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var promises = require('q');

var Locator = require('./Locator');

var Component = new Class( /** @lends Component# */ {

    Extends: require('events').EventEmitter,

    /** The name of this component.
    * Automatically set to the name of its containing file upon parsing.
    *@type    {String}
    name: '',

    /**@class    Models a set of controls on a website.
    *@param    {String}    name    User-visible name of this component.
    *@param    {Hash}        values    A hash describing a component's elements and actions. Keys will be made available directly on the resulting test component, and associated values can be locators for elements or functions for actions.
    *@param    {WebDriver}    driver    The WebDriver instance in which this component should look for its elements.
    initialize: function init(name, values, driver) { = name;

        var component            = this,
            elementsAndActions    = this.extractElementsAndActions(values);

        Object.each(elementsAndActions.elements, function(typeAndSelector, key) {
            Locator.addLocator(component, key, typeAndSelector, driver);

        Object.each(elementsAndActions.actions, function(method, key) {
            component[key] = function() {
                var args =;    // make an array of prepared arguments

                // in order to present a meaningful test report, we need to have actions provide as much description elements as possible
                // in user-provided functions, the function's name takes this place
                // however, when wrapping these names, we can't assign to a Function's name, and dynamically creating its name means creating it through evaluation, which means we'd first have to extract its arguments' names, which is getting very complicated
                var action = function() {
                    return method.apply(component, args);

                action.component = component;
                action.reference = key;
                action.title =;
                action.args = args;

                return action;

    /** Extract elements and actions from the given parameter
    *@param    {Hash} values    A hash describing a component's elements and actions. Keys will be made available directly on the resulting test component, and associated values can be locators for elements or functions for actions.
    *@return {Hash} A hash containing the following keys:
    *    - `elements`: A hash mapping all locator names to their description.
    *    - `actions`: A hash mapping all method names to the actual function.
    *@see Locator
    extractElementsAndActions: function extractElementsAndActions(values) {
        var result = {
            elements: {},
            actions: {}

        Object.each(values, function(value, key) {
            if (typeof value != 'function')
                result.elements[key] = value;
                result.actions[key] = value;

        return result;

    /** Add magic actions on specially-formatted elements.
    *@example addMagic("loginLink")    // makes the `loginLink` element available to the component, but also generates the `login()` method, which automagically calls `click` on `loginLink`
    *@param    {String}    key    The key that should be considered for adding magic elements.
    *@see    Component.magic
    addMagic: function addMagic(key) {
        var component = this;

        Object.each(Component.magic, function(matcher, method) {
            var matches = matcher.exec(key);

            if (! matches)    // no match, hence no magic to add

            var basename = matches[1],
                type = matches[2];    // for example "Link", "Button"…

            component[basename] = function() {    // wrapping to allow immediate calls in scenario steps    // TODO: rather return an object with methods, and leave preparation for scenarios to the Component constructor
                var args =;    // make an array of prepared arguments

                var action = function() {    // no immediate access to avoid calling the getter, which would trigger a Selenium access
                    return component[key].then(function(element) {
                        return element[method].apply(element, args);

                action.component = component;
                action.reference = basename;
                action.title = basename;
                action.args = args;

                return action;

    /** Returns the user-provided name of this component.
    *@returns    {String}
    *@see        name
    toString: function toString() {

/** Maps magic element regexps from the action that should be generated.
* _Example: "loginLink" makes the `loginLink` element available to the component, but also generates the `login()` method, which automagically calls `click` on `loginLink`._
* Keys are names of the actions that should be added to the element, and values are regexps that trigger the magic.
* The name of the generated member is the content of the first capturing parentheses match in the regexp.
*@see    RegExp#exec
Component.magic = {
    click:    /(.+)(Link|Button|Checkbox|Option|Radio)$/i

module.exports = Component;    // CommonJS export