import CustomAnimatePresence from '@components/HoC/Animation/CustomAnimatePresence'
import TitleWithDivider from '@components/HoC/TitleWithDivider'
import { PageAnimation } from '@components/UI'
import * as MUI from '@material-ui/core'
import { PageProps } from 'PageProps'
import aboutPageStyles from './AboutPage.styles'
type IAboutPageProps = PageProps
const { Grid, Typography } = MUI
const AboutPage: React.FC<IAboutPageProps> = () => {
const classes = aboutPageStyles()
return (
<CustomAnimatePresence layoutShift exitFirst>
<TitleWithDivider key="about-title" variant="h1" text="About" />
<PageAnimation key="about-page" layoutID="page">
<Grid component={MUI.Paper} className={classes.root}>
<Grid item xs={12} container component="section">
alt="Woman holding lightbulb"
<Typography variant="h4" paragraph>
Why name it like this
<Typography variant="body1" paragraph>
The reason TRUE has its name, is because it - as you might know
- is notoriously hard to choose a name for something. I tried
coming up with something easy to remember, which sounded good,{' '}
<em>and</em> conveyed what the framework was about.
<br />
<br />
It was no easy task, and as I was re-thinking my life choices
and considered giving up open sourcing... how could I compete,
what made my work unique among all the other really exciting
frameworks? Then it struck me! It's{' '}
<em>Yet Another Framework</em>, or as I chose to call it:
<br />
<Typography variant="h3" align="center" paragraph>
The <em>Really Unique, Exciting</em> Framework
export default AboutPage