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Use include MoreCoreExtensions::ObjectDeepSend instead of send(:include, MoreCoreExtensions::ObjectDeepSend).

Object.send(:include, MoreCoreExtensions::ObjectDeepSend)

Checks for send, public_send, and __send__ methods when using mix-in.

include and prepend methods were private methods until Ruby 2.0, they were mixed-in via send method. This cop uses Ruby 2.1 or higher style that can be called by public methods. And extend method that was originally a public method is also targeted for style unification.


# bad
Foo.send(:include, Bar)
Foo.send(:prepend, Bar)
Foo.send(:extend, Bar)

# bad
Foo.public_send(:include, Bar)
Foo.public_send(:prepend, Bar)
Foo.public_send(:extend, Bar)

# bad
Foo.__send__(:include, Bar)
Foo.__send__(:prepend, Bar)
Foo.__send__(:extend, Bar)

# good
Foo.include Bar
Foo.prepend Bar
Foo.extend Bar

Use prepend MoreCoreExtensions::DecimalSI instead of send(:prepend, MoreCoreExtensions::DecimalSI).

String.send(:prepend, MoreCoreExtensions::DecimalSI)

Checks for send, public_send, and __send__ methods when using mix-in.

include and prepend methods were private methods until Ruby 2.0, they were mixed-in via send method. This cop uses Ruby 2.1 or higher style that can be called by public methods. And extend method that was originally a public method is also targeted for style unification.


# bad
Foo.send(:include, Bar)
Foo.send(:prepend, Bar)
Foo.send(:extend, Bar)

# bad
Foo.public_send(:include, Bar)
Foo.public_send(:prepend, Bar)
Foo.public_send(:extend, Bar)

# bad
Foo.__send__(:include, Bar)
Foo.__send__(:prepend, Bar)
Foo.__send__(:extend, Bar)

# good
Foo.include Bar
Foo.prepend Bar
Foo.extend Bar

Use include MoreCoreExtensions::SymbolToI instead of send(:include, MoreCoreExtensions::SymbolToI).

Symbol.send(:include, MoreCoreExtensions::SymbolToI) unless Symbol.method_defined?(:to_i)

Checks for send, public_send, and __send__ methods when using mix-in.

include and prepend methods were private methods until Ruby 2.0, they were mixed-in via send method. This cop uses Ruby 2.1 or higher style that can be called by public methods. And extend method that was originally a public method is also targeted for style unification.


# bad
Foo.send(:include, Bar)
Foo.send(:prepend, Bar)
Foo.send(:extend, Bar)

# bad
Foo.public_send(:include, Bar)
Foo.public_send(:prepend, Bar)
Foo.public_send(:extend, Bar)

# bad
Foo.__send__(:include, Bar)
Foo.__send__(:prepend, Bar)
Foo.__send__(:extend, Bar)

# good
Foo.include Bar
Foo.prepend Bar
Foo.extend Bar

Use yield instead of

          new_value   =

This cop identifies the use of a &block parameter and where yield would do just as well.


# bad
def method(&block)
def another(&func) 1, 2, 3

# good
def method
def another
  yield 1, 2, 3

Unused block argument - k. If it's necessary, use _ or _k as an argument name to indicate that it won't be used.

      delete_if { |k, v| v.blank? }

Checks for unused block arguments.


# bad
do_something do |used, unused|
  puts used

do_something do |bar|
  puts :foo

define_method(:foo) do |bar|
  puts :baz

# good
do_something do |used, _unused|
  puts used

do_something do
  puts :foo

define_method(:foo) do |_bar|
  puts :baz

Example: IgnoreEmptyBlocks: true (default)

# good
do_something { |unused| }

Example: IgnoreEmptyBlocks: false

# bad
do_something { |unused| }

Example: AllowUnusedKeywordArguments: false (default)

# bad
do_something do |unused: 42|

Example: AllowUnusedKeywordArguments: true

# good
do_something do |unused: 42|

Use include MoreCoreExtensions::HashNested instead of send(:include, MoreCoreExtensions::HashNested).

Hash.send(:include, MoreCoreExtensions::HashNested)

Checks for send, public_send, and __send__ methods when using mix-in.

include and prepend methods were private methods until Ruby 2.0, they were mixed-in via send method. This cop uses Ruby 2.1 or higher style that can be called by public methods. And extend method that was originally a public method is also targeted for style unification.


