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Test Coverage
# * copy Procfile.example to Procfile
# * uncomment needed processes
# * `bin/rake evm:foreman:start` to start the processes!
#   This task will configure the local server to look started and then start the processes in the Procfile.
# See documentation at
# Web server workers
# The $PORT variable is set automatically by foreman for particular workers
# We tell foreman to start at 3000, it then increments by 1 per instance of a worker type
# and 100 per worker type.
# So, the first ui worker will get PORT=3000 while the next will get PORT=3001
# The first api worker will get PORT=3100 and the next will get PORT=3101

# ui:             env PORT=$PORT ruby lib/workers/bin/run_single_worker.rb MiqUiWorker
# api:            env PORT=$PORT ruby lib/workers/bin/run_single_worker.rb MiqWebServiceWorker
# remote_console: env PORT=$PORT ruby lib/workers/bin/run_single_worker.rb MiqRemoteConsoleWorker

# schedule: ruby lib/workers/bin/run_single_worker.rb MiqScheduleWorker

# Queue workers
# These workers use a default queue defined in their classes
# We do not need to pass them a queue name

# generic:           ruby lib/workers/bin/run_single_worker.rb MiqGenericWorker
# priority:          ruby lib/workers/bin/run_single_worker.rb MiqPriorityWorker
# event:             ruby lib/workers/bin/run_single_worker.rb MiqEventHandler
# reporting:         ruby lib/workers/bin/run_single_worker.rb MiqReportingWorker
# metrics_processor: ruby lib/workers/bin/run_single_worker.rb MiqEmsMetricsProcessorWorker

# Provider workers
# If you are unsure which workers to start, you can run `ruby lib/workers/bin/run_single_worker.rb -l` to list the workers available

# VMware example
# The following worker should be started to work with a VMware infrastructure EMS

# vmware_metrics: ruby lib/workers/bin/run_single_worker.rb ManageIQ::Providers::Vmware::InfraManager::MetricsCollectorWorker

# Per EMS queue workers
# These workers subscribe to a queue named based on the particular EMS they connect to
# The "<id>" tag in these lines should be replaced by the id of the manager instance these workers apply to

# vmware_refresh_<id>:      ruby lib/workers/bin/run_single_worker.rb --ems-id <id> ManageIQ::Providers::Vmware::InfraManager::RefreshWorker
# vmware_event_<id>:        ruby lib/workers/bin/run_single_worker.rb --ems-id <id> ManageIQ::Providers::Vmware::InfraManager::EventCatcher

# Logs
# If you also want to see the log output in the same terminal session that you see the foreman output, uncomment these lines

# evm_log: tail -f log/evm.log
# dev_log: tail -f log/development.log