# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
from __future__ import print_function
from abc import abstractproperty
import MDAnalysis
import importlib
import numpy as np
from .atoms_maps import atoms_maps
from difflib import get_close_matches
class Layers(MDAnalysis.core.topologyattrs.AtomAttr):
"""Layers for each atom"""
attrname = 'layers'
singular = 'layer'
per_object = 'atom'
class Clusters(MDAnalysis.core.topologyattrs.AtomAttr):
"""Clusters for each atom"""
attrname = 'clusters'
singular = 'cluster'
per_object = 'atom'
class Sides(MDAnalysis.core.topologyattrs.AtomAttr):
"""Sides for each atom"""
attrname = 'sides'
singular = 'side'
per_object = 'atom'
def _create_property(property_name,
def getter(self):
return self.__getattribute__('_' + property_name)
def setter(self, value):
self.__setattr__('_' + property_name, value)
if readonly is True:
setter = None
if required is False:
absprop = None
absprop = abstractproperty(None)
return property(fget=getter, fset=setter, doc=docstring), absprop
def _missing_attributes(interface, universe):
interface._topologyattrs = importlib.import_module(
_check_missing_attribute(interface, 'names', 'Atomnames', universe.atoms,
# NOTE _check_missing_attribute() relies on radii being set to np.nan
# if the attribute radii is not present
_check_missing_attribute(interface, 'radii', 'Radii', universe.atoms,
_check_missing_attribute(interface, 'tempfactors', 'Tempfactors',
universe.atoms, 0.0)
_check_missing_attribute(interface, 'bfactors', 'Bfactors', universe.atoms,
_check_missing_attribute(interface, 'altLocs', 'AltLocs', universe.atoms,
' ')
_check_missing_attribute(interface, 'icodes', 'ICodes', universe.residues,
' ')
_check_missing_attribute(interface, 'occupancies', 'Occupancies',
universe.atoms, 1)
_check_missing_attribute(interface, 'elements', 'Elements', universe.atoms,
' ')
_check_missing_attribute(interface, 'chainIDs', 'ChainIDs', universe.atoms,
_extra_attributes(interface, universe)
def _extra_attributes(interface, universe):
# we add here the new layer, cluster and side information
# they are not part of MDAnalysis.core.topologyattrs
attr = {'layers': Layers, 'clusters': Clusters, 'sides': Sides}
for key in attr.keys():
if key not in dir(universe.atoms):
vals = np.zeros(len(universe.atoms), dtype=int) - 1
def _check_missing_attribute(interface, name, classname, group, value):
""" Add an attribute, which is necessary for pytim but
missing from the present topology.
An example of how the code below would expand is:
if 'radii' not in dir(universe.atoms):
from MDAnalysis.core.topologyattrs import Radii
radii = np.zeros(len(universe.atoms)) * np.nan
* MDAnalysis.core.topologyattrs -> self.topologyattrs
* Radii -> missing_class
* radii -> values
universe = interface.universe
if name not in dir(universe.atoms):
missing_class = getattr(interface._topologyattrs, classname)
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) or isinstance(value, list):
if len(value) == len(group):
values = np.array(value)
raise RuntimeError("improper array/list length")
values = np.array([value] * len(group))
if name == 'elements':
types = MDAnalysis.topology.guessers.guess_types(group.names)
# is there an inconsistency in the way 'element' is defined
# in different modules in MDA?
# Note: the second arg in .get() is the default.
group.elements = np.array([t.ljust(2) for t in types])
if name == 'radii':
def weighted_close_match(string, dictionary):
# increase weight of the first letter
# this fixes problems with atom names like CH12
_wdict = {}
_dict = dictionary
_str = string[0] + string[0] + string
for key in _dict.keys():
_wdict[key[0] + key[0] + key] = _dict[key]
m = get_close_matches(_str, _wdict.keys(), n=1, cutoff=0.1)[0]
return m[2:]
def _guess_radii_from_masses(interface, group, guessed):
radii = np.copy(group.radii)
masses = group.masses
types = group.types
unique_masses = np.unique(masses)
# Let's not consider atoms with zero mass.
unique_masses = unique_masses[unique_masses > 0]
d = atoms_maps
for target_mass in unique_masses:
atype, _ = min(
key=lambda __entry: abs(__entry[1]['mass'] - target_mass))
match_type = get_close_matches(
atype, interface.radii_dict.keys(), n=1, cutoff=0.1)
rd = interface.radii_dict
radii[masses == target_mass] = rd[match_type[0]]
for t in types[masses == target_mass]:
guessed.update({t: rd[match_type[0]]})
except BaseException:
group.radii = radii
def _guess_radii_from_types(interface, group, guessed):
radii = np.copy(group.radii)
_dict = interface.radii_dict
for aname in np.unique(group.names):
matching_type = weighted_close_match(aname, _dict)
radii[group.names == aname] = _dict[matching_type]
guessed.update({aname: _dict[matching_type]})
except (KeyError, IndexError):
atype = group.types[group.names == aname][0]
matching_type = weighted_close_match(atype, _dict)
radii[group.types == atype] = _dict[matching_type]
guessed.update({atype: _dict[matching_type]})
except (KeyError, IndexError):
group.radii = np.copy(radii)
def guess_radii(interface, group=None):
# NOTE: this code depends on the assumption that not-set radii,
# have the value np.nan (see _missing_attributes() ), so don't change it
# let's test first which information is available
guessed = {}
except AttributeError:
interface.guessed_radii = {}
if group is None:
group = interface.universe.atoms
nans = np.isnan(group.radii)
# if no radius is nan, no need to guess anything
if not (np.any(np.equal(group.radii, None)) or np.any(nans)):
nones = np.equal(group.radii, None)
group.radii[nones] = np.array([np.nan] * len(group.radii[nones]))
group = group[np.isnan(group.radii)]
# We give precedence to atom names, then to types
# this test failes wither if no 'type' property
# is available, or if it is, but the values are
# integers (like in lammps) and thus cannot be
# used to guess the type (in this code)
except AttributeError: # no types at all
pass # will try with masses
except ValueError: # types are there, and are not integers
_guess_radii_from_types(interface, group, guessed)
# We fill in the remaining ones using masses information
group = group[np.isnan(group.radii)]
if ('masses' in dir(group)):
_guess_radii_from_masses(interface, group, guessed)