- url = url_for_only_path(:action => 'policy_field_changed', :id => ( || 'new'))
- observe_with_interval = {:interval => '.5', :url => url}.to_json
- if @policy
= render :partial => "layouts/flash_msg"
-# Description and active fields
= _("Basic Information")
= _("Description")
= text_field_tag("description", @edit[:new][:description],
:maxlength => ViewHelper::MAX_DESC_LEN,
:class => "form-control",
"data-miq_focus" => true,
"data-miq_observe" => observe_with_interval)
= _("Active")
= check_box_tag("active", "1", @edit[:new][:active], "data-miq_observe_checkbox" => {:url => url}.to_json)
= _("Applies To")
- if
= MiqPolicy.policy_towhat_applies_to_classes[@edit[:new][:towhat]]
- else
= select_tag('towhat',
options_for_select(MiqPolicy.policy_towhat_applies_to_classes.invert, @edit[:new][:towhat]),
:class => "selectpicker form-control")
miqSelectPickerEvent("towhat", "#{url}");
= _("Mode")
- if
= MiqPolicy.policy_modes[@edit[:new][:mode]]
- else
= select_tag('mode',
options_for_select(MiqPolicy.policy_modes.invert, @edit[:new][:mode]),
:class => "selectpicker form-control")
miqSelectPickerEvent("mode", "#{url}");
-# Scope
%h3= _("Scope")
= render :partial => 'layouts/exp_editor'
-# Conditions for this policy
- if @edit[:typ] == "conditions"
%h3= _("Condition Selection")
= _("Available %{model} Conditions:") % {:model => ui_lookup(:model => @edit[:new][:towhat])}
= select_tag('choices_chosen[]',
:multiple => true,
:size => 15,
:class => "form-control",
:style => "overflow-x: scroll;",
:id => "choices_chosen",
:onchange => 'rightArrowSwitch()')
= _("* If all Conditions are removed from a Policy, it will be unconditional and always evaluate to true.")
function rightArrowSwitch() {
document.querySelector('#btn-mv-right').disabled = (document.querySelector('#choices_chosen').selectedIndex == -1);
.col-md-1{:style => "padding: 10px"}
- [['btn-mv-right', _("Move selected Conditions into this Policy"), 'choices_chosen_div', 'move_right', 'fa-angle-right', true],
['btn-rm-all', _("Remove all Conditions from this Policy"), nil, 'move_allleft', 'fa-angle-double-left', @edit[:new][:conditions].empty?],
['btn-mv-left', _("Remove selected Conditions from this Policy"), 'members_chosen_div', 'move_left', 'fa-angle-left', true]].each do |id, title, chosen_div, action, arrow_style, disabled|
%button.btn.btn-default.btn-block{:title => title,
:id => id,
:disabled => disabled,
:remote => true,
"data-submit" => chosen_div,
"data-method" => :post,
"data-miq_sparkle_on" => true,
"data-miq_sparkle_off" => true,
"data-click_url" => {:url => url_for_only_path(:action => 'miq_policy_edit',
:button => action,
:id => @policy)}.to_json}
%i.fa.fa-lg.hidden-xs.hidden-sm{:class => arrow_style}
%i.fa.fa-lg.fa-rotate-90.hidden-md.hidden-lg{:class => arrow_style}
= _("Policy Conditions:")
= select_tag('members_chosen[]',
:multiple => true,
:size => 15,
:class => "form-control",
:style => "overflow-x: scroll;",
:id => "members_chosen",
:onchange => "leftArrowSwitch()")
function leftArrowSwitch() {
document.querySelector('#btn-mv-left').disabled = (document.querySelector('#members_chosen').selectedIndex == -1);
-# Events for this policy
- if @edit[:typ] == "events"
%h3= _("Event Selection")
- @edit[:allevents].keys.sort.each do |k|
= h(_(k))
- @edit[:allevents][k].sort_by(&:first).each do |e|
- checked = @edit[:new][:events].include?(e.last) ? true : false
= check_box_tag("event_#{e.last}", 'true', checked,
:class => "bootstrap-switch-mini",
:data => {:on_text => _('Yes'), :off_text => _('No'), :size => 'mini'})
= h(e.first)
miqInitBootstrapSwitch("event_#{e.last}", "#{url}")
-# Notes field
%h3= _("Notes")
%span#notes_count= @edit[:new][:notes] ? @edit[:new][:notes].length : 0
\/ 512)
= text_area_tag("notes", @edit[:new][:notes],
:rows => 4,
:maxlength => "512",
:counter => "notes_count",
"data-miq_check_max_length" => true,
"data-miq_observe" => observe_with_interval)
- if @edit[:rec_id]
= render :partial => '/layouts/edit_form_buttons',
:locals => {:action_url => "edit", :record_id => @edit[:rec_id], :ajax_buttons => true}
- else
= render :partial => '/layouts/add_form_buttons',
:locals => {:action_url => "edit", :ajax_buttons => true}