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var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;

Object.extend( /* @lends Object */ {
    /** Tells whether the given property path (a string delimiting nested properties with a dot) is available, without accessing the last property.
    *@param    {Object}    source    The object in which the given property path should be looked up.
    *@param    {String}    parts    A path of properties to walk, delimited by dots.
    *@returns    {Boolean}
    *@memberOf    Object
    hasPropertyPath: function hasPropertyPath(source, parts) {
        if (typeof parts == 'string')
            parts = parts.split('.');

        for (var i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l - 1; i++) {
            if (, parts[i]))
                source = source[parts[i]];
                return false;

        return, parts[i]);

    /** Tells whether the given property path (a string delimiting nested properties with a dot) points at a getter.
    *@param    {Object}    source    The object in which the given getter path should be looked up.
    *@param    {String}    parts    A path of properties to walk, delimited by dots.
    *@returns    {Boolean}
    *@memberOf    Object
    hasGetter: function hasGetter(source, parts) {
        if (typeof parts == 'string')
            parts = parts.split('.');

        for (var i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l - 1; i++) {
            if (, parts[i]))
                source = source[parts[i]];
                return false;

        return, parts[i]);

    /** Returns the property at the end of the given property path (a string delimiting nested properties with a dot).
    * Part of MooTools-more.
    *@param    {Object}    source    The object in which the given property path should be looked up.
    *@param    {String}    parts    A path of properties to walk, delimited by dots.
    *@returns    The pointed property, or `null` if any of the sub-paths is incorrect.
    *@memberOf    Object
    getFromPath: function getFromPath(source, parts) {
        if (typeof parts == 'string')
            parts = parts.split('.');

        for (var i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i++) {
            if (, parts[i]))
                source = source[parts[i]];
                return null;

        return source;

String.implement( /* @lends String */ {

    /** A naive approach to pluralization: postfixes this string with an 's' if needed, and prefixes it with the given amount.
    *@param {Number}    count        The count of items represented by this string.
    *@param    {String}    [postfix]    The String to append in plural form. Defaults to 's'.
    *@returns {String}    This string, pluralized based on the count.
    count: function count(count, postfix) {
        return count + ' ' + this + (count == 1 ? '' : postfix || 's');

    /** Transforms this camel-cased or hyphenated string into a spaced string.
    *@returns    {String}    This string, with capitals replaced by a space and a small letter.
    *@example humanize('areCookiesGood')    // 'are cookies good'
    humanize: function humanize() {
        return this.hyphenate().replace(/[-_]/g, ' ').clean();