data-method" => :post,
:title => t)
- if @resolve[:lastaction] == "simulate"
- t = _("Cancel Simulation to go back to Button details")
= link_to(_("Cancel"),
{:action => "explorer", :button => "cancel_simulation", :controller => "miq_ae_customization"},
:class => "btn btn-default",
:alt => t,
:title => t)
#throw_off{:style => @resolve[:throw_ready] ? "display: none;" : ""}
= button_tag(_("Submit"),
:class => "btn btn-primary disabled",
:title => _("Starting process must be specified"))
= link_to(_("Reset"),
{:action => "resolve", :button => "reset"},
:class => "btn btn-default",
:alt => (t = _("Reset all options")),
"data-miq_sparkle_on" => true,
"data-miq_sparkle_off" => true,
:remote => true,
"data-method" => :post,
:title => t)
- if @resolve[:lastaction] == "simulate"
- t = _("Cancel Simulation to go back to Button details")
= link_to("Cancel",
{:action => "explorer", :button => "cancel_simulation", :controller => "miq_ae_customization"},
:class => "btn btn-default",
:alt => t,
:title => t)