# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
from __future__ import print_function
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay, cKDTree
from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator
from . import utilities
from . import messages
from .observables import LocalReferenceFrame as LocalReferenceFrame
import weakref
class Surface(object):
""" Everything about the continuum description of surfaces.
Any implementation must provide the following methods:
distance() -> returns an array of relative positions with respect
to the interface
triangulation() -> a triangulated surface, if available
regular_grid() -> the surface elevation on a regular grid, if
dump() -> save to disk in format of choice
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self, interface, options=None):
self.interface = weakref.proxy(interface)
self.normal = interface.normal
self.alpha = interface.alpha
self.options = options
self.z = self.normal
try: = np.roll(np.array([0, 1, 2]), 2 - self.z)
self.xy =[0:2]
except:, self.xy = None, None
self._layer = options['layer']
except (TypeError, KeyError):
self._layer = 0
def interpolation(self, inp):
""" returns interpolated position on the surface """
return utilities.extract_positions(inp)
def distance(self, inp, *args, **kargs):
""" returns distance from the surface """
positions = utilities.extract_positions(inp)
distance_array = positions[::, 2]
return distance_array
def triangulation(self):
""" return a scipy.spatial.qhull.Delaunay triangulation
of the surface
return triangulation
def regular_grid(self):
""" returns the points defining the regular grid in 2 dimensions, and
the elevation values evaluated at the grid points
(like the input of scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator )
return (x, y), elevations
def dump(self):
""" save the surface to file """
return True
def update_q_vectors(self, box):
if np.any(box !=
except BaseException:
def _compute_q_vectors(self, box):
""" Compute the q-vectors compatible with the current box dimensions.
Calculated quantities:
q_vectors : two 2D arrays forming the grid of q-values, similar
to a meshgrid
Qxy : array of the different q-vectors
Q : squared module of Qxy with the first element missing
(no Q = 0.0)
""" = np.roll(box, 2 - self.normal)
nmax = list(map(int, np.ceil([0:2] / self.alpha)))
self.q_vectors = np.mgrid[0:nmax[0], 0:nmax[1]] * 1.0
self.q_vectors[0] *= 2. * np.pi / box[0]
self.q_vectors[1] *= 2. * np.pi / box[1]
self.modes_shape = self.q_vectors[0].shape
qx = self.q_vectors[0][:, 0]
qy = self.q_vectors[1][0]
Qx = np.repeat(qx, len(qy))
Qy = np.tile(qy, len(qx))
self.Qxy = np.vstack((Qx, Qy)).T
self.Q = np.sqrt(np.sum(self.Qxy * self.Qxy, axis=1)[1:])
def _surface_from_modes(points, q_vectors, modes):
elevation = []
for point in points:
dotp = q_vectors[0] * point[0] + q_vectors[1] * point[1]
phase = np.cos(dotp) + 1.j * np.sin(dotp)
elevation.append(np.sum((phase * modes).real))
return np.array(elevation)
def surface_from_modes(self, points, modes):
return self._surface_from_modes(points, self.q_vectors, modes)
def surface_modes(self, points):
QR =, points[:, 0:2].T).T
# ph[0] are the phases associated to each of the ~ n^2 modes for
# particle 0.
# We exclude the zero mode.
ph = (np.cos(QR) + 1.j * np.sin(QR))[:, 1:]
z = points[:, 2]
az = np.mean(z)
z = z - az
A = (ph / self.Q)
z = z
s =, z)
# return the surface modes reshaped into an array
return np.append(az + 0.j, s / self.Q).reshape(self.modes_shape)
def triangulate_layer_flat(self, layer=0):
"""Triangulate a layer.
