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# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding: utf-8 -*-
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""" Module: basic_observables
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from MDAnalysis.core.groups import Atom, AtomGroup, Residue, ResidueGroup
from MDAnalysis.lib import distances

from .observable import Observable

class Number(Observable):
    """The number of atoms.

    def __init__(self, *arg, **kwarg):
        Observable.__init__(self, None)

    def compute(self, inp, kargs=None):
        """Compute the observable.

        :param AtomGroup inp:  the input atom group
        :returns: one, for each atom in the group

        return np.ones(len(inp))

class Mass(Observable):
    """Atomic masses"""

    def __init__(self, *arg, **kwarg):
            >>> import pytim
            >>> import MDAnalysis as mda
            >>> from pytim.datafiles import WATERSMALL_GRO
            >>> from pytim.observables import Mass
            >>> u = mda.Universe(WATERSMALL_GRO)
            >>> obs = Mass()
            >>> print (obs.compute(u.atoms)[0])

        Observable.__init__(self, None)

    def compute(self, inp, kargs=None):
        """Compute the observable.

        :param AtomGroup inp:  the input atom group
        :returns: an array of masses for each atom in the group

        return inp.masses

class Charge(Observable):
    """Atomic charges"""

    def __init__(self, *arg, **kwarg):
        Observable.__init__(self, None)

    def compute(self, inp, kargs=None):
        """Compute the observable.

        :param AtomGroup inp:  the input atom group
        :returns: an array of charges for each atom in the group

            return inp.charges
        except AttributeError:
            print("Error, the passed Atomgroup has no charges attribute")

class Vector(Observable):
    def __init__(self, *arg, **kwarg):
        Observable.__init__(self, None)

class ReferenceFrame(Vector):
    """ Given a set of triplets of atoms or positions, return the
        corresponding set of reference frame units vectors, calculated
        using the modified Gram-Schmidt (orientation preserving) or
        using the faster QR decomposition (does not preserve orientation)

    def __init__(self, QR=False, *arg, **kwarg):
        # TODO: does it need extension to 2- or 1- dimensional frames?
        Vector.__init__(self, 'xyz', kwarg)

    def compute(self, inp):
            pos = inp.atoms.positions
            pos = pos.flatten()
        except AttributeError:
                pos = inp.flatten()
            except AttributeError:
                raise ValueError('must pass an atom group or a ndarray')

        n = pos.shape[0]
        if np.mod(n, 9) > 0:  # 3 atoms x 3 coordinates
            raise ValueError('number of atoms in group not a multiple of 3')

        n = n // 3
        pos = pos.reshape(n, 3, 3)
        if self.QR is True:
            return np.asarray([np.linalg.qr(A)[0] for A in pos])
            return np.asarray([self._modified_GS(A) for A in pos])

    def _modified_GS(self, A):

        Q = np.zeros(A.shape)
        for i in np.arange(A.shape[1]):
            q = A[:, i]
            for j in range(i):
                q = q -, Q[:, j]) * Q[:, j]

            Q[:, i] = q / la.norm(q)
        return Q

class Distance(Observable):
    """ Distance between atoms in two groups. 

        >>> import MDAnalysis as mda
        >>> import pytim
        >>> u = mda.Universe(pytim.datafiles.WATER_GRO)
        >>> dist = pytim.observables.Distance()
        >>> with np.printoptions(precision=3):
        ...     print(dist.compute(u.atoms[:2],u.atoms[:2]) )
        [0.    0.996 0.996 0.   ]

        The distance of the projections of the atoms position on 
        a plane can be computed by initializing the observable
        in the same way as the Position one, e.g.:

        >>> import MDAnalysis as mda
        >>> import pytim
        >>> u = mda.Universe(pytim.datafiles.WATER_GRO)
        >>> dist = pytim.observables.Distance('xy')
        >>> with np.printoptions(precision=3):
        ...     print(dist.compute(u.atoms[:2],u.atoms[:2]) )
        [0.    0.502 0.502 0.   ]

        Notice that the Distance observable is equivalent to using 
        RelativePosition passing a reference group and choosing to return
        the radial component of the spherical coordinates. The latter
        is, however, much slower than the former.

        >>> import MDAnalysis as mda
        >>> import pytim
        >>> u = mda.Universe(pytim.datafiles.WATER_GRO)
        >>> d1 = pytim.observables.Distance().compute(u.atoms[:9],u.atoms[:9])
        >>> d2 = pytim.observables.RelativePosition(spherical=True).compute(u.atoms[:9],u.atoms[:9])[:,0]
        >>> np.all(np.isclose(d1,d2))

        >>> d1 = pytim.observables.Distance('xy').compute(u.atoms[:9],u.atoms[:9])
        >>> d2 = pytim.observables.RelativePosition('xy',spherical=True).compute(u.atoms[:9],u.atoms[:9])[:,0]
        >>> np.all(np.isclose(d1,d2))


    def __init__(self, arg='xyz', **kwarg):
        Observable.__init__(self, None)

    def compute(self, inp, *args, **kwarg):
        # TODO generalise to set of points?
        """Compute the observable.

