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# spree_shipstation

![Standard Rb](

The spree_shipstation extension connects your Spree store with [ShipStation](, allowing ShipStation to pull shipments from your store, and when a shipment is sent, update the order with a tracking number and mark it as shipped.

## Installation

1. Add this extension to your Gemfile with this line:

    gem "spree_shipstation", github: "matthewkennedy/spree_shipstation"

2. Install the gem using Bundler

    bundle install

3. Copy & run install the generator

    bundle exec rails generate spree_shipstation:install

## Configuration

### Configuring Spree

Configure your spree_shipstation Spree extension using the `spree_shipstation.rb` file.

# config/initializers/spree_shipstation.rb

SpreeShipstation.configure do |config|
  # Choose between Grams, Ounces or Pounds.
  config.weight_units = "Grams"

  # ShipStation expects the endpoint to be protected by HTTP Basic Auth.
  # Set the username and password you desire for ShipStation to use.
  config.username = "create-a-username"
  config.password = "set-a-new-password"

  # Capture payment when ShipStation notifies a shipping label creation.
  # Set this to `true` and `config.auto_capture_on_dispatch = true` if you
  # want to charge your customers at the time of shipment.
  config.capture_at_notification = false

  # Export canceled shipments to ShipStation
  # Set this to `true` if you want canceled shipments included in the endpoint.
  config.export_canceled_shipments = false

If you set `config.capture_at_notification = true`, add the following config to `spree.rb`.

# config/initializers/spree.rb

Spree.config do |config|
  config.auto_capture_on_dispatch = true # (Spree default is false)

### Configuring ShipStation

Create a new ShipStation store by visiting: **Settings** -> **Selling Channels** -> **Stores** -> **Add Store**, then selecting the **Custom Store** option.

Enter the following details:

- **Username**: the username defined in your config.
- **Password**: the password defined in your config.
- **URL to custom page**: ``.

There are five shipment states for an order (= shipment) in ShipStation. These states do not
necessarily align with Spree, but you can configure ShipStation to create a mapping for your
specific needs. Here's the default mapping:

ShipStation description | ShipStation status | Spree status
Awaiting Payment        | `unpaid`           | `pending`
Awaiting Shipment       | `paid`             | `ready`
Shipped                 | `shipped`          | `shipped`
Cancelled               | `cancelled`        | `cancelled`
On-Hold                 | `on-hold`          | `pending`

## Usage

There's nothing you need to do. Once properly configured, the integration just works!

### Compatibility

This extension works with the following Spree versions:

- 3.7.x
- 4.1.x
- 4.2.x

## Gotchas

There are a few gotchas you need to be aware of:

- If you change the shipping method of an order in ShipStation, the change will not be reflected in
  Spree and the tracking link might not work properly.
- When `shipstation_capture_at_notification` is enabled, any errors during payment capture will
  prevent the update of the shipment's tracking number.

## Development

### Testing

First bundle your dependencies:


To run the tests use:

bundle exec rake

### Code Formatting

To check your code formatting with [Standard Rb]( run:

bundle exec standardrb

To fix basic code formatting issues run:

bundle exec standardrb --fix

## License

Copyright (c) 2020 Matthew Kennedy, released under the New BSD License.