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Test Coverage
# require 'spec_helper'
# require "rails_helper"

# describe FormsController do
#   include Devise::Test::ControllerHelpers

#   before :each do        
#       @admin=create(:admin)
#       sign_in @admin
#   end

#   describe "A successful show" do

#     it 'should find the form and show it' do
#       form = double(:form)
#       get :show, id: form
#     end
#   end

#   describe "Index" do
#     it "renders the index template" do
#       get :index
#       response.should render_template("index")
#     end
#     # it "populates the users forms if nothing is specified" do
#     #   Form.should_receive(:where)
#     #   get :index
#     # end
#     it "calls search when necessary" do
#       Form.should_receive(:search)
#       get :index, :search => 'a'
#     end
#     it "sorts when necessary" do
#       Form.should_receive
#   end

#   describe "A successful create" do
#     # it 'should create a form' do
#     #   form2 = double('another', :type => "Autism")
#     #   Form.should_receive(:create!).and_return(form2)
#     #   post :create, :form => form2, {
#     #   response.should redirect_to(form_path)
#     # end
#   end
#   describe "A successful update" do
#     # it 'should update a form' do
#     #   formU = double("formu", :id => '1')
#     #   expect(Form).to receive(:find).with('1')
#     #   get :edit, {:id => '1'}
#     #   get :update, {:id => '1'}
#     # end
#   end
#   describe "A successful destroy" do
#   end

#   describe "A successful edit" do
#   end
# end