# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
""" Module: gitim
from __future__ import print_function
import platform
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import distance
from . import utilities
from .sanity_check import SanityCheck
from .surface import SurfaceFlatInterface
from .surface import SurfaceGenericInterface
from pytetgen import Delaunay
except ImportError:
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
from .interface import Interface
from .patches import patchTrajectory, patchOpenMM, patchMDTRAJ
from circumradius import circumradius
class GITIM(Interface):
""" Identifies interfacial molecules at curved interfaces.
*(Sega, M.; Kantorovich, S.; Jedlovszky, P.; Jorge, M., J. Chem. Phys. 138, 044110, 2013)*
:param Object universe: The MDAnalysis_ Universe, MDTraj_ trajectory
or OpenMM_ Simulation objects.
:param Object group: An AtomGroup, or an array-like object with
the indices of the atoms in the group. Will
identify the interfacial molecules from
this group
:param float alpha: The probe sphere radius
:param str normal: 'x','y,'z' or 'guess'
(for planar interfaces only)
:param bool molecular: Switches between search of interfacial
molecules / atoms (default: True)
:param int max_layers: The number of layers to be identified
:param dict radii_dict: Dictionary with the atomic radii of the
elements in the group. If None is supplied,
the default one (from GROMOS 43a1) will be
:param float cluster_cut: Cutoff used for neighbors or density-based
cluster search (default: None disables the
cluster analysis)
:param float cluster_threshold_density: Number density threshold for
the density-based cluster search. 'auto'
determines the threshold automatically.
Default: None uses simple neighbors cluster
search, if cluster_cut is not None
:param Object extra_cluster_groups: Additional groups, to allow for
mixed interfaces
:param bool biggest_cluster_only: Tag as surface atoms/molecules only
those in the largest cluster. Need to
specify also a :py:obj:`cluster_cut` value.
:param float surface_cluster_cut: Filter surface atoms/molecules
to include only those in the largest
cluster of (initially detected) surface
(default: None disables the filtering)
:param str symmetry: Gives the code a hint about the topology
:param str symmetry: Gives the code a hint about the topology
of the interface: 'generic' (default)
or 'planar'
:param bool centered: Center the :py:obj:`group`
:param bool include_zero_radius: if false (default) exclude atoms with zero radius
from the surface analysis (they are always included
in the cluster search, if present in the relevant
group) to avoid some artefacts.
:param bool info: Print additional info
:param bool warnings: Print warnings
:param bool autoassign: If true (default) detect the interface
every time a new frame is selected.
>>> import MDAnalysis as mda
>>> import pytim
>>> from pytim.datafiles import *
>>> u = mda.Universe(MICELLE_PDB)
>>> g = u.select_atoms('resname DPC')
>>> interface =pytim.GITIM(u,group=g,molecular=False, alpha=2.0)
>>> layer = interface.layers[0]
>>> interface.writepdb('gitim.pdb',centered=False)
>>> print (repr(layer))
<AtomGroup with 909 atoms>
Successive layers can be identified with :mod:`~pytim.gitim.GITIM`
as well. In this example we identify two solvation shells of glucose:
>>> import MDAnalysis as mda
>>> import pytim
>>> from pytim.datafiles import *
>>> u = mda.Universe(GLUCOSE_PDB)
>>> g = u.select_atoms('name OW')
>>> # it is faster to consider only oxygens.
>>> # Hydrogen atoms are anyway within Oxygen's radius,
>>> # in SPC* models.
>>> interface =pytim.GITIM(u, group=g, alpha=2.0, max_layers=2)
>>> interface.writepdb('glucose_shells.pdb')
>>> print (repr(interface.layers[0]))
<AtomGroup with 54 atoms>
>>> print (repr(interface.layers[1]))
<AtomGroup with 117 atoms>
.. _MDAnalysis:
.. _MDTraj:
.. _OpenMM:
def __init__(self,
# this is just for debugging/testing
self._noextrapoints = _noextrapoints
self.autoassign = autoassign
self.system = platform.system()
self.do_center = centered
self.biggest_cluster_only = biggest_cluster_only
self.surface_cluster_cut = surface_cluster_cut
sanity = SanityCheck(self, warnings=warnings)
sanity.assign_universe(universe, group)
self.max_layers = max_layers
self._layers = np.empty([max_layers], dtype=type(self.universe.atoms)) = info
self.normal = None
self.PDB = {}
self.molecular = molecular
self.include_zero_radius = include_zero_radius
cluster_threshold_density, extra_cluster_groups)
self._buffer_factor = kargs['buffer_factor']
self._buffer_factor = 3.5
if (self.symmetry == 'planar'):
self._surfaces = np.empty(
max_layers, dtype=type(SurfaceFlatInterface))
for nlayer in range(max_layers):
self._surfaces[nlayer] = SurfaceFlatInterface(
self, options={'layer': nlayer})
else: # generic
self._surfaces = np.empty(
max_layers, dtype=type(SurfaceGenericInterface))
for nlayer in range(max_layers):
self._surfaces[nlayer] = SurfaceGenericInterface(
self, options={'layer': nlayer})
patchTrajectory(self.universe.trajectory, self)
def _sanity_checks(self):
""" Basic checks to be performed after the initialization.
