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[RongCloud]( Server API SDK in Ruby
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This repository implements most essential apis for [RongCloud Server API]( in Ruby programming language.

### Getting Started
1. Install the gem:

  $ gem install rong_cloud_server

  or, install it in Gemfile:

  gem 'rong_cloud_server'

2. Append the following configurations in a initializer file:

  require 'rong_cloud'

  RongCloud.configure do |config|
    config.app_key = "APP_KEY"
    config.app_secret = "SECRET_KEY"
    # = ""   # default:, use http here is just convenient for debugging
    # config.timeout = 10 # set open timeout and read timeout in seconds for http request, default is 2 seconds
    # config.debug_mode = true # if need to log request and response details, the log file is at "log/rong_cloud_debug.log", default is `false`
3. Use the instance of `RongCloud::Service` to talk to RongCloud Server:

  service =

  # Find more usage from test files under
  service.get_token(..., ..., ...)

### Features
1. **Lightweight**:No other third-party gems dependences;
2. **Straight and Simple**:Just wrap api connections in Ruby, no any DSL and so that you do not learn too many new syntax, no any process on response;
3. **Detailed Exceptions**:Detailed and different exceptions according to the http status code,and you can get the [detailed error code](业务返回码), officially defined by RongCloud, through calling the extended method `business_code` on a exception, please refer to [request test](

### How to work with Realtime Message Forward or Online Status Subscription
Just include `RongCloud::Signature` in your codes to validate api signature and then parse params.

More infos about parameters, refer to the [official documents](服务端实时消息路由).

### Run tests
ruby -Ilib -Itest -e 'ARGV.each { |f| require f }' ./test/**/*_test.rb

### How to contribute
1. Fork this repo;
2. Write your code and test;
3. Open a new Pull Request.