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Test Coverage
  - url = url_for_only_path(:action => 'event_build_action_values', :id =>
  = render :partial => "layouts/flash_msg"
  %h3= _("Basic Information")
    - if @event
        %label.control-label.col-md-2= _("Event Group")
          %p.form-control-static= h(@event.memberof.first.description)
      %label.control-label.col-md-2= _("Attached to Policy")
        %p.form-control-static= h(@policy.description)

      %label.control-label.col-md-2= _("Edit Actions for Event")
        - if @edit[:events].count == 1
          %p.form-control-static= h(@event.description)
        - else
          = select_tag('event_id',
                        options_for_select([["<#{_('Choose')}>", nil]] + @edit[:events], @edit[:new][:event_id]),
                        :class    => "selectpicker")
            miqSelectPickerEvent('event_id', "#{url}")
  - if @event
      %h3= _("Order of Actions if ALL Conditions are True")
      - if @event
          = _('Available Actions:')
            = select_tag('choices_chosen_true[]',
              :multiple => true,
              :class    => "form-control",
              :style    => "overflow-x: scroll;",
              :size     => 8,
              :id       => "choices_chosen_true")

        .col-md-1{:style => "padding: 10px"}
          - [[_("Move selected Actions into this Event"),   'choices_chosen_true_div', 'true_right',   'fa-angle-right'],
             [_("Remove all Actions from this Event"),      nil,                       'true_allleft', 'fa-angle-double-left'],
             [_("Remove selected Actions from this Event"), 'members_chosen_true_div', 'true_left',    'fa-angle-left']].each do |title, chosen_div, action, arrow_style|
            %button.btn.btn-default.btn-block{:title => title,
                                    :remote => true,
                                    "data-submit" => chosen_div,
                                    "data-method" => :post,
                                    "data-miq_sparkle_on"  => true,
                                    "data-miq_sparkle_off" => true,
                                    "data-click_url" => {:url => url_for_only_path(:action => 'miq_event_edit',
                                                                         :button => action,
                                                                         :id => @policy)}.to_json}
              %i.fa.fa-lg.hidden-xs.hidden-sm{:class => arrow_style}
              %i.fa.fa-lg.fa-rotate-90.hidden-md.hidden-lg{:class => arrow_style}

          = _(' Selected Actions:')
            = select_tag('members_chosen_true[]',
              options_for_select(@edit[:new][:actions_true], @true_selected),
              :multiple => true,
              :class    => "form-control",
              :style    => "overflow-x: scroll;",
              :size     => 8,
              :id       => "members_chosen_true")

        .col-md-1.col-sm-1.col-xs-1{:style => "padding: 10px"}
          - [[_("Move selected Action up"),              'members_chosen_true_div', 'true_up',    'fa-angle-up'],
             [_("Move selected Action down"),            'members_chosen_true_div', 'true_down',  'fa-angle-down'],
             [_("Set selected Actions to Synchronous"),  'members_chosen_true_div', 'true_sync',  'S'],
             [_("Set selected Actions to Asynchronous"), 'members_chosen_true_div', 'true_async', 'A']].each do |title, chosen_div, action, arrow_style|
            %button.btn.btn-default.btn-block{:title => title,
                                    :remote => true,
                                    "data-submit" => chosen_div,
                                    "data-method" => :post,
                                    "data-miq_sparkle_on"  => true,
                                    "data-miq_sparkle_off" => true,
                                    "data-click_url" => {:url => url_for_only_path(:action => 'miq_event_edit',
                                                                         :button => action,
                                                                         :id =>}.to_json}
              - if %w(A S).include?(arrow_style)
              - else
                %i.fa.fa-lg{:class => arrow_style}


      %br{:style => "clear: both"}
      %h3= _("Order of Actions if ANY Conditions are False")
      - if @event

          = _("Available Actions:")
            = select_tag('choices_chosen_false[]',
              :multiple => true,
              :class    => "form-control",
              :style    => "overflow-x: scroll;",
              :size     => 8,
              :id       => "choices_chosen_false")

        .col-md-1{:style => "padding: 10px"}
          - [[_("Move selected Actions into this Event"),   'choices_chosen_false_div', 'false_right',   'fa-angle-right'],
             [_("Remove all Actions from this Event"),      nil,                       'false_allleft', 'fa-angle-double-left'],
             [_("Remove selected Actions from this Event"), 'members_chosen_false_div', 'false_left',    'fa-angle-left']].each do |title, chosen_div, action, arrow_style|
            %button.btn.btn-default.btn-block{:title => title,
                                    :remote => true,
                                    "data-submit" => chosen_div,
                                    "data-method" => :post,
                                    "data-miq_sparkle_on"  => true,
                                    "data-miq_sparkle_off" => true,
                                    "data-click_url" => {:url => url_for_only_path(:action => 'miq_event_edit',
                                                                         :button => action,
                                                                         :id =>}.to_json}
              %i.fa.fa-lg.hidden-xs.hidden-sm{:class => arrow_style}
              %i.fa.fa-lg.fa-rotate-90.hidden-md.hidden-lg{:class => arrow_style}


          = _(" Selected Actions:")
            = select_tag('members_chosen_false[]',
              options_for_select(@edit[:new][:actions_false], @false_selected),
              :multiple => true,
              :class    => "form-control",
              :style    => "overflow-x: scroll;",
              :size     => 8,
              :id       => "members_chosen_false")

        .col-md-1.col-sm-1.col-xs-1{:style => "padding: 10px"}
          - [[_("Move selected Action up"),              'members_chosen_false_div', 'false_up',    'fa-angle-up'],
             [_("Move selected Action down"),            'members_chosen_false_div', 'false_down',  'fa-angle-down'],
             [_("Set selected Actions to Synchronous"),  'members_chosen_false_div', 'false_sync',  'S'],
             [_("Set selected Actions to Asynchronous"), 'members_chosen_false_div', 'false_async', 'A']].each do |title, chosen_div, action, arrow_style|
            %button.btn.btn-default.btn-block{:title => title,
                                    :remote => true,
                                    "data-submit" => chosen_div,
                                    "data-method" => :post,
                                    "data-miq_sparkle_on"  => true,
                                    "data-miq_sparkle_off" => true,
                                    "data-click_url" => {:url => url_for_only_path(:action => 'miq_event_edit',
                                                                         :button => action,
                                                                         :id =>}.to_json}
              - if %w(A S).include?(arrow_style)
              - else
                %i.fa.fa-lg{:class => arrow_style}

  = render :partial => '/layouts/edit_form_buttons',
           :locals  => {:action_url => "miq_event_edit", :record_id => @edit[:rec_id], :ajax_buttons => true}