def alpha_shape(self, alpha, group, layer):
box = self.universe.dimensions[:3]
delta = np.array([self._buffer_factor * self.alpha] * 3)
delta = np.min([delta, box / 2.], axis=0)
points = group.positions[:]
nrealpoints = len(points)
if self._noextrapoints is False:
extrapoints, extraids = utilities.generate_periodic_border(
points, box, delta, method='3d')
# add points at the vertices of the expanded (by 2 alpha) box by
# generating general linear positions of the expanded box vertices
vertices = utilities.generate_cube_vertices(
box, delta, jitter=True)
n_cube = len(vertices)
extrapoints = np.vstack((extrapoints, vertices))
extraids = np.append(extraids, [-1] * n_cube)
n_cube = 0
extrapoints = np.copy(points)
extraids = np.arange(len(points), dtype=int)
triangulation = self.triangulation[layer]
except IndexError:
raise IndexError("alpha_shape called using a wrong layer")
triangulation.radii = np.append(group.radii[extraids[extraids >= 0]],
simplices = triangulation.simplices
_points = self.triangulation[layer].points
radii = self.triangulation[layer].radii
except IndexError:
raise IndexError("alpha_shape called using a wrong layer")
cr = circumradius(_points, radii, simplices)
# we filter first according to the touching sphere radius
a_shape = simplices[cr >= self.alpha]
# then we remove all simplices involving the 8 outer points, if any
cond = np.where(np.all(a_shape < len(_points) - n_cube, axis=1))[0]
a_shape = a_shape[np.unique(cond)]
# finally, we select only the ids of atoms in the basic cell.
return np.unique(a_shape[np.where(a_shape < nrealpoints)])
def _assign_layers_setup(self):
self.centered_positions = None
if self.do_center:
# first we label all atoms in group to be in the gas phase
self.label_group(self.analysis_group.atoms, beta=0.5)
# then all atoms in the larges group are labelled as liquid-like
self.label_group(self.cluster_group.atoms, beta=0.0)
if self.include_zero_radius: alpha_group = self.cluster_group[:]
else: alpha_group = self.cluster_group[self.cluster_group.radii > 0.0]
# TODO the successive layers analysis should be done by removing points
# from the triangulation and updating the circumradius of the neighbors
# of the removed points only.
dbs = utilities.do_cluster_analysis_dbscan
return alpha_group, dbs
def _assign_layers_postprocess(self, dbs, group, alpha_group, layer):
if len(group) > 0:
if self.molecular:
group = group.residues.atoms
self._layers[layer] = group
self._layers[layer] = group.universe.atoms[:0]
alpha_group = alpha_group[:] - group[:]
self._layers[layer], beta=1. * (layer + 1), layer=(layer + 1))
return alpha_group
def _assign_layers(self):
"""Determine the GITIM layers."""
alpha_group, dbs = self._assign_layers_setup()
self.triangulation = [] # storage for triangulations
for layer in range(0, self.max_layers):
alpha_ids = self.alpha_shape(self.alpha, alpha_group, layer)
group = alpha_group[alpha_ids]
if self.surface_cluster_cut is not None:
group = self._generate_surface_clusters(
group, self.surface_cluster_cut)
alpha_group = self._assign_layers_postprocess(
dbs, group, alpha_group, layer)
# reset the interpolator
self._interpolator = None
def layers(self):
"""Access the layers as numpy arrays of AtomGroups.
The object can be sliced as usual with numpy arrays.
Differently from :mod:`~pytim.itim.ITIM`, there are no sides. Example:
>>> import MDAnalysis as mda
>>> import pytim
>>> from pytim.datafiles import MICELLE_PDB
>>> u = mda.Universe(MICELLE_PDB)
>>> micelle = u.select_atoms('resname DPC')
>>> inter = pytim.GITIM(u, group=micelle, max_layers=3,molecular=False)
>>> inter.layers #all layers
array([<AtomGroup with 909 atoms>, <AtomGroup with 301 atoms>,
<AtomGroup with 164 atoms>], dtype=object)
>>> inter.layers[0] # first layer (0)
<AtomGroup with 909 atoms>
return self._layers
def _():
""" additional tests
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from circumradius import circumradius
>>> from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
>>> p = [0.,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1]
>>> r = np.array(p).reshape(8,3)
>>> tri = Delaunay(r)
>>> radius = circumradius(r,np.ones(8)*0.5,tri.simplices)[0]
>>> print(np.isclose(radius, (np.sqrt(3)-1.)/2))
>>> import pytim
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pytim.datafiles import _TEST_BCC_GRO
>>> import MDAnalysis as mda
>>> u= mda.Universe(_TEST_BCC_GRO)
>>> # we use a minimal system with one atom in the group
>>> # this will represent a cubic lattice, and test also PBCs
>>> u.atoms[0:1].positions = np.array([0., 0., 0.])
>>> u.dimensions = np.array([1., 1., 1., 90., 90., 90.])
>>> g = u.atoms[0:1]
>>> # the maximum value is (np.sqrt(3)-1.)/2) ~= 0.366025403
>>> inter = pytim.GITIM(u,group=g,radii_dict={'A':0.5},alpha=0.3660254)
>>> print(repr(inter.atoms))
<AtomGroup with 1 atom>
>>> # with alpha > (np.sqrt(3)-1.)/2) no atom is found as surface one
>>> inter = pytim.GITIM(u,group=g,radii_dict={'A':0.5},alpha=0.3660255)
>>> print(repr(inter.atoms))
<AtomGroup with 0 atoms>