# bad
Foo.send(:include, Bar)
Foo.send(:prepend, Bar)
Foo.send(:extend, Bar)

# bad
Foo.public_send(:include, Bar)
Foo.public_send(:prepend, Bar)
Foo.public_send(:extend, Bar)

# bad
Foo.__send__(:include, Bar)
Foo.__send__(:prepend, Bar)
Foo.__send__(:extend, Bar)

# good
Foo.include Bar
Foo.prepend Bar
Foo.extend Bar

Wrap expressions with varying precedence with parentheses to avoid ambiguity.

        r_squared   = (n * sum_xy - sum_x * sum_y) / Math.sqrt((n * sum_x2 - sum_x.square) * (n * sum_y2 - sum_y.square)) rescue nil

Looks for expressions containing multiple binary operators where precedence is ambiguous due to lack of parentheses. For example, in 1 + 2 * 3, the multiplication will happen before the addition, but lexically it appears that the addition will happen first.

The cop does not consider unary operators (ie. !a or -b) or comparison operators (ie. a =~ b) because those are not ambiguous.

NOTE: Ranges are handled by Lint/AmbiguousRange.


# bad
a + b * c
a || b && c
a ** b + c

# good (different precedence)
a + (b * c)
a || (b && c)
(a ** b) + c

# good (same precedence)
a + b + c
a * b / c % d

Use include MoreCoreExtensions::HashSortByBang instead of send(:include, MoreCoreExtensions::HashSortByBang).

Hash.send(:include, MoreCoreExtensions::HashSortByBang) unless Hash.method_defined?(:sort_by!)

Checks for send, public_send, and __send__ methods when using mix-in.

include and prepend methods were private methods until Ruby 2.0, they were mixed-in via send method. This cop uses Ruby 2.1 or higher style that can be called by public methods. And extend method that was originally a public method is also targeted for style unification.


# bad
Foo.send(:include, Bar)
Foo.send(:prepend, Bar)
Foo.send(:extend, Bar)

# bad
Foo.public_send(:include, Bar)
Foo.public_send(:prepend, Bar)
Foo.public_send(:extend, Bar)

# bad
Foo.__send__(:include, Bar)
Foo.__send__(:prepend, Bar)
Foo.__send__(:extend, Bar)

# good
Foo.include Bar
Foo.prepend Bar
Foo.extend Bar

Wrap expressions with varying precedence with parentheses to avoid ambiguity.

        r_squared   = (n * sum_xy - sum_x * sum_y) / Math.sqrt((n * sum_x2 - sum_x.square) * (n * sum_y2 - sum_y.square)) rescue nil

Looks for expressions containing multiple binary operators where precedence is ambiguous due to lack of parentheses. For example, in 1 + 2 * 3, the multiplication will happen before the addition, but lexically it appears that the addition will happen first.

The cop does not consider unary operators (ie. !a or -b) or comparison operators (ie. a =~ b) because those are not ambiguous.

NOTE: Ranges are handled by Lint/AmbiguousRange.


# bad
a + b * c
a || b && c
a ** b + c

# good (different precedence)
a + (b * c)
a || (b && c)
(a ** b) + c

# good (same precedence)
a + b + c
a * b / c % d

Use prepend MoreCoreExtensions::NumericMath instead of send(:prepend, MoreCoreExtensions::NumericMath).

Numeric.send(:prepend, MoreCoreExtensions::NumericMath)

Checks for send, public_send, and __send__ methods when using mix-in.

include and prepend methods were private methods until Ruby 2.0, they were mixed-in via send method. This cop uses Ruby 2.1 or higher style that can be called by public methods. And extend method that was originally a public method is also targeted for style unification.


# bad
Foo.send(:include, Bar)
Foo.send(:prepend, Bar)
Foo.send(:extend, Bar)

# bad
Foo.public_send(:include, Bar)
Foo.public_send(:prepend, Bar)
Foo.public_send(:extend, Bar)

# bad
Foo.__send__(:include, Bar)
Foo.__send__(:prepend, Bar)
Foo.__send__(:extend, Bar)

# good
Foo.include Bar
Foo.prepend Bar
Foo.extend Bar