- if @edit && @edit[:stamp_typ]
- url = url_for_only_path(:action => 'stamp_field_changed', :id => @edit[:request].id)
= _("Request Details")
= _("Request ID")
= h(
= _("Status")
= h(_(@miq_request.status))
= _("Request State")
= h(_(@miq_request.state.titleize))
- if @miq_request.requester
= _("Requester")
= h(@miq_request.requester_name)
= _("Request Type")
= h(_(@miq_request.request_type_display))
= _("Description")
= h(@miq_request.description)
= _("Last Message")
= h(@miq_request.message)
= _("Created On")
= h(format_timezone(@miq_request.created_on))
= _("Last Update")
= h(format_timezone(@miq_request.updated_on))
- if @miq_request.parent_id
= _("Parent Request")
= h(link_to(@miq_request.parent_id, :controller => "miq_request", :action => "show", :id => @miq_request.parent_id))
- if @miq_request.fulfilled_on
= _("Completed")
= h(format_timezone(@miq_request.fulfilled_on))
= _("Approval State")
= h(_(@miq_request.approval_state.titleize))
- if @miq_request.stamped_by
= _("Approved/Denied by")
= h(@miq_request.stamped_by + (@user && " (#{})"))
= _("Approved/Denied on")
= h(format_timezone(@miq_request.stamped_on))
= _("Reason")
= text_field_tag("reason", _(@edit[:reason]),
:class => "form-control",
:maxlength => ViewHelper::MAX_NAME_LEN,
"data-miq_focus" => true,
"data-miq_observe" => {:interval => '.5', :url => url}.to_json)
= h(_(@miq_request.reason))
%table{:width => "100%"}
%td{:align => 'left'}
- if @edit[:stamp_typ] == "approve"
= _("* Enter a reason for this approval and press Submit")
- else
= _("* Enter a reason for this denial and press Submit")
%td{:align => 'right'}
%span#buttons_on{:style => 'display:none'}
= link_to(t = _('Submit'),
{:action => 'stamp', :button => "submit", :disabled => true},
:class => "btn btn-primary",
:alt => t,
"data-miq_sparkle_on" => true,
"data-miq_sparkle_off" => true,
:remote => true,
"data-method" => :post,
:title => t)
= button_tag(t, :class => "btn btn-primary disabled")
- else
= request_details_summary(@miq_request, @user)
- if role_allows?(:feature => 'miq_request_show_logs') && @miq_request.request_logs.any?
= _("Request Logs")
= react('RequestsTable', {:initialData => @miq_request.request_logs})
- if @miq_request.workflow_class
= render :partial => "prov_wf", :locals => {:wf =>{:src_vm_id => @miq_request.source_id}, current_user), :show => true}
- elsif @miq_request.type == 'ServiceTemplateProvisionRequest'
= render :partial => "st_prov_show"
- elsif @miq_request.type == 'ServiceReconfigureRequest'
= render :partial => "service_reconfigure_show"
- elsif @miq_request.type == "ServiceRetireRequest"
= render :partial => "service_retire_show"
- elsif @miq_request.type == "AutomationRequest"
= render :partial => "ae_prov_show"
- elsif %w[PhysicalServerProvisionRequest PhysicalServerFirmwareUpdateRequest].include?(@miq_request.type)
= render :partial => "physical_server_provision_show"
- elsif @miq_request.type == "PhysicalServerFirmwareUpdateRequest"
= render :partial => "physical_server_firmware_update_show"
- else
= render :partial => "reconfigure_show"