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/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */

const { applyPlugin } = require('@ekscss/plugin-apply');
const { importPlugin } = require('@ekscss/plugin-import');
const Color = require('color');
const { merge } = require('dset/merge');
const { ctx, interpolate, xcss } = require('ekscss');
const stylis = require('stylis');

/** @typedef {Color | string | ArrayLike<number> | number | { [key: string]: any }} ColorParam */
/** @typedef {import('ekscss').XCSSGlobals} XCSSGlobals */
/** @typedef {import('ekscss').XCSSExpression} XCSSExpression */
/** @typedef {import('ekscss').ExpressionOrNested} ExpressionOrNested */

 * @see
 * @param {ColorParam | ((x: XCSSGlobals) => XCSSExpression)} value - A value
 * the `color` package `Color` constructor accepts or an XCSS template
 * expression function which will resolve to such a value.
 * @param {Parameters<typeof Color>[1]} [model]
function color(value, model) {
  return Color(
    value instanceof Color || typeof value !== 'function'
      ? value
      : // @ts-expect-error - TODO: Correctly type `value`

 * Preload #apply references without including the actual content in your final
 * build result. This allows you to use #apply in any file even when a reference
 * doesn't exist in the file. By default it will include everything in level2.
 * Use by calling this function in `onBeforeBuild`:
 * @example
 * const { onBeforeBuild } = require('ekscss');
 * const { preloadApply } = require('@ekscss/framework/utils');
 * onBeforeBuild(preloadApply);
 * @param code - The XCSS code to preload, default is `"@import '@ekscss/framework/level2.xcss';"`.
function preloadApply(code = "@import '@ekscss/framework/level2.xcss';") {
  const oldDependencies = [...ctx.dependencies];
  const oldWarnings = [...ctx.warnings];

  const interpolated = interpolate(code)(xcss, ctx.x);
  const ast = stylis.compile(interpolated);
  stylis.serialize(ast, stylis.middleware([importPlugin, applyPlugin]));

  // reset ctx values which may have changed in importPlugin or applyPlugin
  ctx.dependencies.length = 0;
  ctx.warnings.length = 0;

/** @typedef {Omit<import('ekscss').XCSSCompileOptions, 'from' | 'to'>} XCSSConfig */

 * Extend an XCSS configuration with your own.
 * @param {XCSSConfig} target
 * @param {XCSSConfig} source
 * @returns {XCSSConfig}
function extend(target, source) {
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return
  return merge(target, source);

/** @typedef {Exclude<XCSSExpression, function>} ResolvedExpression */
/** @typedef {{ [key: string]: ResolvedExpression | ResolvedExpressionOrNested }} ResolvedExpressionOrNested */
/** @typedef {{ [key: string]: ResolvedExpressionOrNested } & { fn: XCSSGlobals['fn'] }} ResolvedGlobals */

 * @param {Record<string, ExpressionOrNested>} obj
 * @returns {ResolvedExpressionOrNested}
function resolveGlobals(obj) {
  /** @type {ResolvedExpressionOrNested} */
  const resolved = {};

  // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
  for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
    let val = value;

    // Reduce XCSS function expressions to their final value
    while (typeof val === 'function') {
      val = val(ctx.x);

    resolved[key] =
      val != null && typeof val === 'object' && !Array.isArray(val)
        ? resolveGlobals(val)
        : val;

  return resolved;

 * Get an XCSSConfig's globals with all XCSS function expressions resolved.
 * @param {XCSSConfig} config
 * @returns {ResolvedGlobals}
function getGlobals(config) {
  if (!config.globals || Object.keys(config.globals).length === 0) {
    return { fn: {} };

  /** @type {XCSSGlobals} */
  const globals = {
    fn: config.globals.fn ?? {},

  ctx.warnings = [];
  ctx.x = globals;

  const { fn, ...globalVars } = globals;
  /** @type {ResolvedGlobals} */
  // @ts-expect-error - TODO:!
  const resolved = resolveGlobals(globalVars);
  resolved.fn = fn;

  // @ts-expect-error - reseting ctx values
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-multi-assign
  ctx.warnings = ctx.x = undefined;

  return resolved;

exports.color = color;
exports.preloadApply = preloadApply;
exports.extend = extend;
exports.getGlobals = getGlobals;