:param int layer: (default: 0) triangulate this layer (on both sides\
of the interface)
:return list triangulations: a list of two Delaunay triangulations,\
which are also stored in self.surf_triang
if layer > len(self.interface._layers[0]):
raise ValueError(messages.UNDEFINED_LAYER)
box = self.interface.universe.dimensions[:3][]
upper = (self.interface._layers[0][layer])
lower = (self.interface._layers[1][layer])
delta = self.interface.alpha * 4.0 + 1e-6
# here we rotate the system to have normal along z
upperpos = utilities.generate_periodic_border(
upper.positions[:,], box, delta, method='2d')[0]
lowerpos = utilities.generate_periodic_border(
lower.positions[:,], box, delta, method='2d')[0]
self.surf_triang = [None, None]
self.trimmed_surf_triangs = [None, None]
self.triangulation_points = [None, None]
self.surf_triang[0] = Delaunay(upperpos[:, 0:2])
self.surf_triang[1] = Delaunay(lowerpos[:, 0:2])
self.triangulation_points[0] = upperpos[:]
self.triangulation_points[1] = lowerpos[:]
self.trimmed_surf_triangs[0] = utilities.trim_triangulated_surface(
self.surf_triang[0], box)
self.trimmed_surf_triangs[1] = utilities.trim_triangulated_surface(
self.surf_triang[1], box)
return self.surf_triang
def local_env_com(positions, reference_pos, box, nneigh):
tree = cKDTree(positions, boxsize=box)
# local_env are the positions of the atoms next to pos
_, local_env_indices = tree.query(reference_pos, k=nneigh)
local_env = positions[local_env_indices].copy()
for k in range(nneigh):
local_env[:, k, :] = utilities.pbc_compact(local_env[:, k, :],
reference_pos, box)
return np.average(local_env, axis=1)
def _distance_generic(self, inp, symmetry):
inter = self.interface
pos = utilities.extract_positions(inp)
if len(pos) == 0:
raise ValueError("empty group")
box = inter.universe.dimensions[:3]
l1centers = inter.atoms.positions[inter.atoms.layers == 1]
# tree of the surface triangles' centers
tree = cKDTree(l1centers, boxsize=box)
# distances and indices of the surface triangles' centers to pos[]
dist, ind = tree.query(pos, k=1)
if not isinstance(inp, np.ndarray):
# a group has been passed, we know exactly which atoms are
# surface ones.
dist[inp.atoms.layers == 1] = 0.0
# Warning, the corresponding values of 'ind' will be wrong.
# If you change this code, check that it won't
# depend on 'ind'
except AttributeError:
raise RuntimeError(
"Wrong parameter passed to _distance_generic")
l1centers_ = l1centers[ind]
buried = inter.is_buried(pos)
sign = np.ones(dist.shape[0])
sign[np.where(buried)[0]] = -1.0
return sign * dist
raise ValueError("Incorrect symmetry used for distance calculation")
def _distance_spherical(self, positions):
box = self.interface.universe.dimensions[:3]
cond = self.interface.atoms.layers == 1
tree = cKDTree(self.interface.atoms.positions[cond], boxsize=box)
d, i = tree.query(positions, k=1)
dd, surf_neighs = tree.query(self.interface.atoms.positions[cond][i],
p = self.interface.atoms.positions[cond]
center = np.mean(p)
side = (np.sum((positions - center)**2, axis=1) > np.sum(
(p - center)**2, axis=1)) * 2 - 1
return d * side
def _distance_flat(self, positions):
box = self.interface.universe.dimensions[:3]
pos = np.copy(positions)
cond = np.where(pos[:, 0:2] > box[0:2])
pos[cond] -= box[cond[1]]
cond = np.where(pos[:, 0:2] < 0 * box[0:2])
pos[cond] += box[cond[1]]
distance = self.interpolation(pos)
if np.sum(np.isnan(distance)) > 1 + int(0.01 * len(pos)):
Warning("more than 1% of points have fallen outside"
"the convex hull while determining the"
"interpolated position on the surface."
"Something is wrong.")
# positive values are outside the surface, negative inside
cond = np.where(np.isclose(distance, 0., atol=1e-2))
distance[cond] = 0.0
return distance
def _initialize_distance_interpolator_flat(self, layer):
self._layer = layer
self._interpolator = [None, None]
for side in [0, 1]:
self._interpolator[side] = LinearNDInterpolator(
self.surf_triang[side], self.triangulation_points[side][:, 2])
class SurfaceFlatInterface(Surface):
def distance(self, inp, *args, **kargs):
positions = utilities.extract_positions(inp)
return self._distance_flat(positions)
def interpolation(self, inp):
positions = utilities.extract_positions(inp)
box = self.interface.universe.dimensions[self.z]
upper_interp = self.surface_from_modes(upper_set, self.modes[0])
lower_interp = self.surface_from_modes(lower_set, self.modes[1])
except (TypeError, KeyError):
upper_interp = self._interpolator[0](positions[:, self.xy])
lower_interp = self._interpolator[1](positions[:, self.xy])
d1 = upper_interp - positions[:, self.z]
d1[np.where(d1 > box / 2.)] -= box
d1[np.where(d1 < -box / 2.)] += box
d2 = lower_interp - positions[:, self.z]
d2[np.where(d2 > box / 2.)] -= box
d2[np.where(d2 < -box / 2.)] += box
cond = np.where(np.abs(d1) <= np.abs(d2))[0]
distance = d2
distance[cond] = -d1[cond]
return distance
def dump(self):
def regular_grid(self):
def triangulation(self, layer=0):
return self.triangulate_layer_flat(layer)
class SurfaceGenericInterface(Surface):
def distance(self, inp, *args, **kargs):
symmetry = args[0]
mode = kargs['mode']
mode = 'default'
if mode == 'default':
return self._distance_generic(inp, symmetry)
def interpolation(self, inp):
def dump(self):
def regular_grid(self):
def triangulation(self, layer=0):