- url = url_for_only_path(:action => 'form_field_changed', :id => (@edit[:rpt_id] || 'new'))
= _('PDF Output')
= _('Page Size')
= select_tag('pdf_page_size',
options_for_select( { |k, v| [_(v), v] }.sort, @edit[:new][:pdf_page_size]),
:multiple => false,
:class => "selectpicker")
miqSelectPickerEvent('pdf_page_size', '#{url}', {beforeSend: true});
= _('Specify Column Headers and Formats')
= _('Column Name')
= _('Header')
= _('Format')
- @edit[:new][:field_order].each do |f|
= h(f.first)
%div{:id => "hdr_#{f.last}_div"}
= text_field_tag("hdr_#{f.last}", @edit[:new][:headers][f.last],
:maxlength => 40,
"data-miq_observe" => {:interval => '.5', :url => url}.to_json)
- ci = MiqReport.get_col_info(f.last.split("__").first)
- unless ci[:available_formats].blank?
-# need to gsub the period out of the field name for pull down or observe doesn't work, replacing with "__"
- opts = [["<#{_('None')}>", "_none_"], ["<#{_('Reset to Default')}>", nil]] + Array(ci[:available_formats].invert).sort_by(&:first).map{|format| [_(format[0]), format[1]]}
= select_tag("fmt_#{f.last.gsub(".", "___")}",
options_for_select(opts, @edit[:new][:col_formats][f.last] || ci[:default_format]),
"data-miq_sparkle_on" => true,
"data-miq_observe" => {:url => url}.to_json)