#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require_relative '../lib/optimist'
opts = Optimist::options do
version "cool-script v0.1 (code-name: bananas foster)"
banner "This script is pretty cool."
opt :juice, "use juice"
opt :milk, "use milk"
opt :litres, "quantity of liquid", :default => 2.0
opt :brand, "brand name of the liquid", :type => :string
opt :config, "config file path", :type => String, :required => true
opt :drinkers, "number of people drinking the liquid", :default => 6
Optimist::die :drinkers, "must be value a greater than zero" if opts[:drinkers] < 1
Optimist::die :config, "must point to an existing file" unless File.exist?(opts[:config]) if opts[:config]