        :param AtomGroup inp:  the input atom group
        :returns: atomic positions

        inp = self._to_atomgroup(inp)
        inp2 = self._to_atomgroup(args[0])
        mask = np.asarray([0., 0., 0])
        mask[self.dirmask] = 1.0
        return distances.distance_array(
            inp.positions * mask,
            inp2.positions * mask,

class Position(Vector):
    """ Atomic positions

        Example: compute the projection on the xz plane of the first water molecule

        >>> import MDAnalysis as mda
        >>> import pytim
        >>> u = mda.Universe(pytim.datafiles.WATER_GRO)
        >>> proj = pytim.observables.Position('xz')
        >>> with np.printoptions(precision=3):
        ...     print(proj.compute(u.residues[0].atoms) )
        [[28.62 11.37]
         [28.42 10.51]
         [29.61 11.51]]

    # TODO: add a flag to prevent recomputing the reference frame, in case
    # it's constant

    def __init__(self, arg='xyz', **kwarg):
        Vector.__init__(self, arg, kwarg)
            self.folded = kwarg['folded']
        except KeyError:
            self.folded = True
            self.cartesian = kwarg['cartesian']
        except KeyError:
            self.cartesian = True
            self.spherical = kwarg['spherical']
        except KeyError:
            self.spherical = False

        if self.spherical is True:
            self.cartesian = False

    def _cartesian_to_spherical(self, cartesian):
        spherical = np.empty(cartesian.shape)
        spherical[:, 0] = np.linalg.norm(cartesian, axis=1)
        if len(self.dirmask) > 1:  # 2d or 3d
            spherical[:, 1] = np.arctan2(cartesian[:, 1], cartesian[:, 0])
        if len(self.dirmask) == 3:  # 3d
            xy = np.sum(cartesian[:, [0, 1]]**2, axis=1)
            spherical[:, 2] = np.arctan2(np.sqrt(xy), cartesian[:, 2])

        return spherical

    def compute(self, inp, **kwarg):
        """Compute the observable.

        :param AtomGroup inp:  the input atom group
        :returns: atomic positions

        inp = self._to_atomgroup(inp)
        box = inp.universe.dimensions[:3]
        if self.folded:
            cartesian = inp.atoms.pack_into_box()
           # return cartesian[:,self.dirmask]
            cartesian = inp.positions

        if self.cartesian:
            return cartesian[:, self.dirmask]
        if self.spherical:
            return self._cartesian_to_spherical(cartesian)[:, self.dirmask]

class RelativePosition(Position):

    def __init__(self, arg='xyz', **kwarg):
        return Position.__init__(self, arg, **kwarg)

    def compute(self, inp1, inp2, reference_frame=None):
        # by adding a new axis we allow take the difference of positions
        # of the N inp atoms to the M reference_group ones.
        # pos here has dimension (N,M,3)

        inp1 = self._to_atomgroup(inp1)
        inp2 = self._to_atomgroup(inp2)
        pos = inp1.positions[:, np.newaxis] - inp2.positions
        if reference_frame is True:
            ref = ReferenceFrame().compute(inp2)
            pos = 0
        elif reference_frame is not None:
                ref = ReferenceFrame().compute(reference_frame)
                pos = 0
                raise ValueError(
                    'reference_frame can be None,True, or an atom group ')

        # let's get back to dimension (NxM,dimension)
        pos = pos[:, :, self.dirmask]
        dimension = len(self.dirmask)
        pos = pos.reshape(([:-1]), dimension))
        box = inp1.universe.dimensions[self.dirmask]
        if self.folded:
            cond = np.where(pos > box / 2.)
            pos[cond] -= box[cond[1]]
            cond = np.where(pos < -box / 2.)
            pos[cond] += box[cond[1]]

        if self.cartesian:
            return pos
        if self.spherical:
            return self._cartesian_to_spherical(pos)

class Velocity(Vector):
    """Atomic velocities"""

    def __init__(self, arg='xyz', **kwarg):
        Vector.__init__(self, arg)

    def compute(self, inp, kargs=None):
        """Compute the observable.

        :param AtomGroup inp:  the input atom group
        :returns: atomic velocities


        inp = self._to_atomgroup(inp)
        return inp.velocities[:, self.dirmask]

class Force(Vector):
    """Atomic forces"""

    def __init__(self, arg='xyz', **kwarg):
        Vector.__init__(self, None)

    def compute(self, inp, kargs=None):
        """Compute the observable.

        :param AtomGroup inp:  the input atom group
        :returns: atomic forces

        inp = self._to_atomgroup(inp)
        return inp.forces[:, self.dirmask]

class NumberOfResidues(Observable):
    """The number of residues.

    Instead of associating 1 to the center of mass of the residue, we
    associate 1/(number of atoms in residue) to each atom. In an
    homogeneous system, these two definitions are (on average)
    equivalent. If the system is not homogeneous, this is not true


    def __init__(self, *arg, **karg):
        Observable.__init__(self, None)

    def compute(self, inp, kargs=None):
        """Compute the observable.

        :param AtomGroup inp:  the input atom group
        :returns: one, for each residue in the group

        residue_names = np.unique(inp.atoms.resnames)
        tmp = np.zeros(len(inp))

        for name in residue_names:
            atom_id = np.where(inp.resnames == name)[0][0]
            tmp[inp.resnames == name] = 1. / len(inp[atom_id].residue.atoms)

        return tmp