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 * Format wordpess post dates and times to AP_STYLE
 * @package    Mi11er_Utility

namespace Mi11er\Utility;

 * This class provides various wordpress filters to format date and time according
 * to the AP Style Guid.
 * Ref:
class Ap_Style implements Plugin_Interface

     * Format Strings
    const AP_STYLE = 'AP_STYLE';
    const DATE_FORMAT = 'Y|m|j';
    const TIME_FORMAT = 'H|g|i|a';

     * Use 'today' when the post date is the current date
     * Though technically not an AP Style rule, many publications use the word 'today' when it's the current date.
    const USE_TODAY = true;

     * If you're using 'today', would you like it capitalized?
     * Depending on where you place the date in your template, you may want the word capitalized.
    const CAPITALIZE_TODAY = true;

     * Display the year in the date if it matches the current year?
     * According to AP Style, when using a date that is within the current year, the actual year is not needed in the date.
     * However, you may want to include it in the interest of clarity.
    const USE_YEAR = false;

     * Capitalize 'noon' and 'midnight' when printing the time?
     * Depending on where you place the time in you template, you may want the words capitalized.
    const CAPITALIZE_NOON = true;

     * Run whatever is needed for plugin setup
    public function setup() {
        add_filter( 'get_the_date',          [ $this, 'get_the_date_filter' ],          10, 3 );
        add_filter( 'get_the_time',          [ $this, 'get_the_time_filter' ],          10, 3 );
        add_filter( 'get_the_modified_date', [ $this, 'get_the_modified_date_filter' ], 10, 2 );
        add_filter( 'get_the_modified_time', [ $this, 'get_the_modified_time_filter' ], 10, 2 );

     * Run whatever is needed for plugin activation.
    public function activate() {

     * Determine the month and return the AP Style abbreviation
     * @param string $m The month string.
    protected function _month_string( $m ) {
        $ap_months = [
            '01' => 'Jan.',
            '02' => 'Feb.',
            '03' => 'March',
            '04' => 'April',
            '05' => 'May',
            '06' => 'June',
            '07' => 'July',
            '08' => 'Aug.',
            '09' => 'Sept.',
            '10' => 'Oct.',
            '11' => 'Nov.',
            '12' => 'Dec.',
        if ( ! array_key_exists( $m, $ap_months ) ) {
            $m = '01';
        return $ap_months[ $m ];

     * Determine whether the date is within the current year and return it
     * @param string $y The year string.
    protected function _year_string( $y ) {

        if ( date( 'Y' ) !== $y || self::USE_YEAR ) {
            return $y;
        return '';

     * Determine Capitalization
     * @param string $the_value The value to check.
    protected function _capitalization( $the_value ) {

        if ( ( ( 'noon' === $the_value || 'midnight' === $the_value ) && self::CAPITALIZE_NOON ) || ( 'today' === $the_value && self::CAPITALIZE_TODAY ) ) {
            return ucfirst( $the_value );
        return $the_value;

     * Format the date
     * @param string $the_date The date to format.
    protected function _format_date( $the_date ) {

        $date_parts = explode( '|', $the_date );

        $month = $this->_month_string( $date_parts[1] );
        $year = $this->_year_string( $date_parts[0] );
        $year = ( '' === $year ) ? '' : ', ' . $year;

        // Determine whether the date is the current date and set the final output.
        if ( date( self::DATE_FORMAT ) === $the_date && self::USE_TODAY ) {
            return $this->_capitalization( 'today' );
        return $month . ' ' . $date_parts[2] . $year;

     * Format the time
     * @param string $the_time The time to format.
    protected function _format_time( $the_time ) {

        $time_parts = explode( '|', $the_time );

        // Reformat to noon and midnight.
        if ( '00:00' === $time_parts[0] . ':' . $time_parts[2] ) {
            return $this->_capitalization( 'noon' );
        } else if ( '12:00' === $time_parts[0] . ':' . $time_parts[2] ) {
            return $this->_capitalization( 'midnight' );

        // Format am and pm to AP Style abbreviations.
        if ( 'am' === $time_parts[3] ) {
            $meridian = 'a.m.';
        } else {
            $meridian = 'p.m.';

        // Eliminate trailing zeroes from times at the top of the hour and set final output.
        if ( '00' === $date_parts[2] ) {
            return $date_parts[1] . ' ' . $meridian;

        return $time_parts[1] . ':' . $time_parts[2] . ' ' .$meridian;

     * Get the date of the post
     * @param string  $the_date The date of the post.
     * @param string  $d The date format.
     * @param WP_POST $post The current post.
    public function get_the_date_filter( $the_date, $d = '', $post = null ) {

        if ( self::AP_STYLE !== $d ) {
            return $the_date;

        $post = get_post( $post );

        if ( ! $post ) {
            return false;

        return $this->_format_date( mysql2date( self::DATE_FORMAT, $post->post_date ) );

     * Get the time of the post
     * @param string  $the_time The time of the post.
     * @param string  $d The time format.
     * @param WP_POST $post The current post.
    public function get_the_time_filter( $the_time, $d = '', $post = null ) {

        if ( self::AP_STYLE !== $d ) {
            return $the_time;

        $post = get_post( $post );

        if ( ! $post ) {
            return false;

        return $this->_format_time( get_post_time( self::TIME_FORMAT, false, $post, true ) );

     * Get the modified date of the post
     * @param string $the_date The date to filter.
     * @param string $d The date format.
    function get_the_modified_date_filter( $the_date, $d = '' ) {

        if ( self::AP_STYLE !== $d ) {
            return $the_date;

        return $this->_format_date( get_post_modified_time( self::DATE_FORMAT, null, null, true ) );

     * Get the modified time of the post
     * @param string $the_time The Time to filter.
     * @param string $d The time format.
    function get_the_modified_time_filter( $the_time, $d = '' ) {

        if ( self::AP_STYLE !== $d ) {
            return $the_time;

        return $this->_format_time( get_post_modified_time( self::TIME_FORMAT, null, null, true ) );