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Test Coverage
- url = url_for_only_path(:action => 'automate_button_field_changed')
    = _('Options')
        = _('Button Type')
        - if @edit
          = select_tag('button_type',
                options_for_select({|request, index| [_(request), index]}, @edit[:new][:button_type]),
                :class => "selectpicker")
                miqSelectPickerEvent('button_type', '#{url}', {beforeSend: true, complete: true})
        - else
          = h(@edit[:new][:button_type] == "default" ? "Default" : CustomButton::TYPES[[:button_type]])
        - display = @edit[:new][:button_type] == "ansible_playbook" ? "" : "display:none"
    #playbook_div{:style => display}
      = render :partial => "shared/playbook_options"
        = _('Name')
          = text_field_tag("name", @edit[:new][:name],
                          :maxlength         => 30,
                          :class             => "form-control",
                          "data-miq_observe" => {:interval => '.5', :url => url}.to_json)
              = check_box_tag("display", "1", @edit[:new][:display],
                               "data-miq_observe_checkbox" => {:interval => '.5', :url => url}.to_json)
              = _('Display on Button')
      = javascript_tag(javascript_focus('name'))
        = _('Description')
        = text_field_tag("description", @edit[:new][:description],
                          :maxlength         => 50,
                          :class             => "form-control",
                          "data-miq_observe" => {:interval => '.5', :url => url}.to_json)
        = _('Icon')
        = react 'FonticonPicker', :selected => @edit[:new][:button_icon], :onChangeURL => url
        = _('Icon Color')
        -# Remove the default #4d5258 value when using a color picker with nil support
        = color_field_tag("button_color", @edit[:new][:button_color] || '#4d5258',
                          :maxlength         => 30,
                          :class             => "form-control",
                          "data-miq_observe" => {:interval => '.5', :url => url}.to_json)
    - if @edit[:new][:button_type] != "ansible_playbook"
          = _('Dialog')
          = select_tag('dialog_id',
                        options_for_select([[_("<None>"), nil]] + Array(@edit[:new][:available_dialogs].invert).sort_by { |a| a.first.downcase }, @edit[:new][:dialog_id]),
                        disabled: @edit[:new][:display_for] != 'single',
                        "data-miq_sparkle_on" => true,
                        :class => "selectpicker")
          - if @edit[:new][:display_for] != 'single'
              = _("Only available when \"Display for\" is set to \"Single\"")
        = _('Open URL')
        = check_box_tag("open_url", "1", @edit[:new][:open_url], "data-miq_observe_checkbox" => {:interval => '.5', :url => url}.to_json, disabled: @edit[:new][:disabled_open_url])
        - if @edit[:new][:disabled_open_url]
            = _("Only available for VM, Provider, Service, User, Group, Tenant, Cloud Tenant and Generic Object with \"Display for\" set to \"Single\"")
        = _('Display for')
        = select_tag("display_for",
                     options_for_select([[_('Single entity'), 'single'], [_('List'), 'list'], [_('Single and list'), 'both']], @edit[:new][:display_for]),
                     "data-miq_sparkle_on" => true, :class => 'selectpicker')
          = _("Expressions (next tab) can only be configured for buttons with \"Display for\" set to \"Single\"")

        = _('Submit')
        = select_tag("submit_how",
                     options_for_select([[_('Submit all'), 'all'], [_('One by one'), 'one']], @edit[:new][:submit_how]),
                     "data-miq_sparkle_on" => true, :class => 'selectpicker')
  miqSelectPickerEvent('dialog_id', '#{url}');
  miqSelectPickerEvent('display_for', '#{url}');
  miqSelectPickerEvent('submit_how', '#{url}');